Explore with Pulumi AI
Provides a ARMS Synthetic Task resource. Cloud Synthetic task resources.
For information about ARMS Synthetic Task and how to use it, see What is Synthetic Task.
NOTE: Available since v1.215.0.
Example Usage
Basic Usage
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as alicloud from "@pulumi/alicloud";
const config = new pulumi.Config();
const name = config.get("name") || "terraform-example";
const default = alicloud.resourcemanager.getResourceGroups({});
const defaultSyntheticTask = new alicloud.arms.SyntheticTask("default", {
monitors: [{
cityCode: "1200101",
operatorCode: "246",
clientType: 4,
syntheticTaskName: name,
customPeriod: {
endHour: 12,
startHour: 11,
availableAssertions: [
type: "IcmpPackLoss",
operator: "neq",
expect: "200",
target: "example",
type: "IcmpPackAvgLatency",
operator: "lte",
expect: "1000",
type: "IcmpPackMaxLatency",
operator: "lte",
expect: "10000",
tags: {
Created: "TF",
For: "example",
status: "RUNNING",
monitorConf: {
netTcp: {
tracertTimeout: 1050,
targetUrl: "",
connectTimes: 6,
interval: 300,
timeout: 3000,
tracertNumMax: 2,
netDns: {
queryMethod: 1,
timeout: 5050,
targetUrl: "",
dnsServerIpType: 1,
nsServer: "",
apiHttp: {
timeout: 10050,
targetUrl: "",
method: "POST",
requestHeaders: {
key1: "value1",
requestBody: {
content: "example2",
type: "text/html",
connectTimeout: 6000,
website: {
slowElementThreshold: 5005,
verifyStringBlacklist: "Failed",
elementBlacklist: "a.jpg",
disableCompression: 1,
ignoreCertificateError: 0,
monitorTimeout: 20000,
redirection: 0,
dnsHijackWhitelist: "",
pageTamper: "|/cc/bb/a.gif",
flowHijackJumpTimes: 10,
customHeader: 1,
disableCache: 1,
verifyStringWhitelist: "Senyuan",
targetUrl: "",
automaticScrolling: 1,
waitCompletionTime: 5005,
flowHijackLogo: "senyuan1",
customHeaderContent: {
key1: "value1",
filterInvalidIp: 0,
fileDownload: {
whiteList: "",
monitorTimeout: 1050,
ignoreCertificateUntrustworthyError: 0,
redirection: 0,
ignoreCertificateCanceledError: 0,
ignoreCertificateAuthError: 0,
ignoreCertificateOutOfDateError: 0,
ignoreCertificateUsingError: 0,
connectionTimeout: 6090,
ignoreInvalidHostError: 0,
verifyWay: 0,
customHeaderContent: {
key1: "value1",
targetUrl: "",
downloadKernel: 0,
quickProtocol: 2,
ignoreCertificateStatusError: 1,
transmissionSize: 128,
validateKeywords: "senyuan1",
stream: {
streamMonitorTimeout: 10,
streamAddressType: 0,
playerType: 2,
customHeaderContent: {
key1: "value1",
whiteList: "",
targetUrl: "",
streamType: 1,
netIcmp: {
targetUrl: "",
interval: 200,
packageNum: 36,
packageSize: 512,
timeout: 1000,
tracertEnable: true,
tracertNumMax: 1,
tracertTimeout: 1200,
taskType: 1,
frequency: "1h",
monitorCategory: 1,
commonSetting: {
xtraceRegion: "cn-beijing",
customHost: {
hosts: [
domain: "",
ips: [""],
ipType: 0,
domain: "",
ips: [
ipType: 1,
domain: "",
ips: [
ipType: 0,
selectType: 1,
monitorSamples: 1,
ipType: 1,
isOpenTrace: true,
traceClientType: 1,
resourceGroupId: _default.then(_default => _default.ids?.[0]),
import pulumi
import pulumi_alicloud as alicloud
config = pulumi.Config()
name = config.get("name")
if name is None:
name = "terraform-example"
default = alicloud.resourcemanager.get_resource_groups()
default_synthetic_task = alicloud.arms.SyntheticTask("default",
"city_code": "1200101",
"operator_code": "246",
"client_type": 4,
"end_hour": 12,
"start_hour": 11,
"type": "IcmpPackLoss",
"operator": "neq",
"expect": "200",
"target": "example",
"type": "IcmpPackAvgLatency",
"operator": "lte",
"expect": "1000",
"type": "IcmpPackMaxLatency",
"operator": "lte",
"expect": "10000",
"Created": "TF",
"For": "example",
"net_tcp": {
"tracert_timeout": 1050,
"target_url": "",
"connect_times": 6,
"interval": 300,
"timeout": 3000,
"tracert_num_max": 2,
"net_dns": {
"query_method": 1,
"timeout": 5050,
"target_url": "",
"dns_server_ip_type": 1,
"ns_server": "",
"api_http": {
"timeout": 10050,
"target_url": "",
"method": "POST",
"request_headers": {
"key1": "value1",
"request_body": {
"content": "example2",
"type": "text/html",
"connect_timeout": 6000,
"website": {
"slow_element_threshold": 5005,
"verify_string_blacklist": "Failed",
"element_blacklist": "a.jpg",
"disable_compression": 1,
"ignore_certificate_error": 0,
"monitor_timeout": 20000,
"redirection": 0,
"dns_hijack_whitelist": "",
"page_tamper": "|/cc/bb/a.gif",
"flow_hijack_jump_times": 10,
"custom_header": 1,
"disable_cache": 1,
"verify_string_whitelist": "Senyuan",
"target_url": "",
"automatic_scrolling": 1,
"wait_completion_time": 5005,
"flow_hijack_logo": "senyuan1",
"custom_header_content": {
"key1": "value1",
"filter_invalid_ip": 0,
"file_download": {
"white_list": "",
"monitor_timeout": 1050,
"ignore_certificate_untrustworthy_error": 0,
"redirection": 0,
"ignore_certificate_canceled_error": 0,
"ignore_certificate_auth_error": 0,
"ignore_certificate_out_of_date_error": 0,
"ignore_certificate_using_error": 0,
"connection_timeout": 6090,
"ignore_invalid_host_error": 0,
"verify_way": 0,
"custom_header_content": {
"key1": "value1",
"target_url": "",
"download_kernel": 0,
"quick_protocol": 2,
"ignore_certificate_status_error": 1,
"transmission_size": 128,
"validate_keywords": "senyuan1",
"stream": {
"stream_monitor_timeout": 10,
"stream_address_type": 0,
"player_type": 2,
"custom_header_content": {
"key1": "value1",
"white_list": "",
"target_url": "",
"stream_type": 1,
"net_icmp": {
"target_url": "",
"interval": 200,
"package_num": 36,
"package_size": 512,
"timeout": 1000,
"tracert_enable": True,
"tracert_num_max": 1,
"tracert_timeout": 1200,
"xtrace_region": "cn-beijing",
"custom_host": {
"hosts": [
"domain": "",
"ips": [""],
"ip_type": 0,
"domain": "",
"ips": [
"ip_type": 1,
"domain": "",
"ips": [
"ip_type": 0,
"select_type": 1,
"monitor_samples": 1,
"ip_type": 1,
"is_open_trace": True,
"trace_client_type": 1,
package main
import (
func main() {
pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
cfg := config.New(ctx, "")
name := "terraform-example"
if param := cfg.Get("name"); param != "" {
name = param
_default, err := resourcemanager.GetResourceGroups(ctx, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = arms.NewSyntheticTask(ctx, "default", &arms.SyntheticTaskArgs{
Monitors: arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorArray{
CityCode: pulumi.String("1200101"),
OperatorCode: pulumi.String("246"),
ClientType: pulumi.Int(4),
SyntheticTaskName: pulumi.String(name),
CustomPeriod: &arms.SyntheticTaskCustomPeriodArgs{
EndHour: pulumi.Int(12),
StartHour: pulumi.Int(11),
AvailableAssertions: arms.SyntheticTaskAvailableAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("IcmpPackLoss"),
Operator: pulumi.String("neq"),
Expect: pulumi.String("200"),
Target: pulumi.String("example"),
Type: pulumi.String("IcmpPackAvgLatency"),
Operator: pulumi.String("lte"),
Expect: pulumi.String("1000"),
Type: pulumi.String("IcmpPackMaxLatency"),
Operator: pulumi.String("lte"),
Expect: pulumi.String("10000"),
Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
"Created": pulumi.String("TF"),
"For": pulumi.String("example"),
Status: pulumi.String("RUNNING"),
MonitorConf: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfArgs{
NetTcp: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetTcpArgs{
TracertTimeout: pulumi.Int(1050),
TargetUrl: pulumi.String(""),
ConnectTimes: pulumi.Int(6),
Interval: pulumi.Int(300),
Timeout: pulumi.Int(3000),
TracertNumMax: pulumi.Int(2),
NetDns: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetDnsArgs{
QueryMethod: pulumi.Int(1),
Timeout: pulumi.Int(5050),
TargetUrl: pulumi.String(""),
DnsServerIpType: pulumi.Int(1),
NsServer: pulumi.String(""),
ApiHttp: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpArgs{
Timeout: pulumi.Int(10050),
TargetUrl: pulumi.String(""),
Method: pulumi.String("POST"),
RequestHeaders: pulumi.StringMap{
"key1": pulumi.String("value1"),
RequestBody: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpRequestBodyArgs{
Content: pulumi.String("example2"),
Type: pulumi.String("text/html"),
ConnectTimeout: pulumi.Int(6000),
Website: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfWebsiteArgs{
SlowElementThreshold: pulumi.Int(5005),
VerifyStringBlacklist: pulumi.String("Failed"),
ElementBlacklist: pulumi.String("a.jpg"),
DisableCompression: pulumi.Int(1),
IgnoreCertificateError: pulumi.Int(0),
MonitorTimeout: pulumi.Int(20000),
Redirection: pulumi.Int(0),
DnsHijackWhitelist: pulumi.String(""),
PageTamper: pulumi.String("|/cc/bb/a.gif"),
FlowHijackJumpTimes: pulumi.Int(10),
CustomHeader: pulumi.Int(1),
DisableCache: pulumi.Int(1),
VerifyStringWhitelist: pulumi.String("Senyuan"),
TargetUrl: pulumi.String(""),
AutomaticScrolling: pulumi.Int(1),
WaitCompletionTime: pulumi.Int(5005),
FlowHijackLogo: pulumi.String("senyuan1"),
CustomHeaderContent: pulumi.StringMap{
"key1": pulumi.String("value1"),
FilterInvalidIp: pulumi.Int(0),
FileDownload: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfFileDownloadArgs{
WhiteList: pulumi.String(""),
MonitorTimeout: pulumi.Int(1050),
IgnoreCertificateUntrustworthyError: pulumi.Int(0),
Redirection: pulumi.Int(0),
IgnoreCertificateCanceledError: pulumi.Int(0),
IgnoreCertificateAuthError: pulumi.Int(0),
IgnoreCertificateOutOfDateError: pulumi.Int(0),
IgnoreCertificateUsingError: pulumi.Int(0),
ConnectionTimeout: pulumi.Int(6090),
IgnoreInvalidHostError: pulumi.Int(0),
VerifyWay: pulumi.Int(0),
CustomHeaderContent: pulumi.StringMap{
"key1": pulumi.String("value1"),
TargetUrl: pulumi.String(""),
DownloadKernel: pulumi.Int(0),
QuickProtocol: pulumi.Int(2),
IgnoreCertificateStatusError: pulumi.Int(1),
TransmissionSize: pulumi.Int(128),
ValidateKeywords: pulumi.String("senyuan1"),
Stream: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfStreamArgs{
StreamMonitorTimeout: pulumi.Int(10),
StreamAddressType: pulumi.Int(0),
PlayerType: pulumi.Int(2),
CustomHeaderContent: pulumi.StringMap{
"key1": pulumi.String("value1"),
WhiteList: pulumi.String(""),
TargetUrl: pulumi.String(""),
StreamType: pulumi.Int(1),
NetIcmp: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetIcmpArgs{
TargetUrl: pulumi.String(""),
Interval: pulumi.Int(200),
PackageNum: pulumi.Int(36),
PackageSize: pulumi.Int(512),
Timeout: pulumi.Int(1000),
TracertEnable: pulumi.Bool(true),
TracertNumMax: pulumi.Int(1),
TracertTimeout: pulumi.Int(1200),
TaskType: pulumi.Int(1),
Frequency: pulumi.String("1h"),
MonitorCategory: pulumi.Int(1),
CommonSetting: &arms.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingArgs{
XtraceRegion: pulumi.String("cn-beijing"),
CustomHost: &arms.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostArgs{
Hosts: arms.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostHostArray{
Domain: pulumi.String(""),
Ips: pulumi.StringArray{
IpType: pulumi.Int(0),
Domain: pulumi.String(""),
Ips: pulumi.StringArray{
IpType: pulumi.Int(1),
Domain: pulumi.String(""),
Ips: pulumi.StringArray{
IpType: pulumi.Int(0),
SelectType: pulumi.Int(1),
MonitorSamples: pulumi.Int(1),
IpType: pulumi.Int(1),
IsOpenTrace: pulumi.Bool(true),
TraceClientType: pulumi.Int(1),
ResourceGroupId: pulumi.String(_default.Ids[0]),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Pulumi;
using AliCloud = Pulumi.AliCloud;
return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
var config = new Config();
var name = config.Get("name") ?? "terraform-example";
var @default = AliCloud.ResourceManager.GetResourceGroups.Invoke();
var defaultSyntheticTask = new AliCloud.Arms.SyntheticTask("default", new()
Monitors = new[]
new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorArgs
CityCode = "1200101",
OperatorCode = "246",
ClientType = 4,
SyntheticTaskName = name,
CustomPeriod = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskCustomPeriodArgs
EndHour = 12,
StartHour = 11,
AvailableAssertions = new[]
new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskAvailableAssertionArgs
Type = "IcmpPackLoss",
Operator = "neq",
Expect = "200",
Target = "example",
new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskAvailableAssertionArgs
Type = "IcmpPackAvgLatency",
Operator = "lte",
Expect = "1000",
new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskAvailableAssertionArgs
Type = "IcmpPackMaxLatency",
Operator = "lte",
Expect = "10000",
Tags =
{ "Created", "TF" },
{ "For", "example" },
Status = "RUNNING",
MonitorConf = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfArgs
NetTcp = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetTcpArgs
TracertTimeout = 1050,
TargetUrl = "",
ConnectTimes = 6,
Interval = 300,
Timeout = 3000,
TracertNumMax = 2,
NetDns = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetDnsArgs
QueryMethod = 1,
Timeout = 5050,
TargetUrl = "",
DnsServerIpType = 1,
NsServer = "",
ApiHttp = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpArgs
Timeout = 10050,
TargetUrl = "",
Method = "POST",
RequestHeaders =
{ "key1", "value1" },
RequestBody = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpRequestBodyArgs
Content = "example2",
Type = "text/html",
ConnectTimeout = 6000,
Website = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfWebsiteArgs
SlowElementThreshold = 5005,
VerifyStringBlacklist = "Failed",
ElementBlacklist = "a.jpg",
DisableCompression = 1,
IgnoreCertificateError = 0,
MonitorTimeout = 20000,
Redirection = 0,
DnsHijackWhitelist = "",
PageTamper = "|/cc/bb/a.gif",
FlowHijackJumpTimes = 10,
CustomHeader = 1,
DisableCache = 1,
VerifyStringWhitelist = "Senyuan",
TargetUrl = "",
AutomaticScrolling = 1,
WaitCompletionTime = 5005,
FlowHijackLogo = "senyuan1",
CustomHeaderContent =
{ "key1", "value1" },
FilterInvalidIp = 0,
FileDownload = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfFileDownloadArgs
WhiteList = "",
MonitorTimeout = 1050,
IgnoreCertificateUntrustworthyError = 0,
Redirection = 0,
IgnoreCertificateCanceledError = 0,
IgnoreCertificateAuthError = 0,
IgnoreCertificateOutOfDateError = 0,
IgnoreCertificateUsingError = 0,
ConnectionTimeout = 6090,
IgnoreInvalidHostError = 0,
VerifyWay = 0,
CustomHeaderContent =
{ "key1", "value1" },
TargetUrl = "",
DownloadKernel = 0,
QuickProtocol = 2,
IgnoreCertificateStatusError = 1,
TransmissionSize = 128,
ValidateKeywords = "senyuan1",
Stream = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfStreamArgs
StreamMonitorTimeout = 10,
StreamAddressType = 0,
PlayerType = 2,
CustomHeaderContent =
{ "key1", "value1" },
WhiteList = "",
TargetUrl = "",
StreamType = 1,
NetIcmp = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetIcmpArgs
TargetUrl = "",
Interval = 200,
PackageNum = 36,
PackageSize = 512,
Timeout = 1000,
TracertEnable = true,
TracertNumMax = 1,
TracertTimeout = 1200,
TaskType = 1,
Frequency = "1h",
MonitorCategory = 1,
CommonSetting = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingArgs
XtraceRegion = "cn-beijing",
CustomHost = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostArgs
Hosts = new[]
new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostHostArgs
Domain = "",
Ips = new[]
IpType = 0,
new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostHostArgs
Domain = "",
Ips = new[]
IpType = 1,
new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostHostArgs
Domain = "",
Ips = new[]
IpType = 0,
SelectType = 1,
MonitorSamples = 1,
IpType = 1,
IsOpenTrace = true,
TraceClientType = 1,
ResourceGroupId = @default.Apply(@default => @default.Apply(getResourceGroupsResult => getResourceGroupsResult.Ids[0])),
package generated_program;
import com.pulumi.Context;
import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
import com.pulumi.core.Output;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.resourcemanager.ResourcemanagerFunctions;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.resourcemanager.inputs.GetResourceGroupsArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.SyntheticTask;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.SyntheticTaskArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskCustomPeriodArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskAvailableAssertionArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetTcpArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetDnsArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpRequestBodyArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfWebsiteArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfFileDownloadArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfStreamArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetIcmpArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingArgs;
import com.pulumi.alicloud.arms.inputs.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostArgs;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {;
public static void stack(Context ctx) {
final var config = ctx.config();
final var name = config.get("name").orElse("terraform-example");
final var default = ResourcemanagerFunctions.getResourceGroups();
var defaultSyntheticTask = new SyntheticTask("defaultSyntheticTask", SyntheticTaskArgs.builder()
Map.entry("Created", "TF"),
Map.entry("For", "example")
.requestHeaders(Map.of("key1", "value1"))
.customHeaderContent(Map.of("key1", "value1"))
.customHeaderContent(Map.of("key1", "value1"))
.customHeaderContent(Map.of("key1", "value1"))
type: string
default: terraform-example
type: alicloud:arms:SyntheticTask
name: default
- cityCode: '1200101'
operatorCode: '246'
clientType: '4'
syntheticTaskName: ${name}
endHour: '12'
startHour: '11'
- type: IcmpPackLoss
operator: neq
expect: '200'
target: example
- type: IcmpPackAvgLatency
operator: lte
expect: '1000'
- type: IcmpPackMaxLatency
operator: lte
expect: '10000'
Created: TF
For: example
status: RUNNING
tracertTimeout: '1050'
connectTimes: '6'
interval: '300'
timeout: '3000'
tracertNumMax: '2'
queryMethod: '1'
timeout: '5050'
dnsServerIpType: '1'
timeout: '10050'
method: POST
key1: value1
content: example2
type: text/html
connectTimeout: '6000'
slowElementThreshold: '5005'
verifyStringBlacklist: Failed
elementBlacklist: a.jpg
disableCompression: '1'
ignoreCertificateError: '0'
monitorTimeout: '20000'
redirection: '0'
flowHijackJumpTimes: '10'
customHeader: '1'
disableCache: '1'
verifyStringWhitelist: Senyuan
automaticScrolling: '1'
waitCompletionTime: '5005'
flowHijackLogo: senyuan1
key1: value1
filterInvalidIp: '0'
monitorTimeout: '1050'
ignoreCertificateUntrustworthyError: '0'
redirection: '0'
ignoreCertificateCanceledError: '0'
ignoreCertificateAuthError: '0'
ignoreCertificateOutOfDateError: '0'
ignoreCertificateUsingError: '0'
connectionTimeout: '6090'
ignoreInvalidHostError: '0'
verifyWay: '0'
key1: value1
downloadKernel: '0'
quickProtocol: '2'
ignoreCertificateStatusError: '1'
transmissionSize: '128'
validateKeywords: senyuan1
streamMonitorTimeout: '10'
streamAddressType: '0'
playerType: '2'
key1: value1
streamType: '1'
interval: '200'
packageNum: '36'
packageSize: '512'
timeout: '1000'
tracertEnable: 'true'
tracertNumMax: '1'
tracertTimeout: '1200'
taskType: '1'
frequency: 1h
monitorCategory: '1'
xtraceRegion: cn-beijing
- domain:
ipType: '0'
- domain:
ipType: '1'
- domain:
ipType: '0'
selectType: '1'
monitorSamples: '1'
ipType: '1'
isOpenTrace: 'true'
traceClientType: '1'
resourceGroupId: ${default.ids[0]}
Function: alicloud:resourcemanager:getResourceGroups
Arguments: {}
Create SyntheticTask Resource
Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.
Constructor syntax
new SyntheticTask(name: string, args: SyntheticTaskArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
def SyntheticTask(resource_name: str,
args: SyntheticTaskArgs,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
def SyntheticTask(resource_name: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
frequency: Optional[str] = None,
monitor_category: Optional[int] = None,
monitor_conf: Optional[SyntheticTaskMonitorConfArgs] = None,
monitors: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticTaskMonitorArgs]] = None,
synthetic_task_name: Optional[str] = None,
task_type: Optional[int] = None,
available_assertions: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticTaskAvailableAssertionArgs]] = None,
common_setting: Optional[SyntheticTaskCommonSettingArgs] = None,
custom_period: Optional[SyntheticTaskCustomPeriodArgs] = None,
resource_group_id: Optional[str] = None,
status: Optional[str] = None,
tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None)
func NewSyntheticTask(ctx *Context, name string, args SyntheticTaskArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*SyntheticTask, error)
public SyntheticTask(string name, SyntheticTaskArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public SyntheticTask(String name, SyntheticTaskArgs args)
public SyntheticTask(String name, SyntheticTaskArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
type: alicloud:arms:SyntheticTask
properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args SyntheticTaskArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- resource_name str
- The unique name of the resource.
- args SyntheticTaskArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- ctx Context
- Context object for the current deployment.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args SyntheticTaskArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOption
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args SyntheticTaskArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name String
- The unique name of the resource.
- args SyntheticTaskArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- options CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
Constructor example
The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.
var syntheticTaskResource = new AliCloud.Arms.SyntheticTask("syntheticTaskResource", new()
Frequency = "string",
MonitorCategory = 0,
MonitorConf = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfArgs
ApiHttp = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpArgs
TargetUrl = "string",
ConnectTimeout = 0,
Method = "string",
RequestBody = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpRequestBodyArgs
Content = "string",
Type = "string",
RequestHeaders =
{ "string", "string" },
Timeout = 0,
FileDownload = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfFileDownloadArgs
TargetUrl = "string",
IgnoreCertificateUsingError = 0,
IgnoreCertificateOutOfDateError = 0,
IgnoreInvalidHostError = 0,
IgnoreCertificateCanceledError = 0,
MonitorTimeout = 0,
IgnoreCertificateStatusError = 0,
IgnoreCertificateUntrustworthyError = 0,
QuickProtocol = 0,
IgnoreCertificateAuthError = 0,
DownloadKernel = 0,
ConnectionTimeout = 0,
Redirection = 0,
CustomHeaderContent =
{ "string", "string" },
TransmissionSize = 0,
ValidateKeywords = "string",
VerifyWay = 0,
WhiteList = "string",
NetDns = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetDnsArgs
TargetUrl = "string",
DnsServerIpType = 0,
NsServer = "string",
QueryMethod = 0,
Timeout = 0,
NetIcmp = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetIcmpArgs
TargetUrl = "string",
Interval = 0,
PackageNum = 0,
PackageSize = 0,
SplitPackage = false,
Timeout = 0,
TracertEnable = false,
TracertNumMax = 0,
TracertTimeout = 0,
NetTcp = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetTcpArgs
TargetUrl = "string",
ConnectTimes = 0,
Interval = 0,
Timeout = 0,
TracertEnable = false,
TracertNumMax = 0,
TracertTimeout = 0,
Stream = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfStreamArgs
CustomHeaderContent =
{ "string", "string" },
PlayerType = 0,
StreamAddressType = 0,
StreamMonitorTimeout = 0,
StreamType = 0,
TargetUrl = "string",
WhiteList = "string",
Website = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfWebsiteArgs
TargetUrl = "string",
FlowHijackJumpTimes = 0,
DisableCache = 0,
IgnoreCertificateError = 0,
MonitorTimeout = 0,
DnsHijackWhitelist = "string",
ElementBlacklist = "string",
FilterInvalidIp = 0,
AutomaticScrolling = 0,
WaitCompletionTime = 0,
CustomHeaderContent =
{ "string", "string" },
DisableCompression = 0,
PageTamper = "string",
Redirection = 0,
SlowElementThreshold = 0,
CustomHeader = 0,
VerifyStringBlacklist = "string",
VerifyStringWhitelist = "string",
FlowHijackLogo = "string",
Monitors = new[]
new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskMonitorArgs
CityCode = "string",
ClientType = 0,
OperatorCode = "string",
SyntheticTaskName = "string",
TaskType = 0,
AvailableAssertions = new[]
new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskAvailableAssertionArgs
Expect = "string",
Operator = "string",
Type = "string",
Target = "string",
CommonSetting = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingArgs
CustomHost = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostArgs
Hosts = new[]
new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostHostArgs
Domain = "string",
IpType = 0,
Ips = new[]
SelectType = 0,
IpType = 0,
IsOpenTrace = false,
MonitorSamples = 0,
TraceClientType = 0,
XtraceRegion = "string",
CustomPeriod = new AliCloud.Arms.Inputs.SyntheticTaskCustomPeriodArgs
EndHour = 0,
StartHour = 0,
ResourceGroupId = "string",
Status = "string",
Tags =
{ "string", "string" },
example, err := arms.NewSyntheticTask(ctx, "syntheticTaskResource", &arms.SyntheticTaskArgs{
Frequency: pulumi.String("string"),
MonitorCategory: pulumi.Int(0),
MonitorConf: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfArgs{
ApiHttp: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpArgs{
TargetUrl: pulumi.String("string"),
ConnectTimeout: pulumi.Int(0),
Method: pulumi.String("string"),
RequestBody: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpRequestBodyArgs{
Content: pulumi.String("string"),
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
RequestHeaders: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
Timeout: pulumi.Int(0),
FileDownload: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfFileDownloadArgs{
TargetUrl: pulumi.String("string"),
IgnoreCertificateUsingError: pulumi.Int(0),
IgnoreCertificateOutOfDateError: pulumi.Int(0),
IgnoreInvalidHostError: pulumi.Int(0),
IgnoreCertificateCanceledError: pulumi.Int(0),
MonitorTimeout: pulumi.Int(0),
IgnoreCertificateStatusError: pulumi.Int(0),
IgnoreCertificateUntrustworthyError: pulumi.Int(0),
QuickProtocol: pulumi.Int(0),
IgnoreCertificateAuthError: pulumi.Int(0),
DownloadKernel: pulumi.Int(0),
ConnectionTimeout: pulumi.Int(0),
Redirection: pulumi.Int(0),
CustomHeaderContent: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
TransmissionSize: pulumi.Int(0),
ValidateKeywords: pulumi.String("string"),
VerifyWay: pulumi.Int(0),
WhiteList: pulumi.String("string"),
NetDns: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetDnsArgs{
TargetUrl: pulumi.String("string"),
DnsServerIpType: pulumi.Int(0),
NsServer: pulumi.String("string"),
QueryMethod: pulumi.Int(0),
Timeout: pulumi.Int(0),
NetIcmp: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetIcmpArgs{
TargetUrl: pulumi.String("string"),
Interval: pulumi.Int(0),
PackageNum: pulumi.Int(0),
PackageSize: pulumi.Int(0),
SplitPackage: pulumi.Bool(false),
Timeout: pulumi.Int(0),
TracertEnable: pulumi.Bool(false),
TracertNumMax: pulumi.Int(0),
TracertTimeout: pulumi.Int(0),
NetTcp: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetTcpArgs{
TargetUrl: pulumi.String("string"),
ConnectTimes: pulumi.Int(0),
Interval: pulumi.Int(0),
Timeout: pulumi.Int(0),
TracertEnable: pulumi.Bool(false),
TracertNumMax: pulumi.Int(0),
TracertTimeout: pulumi.Int(0),
Stream: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfStreamArgs{
CustomHeaderContent: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
PlayerType: pulumi.Int(0),
StreamAddressType: pulumi.Int(0),
StreamMonitorTimeout: pulumi.Int(0),
StreamType: pulumi.Int(0),
TargetUrl: pulumi.String("string"),
WhiteList: pulumi.String("string"),
Website: &arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorConfWebsiteArgs{
TargetUrl: pulumi.String("string"),
FlowHijackJumpTimes: pulumi.Int(0),
DisableCache: pulumi.Int(0),
IgnoreCertificateError: pulumi.Int(0),
MonitorTimeout: pulumi.Int(0),
DnsHijackWhitelist: pulumi.String("string"),
ElementBlacklist: pulumi.String("string"),
FilterInvalidIp: pulumi.Int(0),
AutomaticScrolling: pulumi.Int(0),
WaitCompletionTime: pulumi.Int(0),
CustomHeaderContent: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
DisableCompression: pulumi.Int(0),
PageTamper: pulumi.String("string"),
Redirection: pulumi.Int(0),
SlowElementThreshold: pulumi.Int(0),
CustomHeader: pulumi.Int(0),
VerifyStringBlacklist: pulumi.String("string"),
VerifyStringWhitelist: pulumi.String("string"),
FlowHijackLogo: pulumi.String("string"),
Monitors: arms.SyntheticTaskMonitorArray{
CityCode: pulumi.String("string"),
ClientType: pulumi.Int(0),
OperatorCode: pulumi.String("string"),
SyntheticTaskName: pulumi.String("string"),
TaskType: pulumi.Int(0),
AvailableAssertions: arms.SyntheticTaskAvailableAssertionArray{
Expect: pulumi.String("string"),
Operator: pulumi.String("string"),
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
Target: pulumi.String("string"),
CommonSetting: &arms.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingArgs{
CustomHost: &arms.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostArgs{
Hosts: arms.SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostHostArray{
Domain: pulumi.String("string"),
IpType: pulumi.Int(0),
Ips: pulumi.StringArray{
SelectType: pulumi.Int(0),
IpType: pulumi.Int(0),
IsOpenTrace: pulumi.Bool(false),
MonitorSamples: pulumi.Int(0),
TraceClientType: pulumi.Int(0),
XtraceRegion: pulumi.String("string"),
CustomPeriod: &arms.SyntheticTaskCustomPeriodArgs{
EndHour: pulumi.Int(0),
StartHour: pulumi.Int(0),
ResourceGroupId: pulumi.String("string"),
Status: pulumi.String("string"),
Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
var syntheticTaskResource = new SyntheticTask("syntheticTaskResource", SyntheticTaskArgs.builder()
.requestHeaders(Map.of("string", "string"))
.customHeaderContent(Map.of("string", "string"))
.customHeaderContent(Map.of("string", "string"))
.customHeaderContent(Map.of("string", "string"))
.tags(Map.of("string", "string"))
synthetic_task_resource = alicloud.arms.SyntheticTask("syntheticTaskResource",
"string": "string",
"string": "string",
"string": "string",
"string": "string",
"string": "string",
const syntheticTaskResource = new alicloud.arms.SyntheticTask("syntheticTaskResource", {
frequency: "string",
monitorCategory: 0,
monitorConf: {
apiHttp: {
targetUrl: "string",
connectTimeout: 0,
method: "string",
requestBody: {
content: "string",
type: "string",
requestHeaders: {
string: "string",
timeout: 0,
fileDownload: {
targetUrl: "string",
ignoreCertificateUsingError: 0,
ignoreCertificateOutOfDateError: 0,
ignoreInvalidHostError: 0,
ignoreCertificateCanceledError: 0,
monitorTimeout: 0,
ignoreCertificateStatusError: 0,
ignoreCertificateUntrustworthyError: 0,
quickProtocol: 0,
ignoreCertificateAuthError: 0,
downloadKernel: 0,
connectionTimeout: 0,
redirection: 0,
customHeaderContent: {
string: "string",
transmissionSize: 0,
validateKeywords: "string",
verifyWay: 0,
whiteList: "string",
netDns: {
targetUrl: "string",
dnsServerIpType: 0,
nsServer: "string",
queryMethod: 0,
timeout: 0,
netIcmp: {
targetUrl: "string",
interval: 0,
packageNum: 0,
packageSize: 0,
splitPackage: false,
timeout: 0,
tracertEnable: false,
tracertNumMax: 0,
tracertTimeout: 0,
netTcp: {
targetUrl: "string",
connectTimes: 0,
interval: 0,
timeout: 0,
tracertEnable: false,
tracertNumMax: 0,
tracertTimeout: 0,
stream: {
customHeaderContent: {
string: "string",
playerType: 0,
streamAddressType: 0,
streamMonitorTimeout: 0,
streamType: 0,
targetUrl: "string",
whiteList: "string",
website: {
targetUrl: "string",
flowHijackJumpTimes: 0,
disableCache: 0,
ignoreCertificateError: 0,
monitorTimeout: 0,
dnsHijackWhitelist: "string",
elementBlacklist: "string",
filterInvalidIp: 0,
automaticScrolling: 0,
waitCompletionTime: 0,
customHeaderContent: {
string: "string",
disableCompression: 0,
pageTamper: "string",
redirection: 0,
slowElementThreshold: 0,
customHeader: 0,
verifyStringBlacklist: "string",
verifyStringWhitelist: "string",
flowHijackLogo: "string",
monitors: [{
cityCode: "string",
clientType: 0,
operatorCode: "string",
syntheticTaskName: "string",
taskType: 0,
availableAssertions: [{
expect: "string",
operator: "string",
type: "string",
target: "string",
commonSetting: {
customHost: {
hosts: [{
domain: "string",
ipType: 0,
ips: ["string"],
selectType: 0,
ipType: 0,
isOpenTrace: false,
monitorSamples: 0,
traceClientType: 0,
xtraceRegion: "string",
customPeriod: {
endHour: 0,
startHour: 0,
resourceGroupId: "string",
status: "string",
tags: {
string: "string",
type: alicloud:arms:SyntheticTask
- expect: string
operator: string
target: string
type: string
- domain: string
ipType: 0
- string
selectType: 0
ipType: 0
isOpenTrace: false
monitorSamples: 0
traceClientType: 0
xtraceRegion: string
endHour: 0
startHour: 0
frequency: string
monitorCategory: 0
connectTimeout: 0
method: string
content: string
type: string
string: string
targetUrl: string
timeout: 0
connectionTimeout: 0
string: string
downloadKernel: 0
ignoreCertificateAuthError: 0
ignoreCertificateCanceledError: 0
ignoreCertificateOutOfDateError: 0
ignoreCertificateStatusError: 0
ignoreCertificateUntrustworthyError: 0
ignoreCertificateUsingError: 0
ignoreInvalidHostError: 0
monitorTimeout: 0
quickProtocol: 0
redirection: 0
targetUrl: string
transmissionSize: 0
validateKeywords: string
verifyWay: 0
whiteList: string
dnsServerIpType: 0
nsServer: string
queryMethod: 0
targetUrl: string
timeout: 0
interval: 0
packageNum: 0
packageSize: 0
splitPackage: false
targetUrl: string
timeout: 0
tracertEnable: false
tracertNumMax: 0
tracertTimeout: 0
connectTimes: 0
interval: 0
targetUrl: string
timeout: 0
tracertEnable: false
tracertNumMax: 0
tracertTimeout: 0
string: string
playerType: 0
streamAddressType: 0
streamMonitorTimeout: 0
streamType: 0
targetUrl: string
whiteList: string
automaticScrolling: 0
customHeader: 0
string: string
disableCache: 0
disableCompression: 0
dnsHijackWhitelist: string
elementBlacklist: string
filterInvalidIp: 0
flowHijackJumpTimes: 0
flowHijackLogo: string
ignoreCertificateError: 0
monitorTimeout: 0
pageTamper: string
redirection: 0
slowElementThreshold: 0
targetUrl: string
verifyStringBlacklist: string
verifyStringWhitelist: string
waitCompletionTime: 0
- cityCode: string
clientType: 0
operatorCode: string
resourceGroupId: string
status: string
syntheticTaskName: string
string: string
taskType: 0
SyntheticTask Resource Properties
To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.
The SyntheticTask resource accepts the following input properties:
- Frequency string
- Frequency.
- Monitor
Category int - Classification of selected monitors.
- Monitor
Conf Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Monitor Conf - Monitoring configuration. See
below. - Monitors
Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Monitor> - List of selected monitors. See
below. - Synthetic
Task stringName - The name of synthetic task.
- Task
Type int - The type of synthetic task.
- Available
Assertions List<Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Available Assertion> - Assertion List. See
below. - Common
Setting Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Common Setting - Common settings. See
below. - Custom
Period Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Custom Period - Custom Cycle. See
below. - Resource
Group stringId - Describes which resource group the resource belongs.
- Status string
- task status.
- Dictionary<string, string>
- The list of tags.
- Frequency string
- Frequency.
- Monitor
Category int - Classification of selected monitors.
- Monitor
Conf SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Args - Monitoring configuration. See
below. - Monitors
Task Monitor Args - List of selected monitors. See
below. - Synthetic
Task stringName - The name of synthetic task.
- Task
Type int - The type of synthetic task.
- Available
Assertions []SyntheticTask Available Assertion Args - Assertion List. See
below. - Common
Setting SyntheticTask Common Setting Args - Common settings. See
below. - Custom
Period SyntheticTask Custom Period Args - Custom Cycle. See
below. - Resource
Group stringId - Describes which resource group the resource belongs.
- Status string
- task status.
- map[string]string
- The list of tags.
- frequency String
- Frequency.
- monitor
Category Integer - Classification of selected monitors.
- monitor
Conf SyntheticTask Monitor Conf - Monitoring configuration. See
below. - monitors
Task Monitor> - List of selected monitors. See
below. - synthetic
Task StringName - The name of synthetic task.
- task
Type Integer - The type of synthetic task.
- available
Assertions List<SyntheticTask Available Assertion> - Assertion List. See
below. - common
Setting SyntheticTask Common Setting - Common settings. See
below. - custom
Period SyntheticTask Custom Period - Custom Cycle. See
below. - resource
Group StringId - Describes which resource group the resource belongs.
- status String
- task status.
- Map<String,String>
- The list of tags.
- frequency string
- Frequency.
- monitor
Category number - Classification of selected monitors.
- monitor
Conf SyntheticTask Monitor Conf - Monitoring configuration. See
below. - monitors
Task Monitor[] - List of selected monitors. See
below. - synthetic
Task stringName - The name of synthetic task.
- task
Type number - The type of synthetic task.
- available
Assertions SyntheticTask Available Assertion[] - Assertion List. See
below. - common
Setting SyntheticTask Common Setting - Common settings. See
below. - custom
Period SyntheticTask Custom Period - Custom Cycle. See
below. - resource
Group stringId - Describes which resource group the resource belongs.
- status string
- task status.
- {[key: string]: string}
- The list of tags.
- frequency str
- Frequency.
- monitor_
category int - Classification of selected monitors.
- monitor_
conf SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Args - Monitoring configuration. See
below. - monitors
Task Monitor Args] - List of selected monitors. See
below. - synthetic_
task_ strname - The name of synthetic task.
- task_
type int - The type of synthetic task.
- available_
assertions Sequence[SyntheticTask Available Assertion Args] - Assertion List. See
below. - common_
setting SyntheticTask Common Setting Args - Common settings. See
below. - custom_
period SyntheticTask Custom Period Args - Custom Cycle. See
below. - resource_
group_ strid - Describes which resource group the resource belongs.
- status str
- task status.
- Mapping[str, str]
- The list of tags.
- frequency String
- Frequency.
- monitor
Category Number - Classification of selected monitors.
- monitor
Conf Property Map - Monitoring configuration. See
below. - monitors List<Property Map>
- List of selected monitors. See
below. - synthetic
Task StringName - The name of synthetic task.
- task
Type Number - The type of synthetic task.
- available
Assertions List<Property Map> - Assertion List. See
below. - common
Setting Property Map - Common settings. See
below. - custom
Period Property Map - Custom Cycle. See
below. - resource
Group StringId - Describes which resource group the resource belongs.
- status String
- task status.
- Map<String>
- The list of tags.
All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the SyntheticTask resource produces the following output properties:
- Id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- Id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- id String
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- id str
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- id String
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
Look up Existing SyntheticTask Resource
Get an existing SyntheticTask resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.
public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: SyntheticTaskState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): SyntheticTask
def get(resource_name: str,
id: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
available_assertions: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticTaskAvailableAssertionArgs]] = None,
common_setting: Optional[SyntheticTaskCommonSettingArgs] = None,
custom_period: Optional[SyntheticTaskCustomPeriodArgs] = None,
frequency: Optional[str] = None,
monitor_category: Optional[int] = None,
monitor_conf: Optional[SyntheticTaskMonitorConfArgs] = None,
monitors: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticTaskMonitorArgs]] = None,
resource_group_id: Optional[str] = None,
status: Optional[str] = None,
synthetic_task_name: Optional[str] = None,
tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
task_type: Optional[int] = None) -> SyntheticTask
func GetSyntheticTask(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *SyntheticTaskState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*SyntheticTask, error)
public static SyntheticTask Get(string name, Input<string> id, SyntheticTaskState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public static SyntheticTask get(String name, Output<String> id, SyntheticTaskState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- resource_name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- Available
Assertions List<Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Available Assertion> - Assertion List. See
below. - Common
Setting Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Common Setting - Common settings. See
below. - Custom
Period Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Custom Period - Custom Cycle. See
below. - Frequency string
- Frequency.
- Monitor
Category int - Classification of selected monitors.
- Monitor
Conf Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Monitor Conf - Monitoring configuration. See
below. - Monitors
Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Monitor> - List of selected monitors. See
below. - Resource
Group stringId - Describes which resource group the resource belongs.
- Status string
- task status.
- Synthetic
Task stringName - The name of synthetic task.
- Dictionary<string, string>
- The list of tags.
- Task
Type int - The type of synthetic task.
- Available
Assertions []SyntheticTask Available Assertion Args - Assertion List. See
below. - Common
Setting SyntheticTask Common Setting Args - Common settings. See
below. - Custom
Period SyntheticTask Custom Period Args - Custom Cycle. See
below. - Frequency string
- Frequency.
- Monitor
Category int - Classification of selected monitors.
- Monitor
Conf SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Args - Monitoring configuration. See
below. - Monitors
Task Monitor Args - List of selected monitors. See
below. - Resource
Group stringId - Describes which resource group the resource belongs.
- Status string
- task status.
- Synthetic
Task stringName - The name of synthetic task.
- map[string]string
- The list of tags.
- Task
Type int - The type of synthetic task.
- available
Assertions List<SyntheticTask Available Assertion> - Assertion List. See
below. - common
Setting SyntheticTask Common Setting - Common settings. See
below. - custom
Period SyntheticTask Custom Period - Custom Cycle. See
below. - frequency String
- Frequency.
- monitor
Category Integer - Classification of selected monitors.
- monitor
Conf SyntheticTask Monitor Conf - Monitoring configuration. See
below. - monitors
Task Monitor> - List of selected monitors. See
below. - resource
Group StringId - Describes which resource group the resource belongs.
- status String
- task status.
- synthetic
Task StringName - The name of synthetic task.
- Map<String,String>
- The list of tags.
- task
Type Integer - The type of synthetic task.
- available
Assertions SyntheticTask Available Assertion[] - Assertion List. See
below. - common
Setting SyntheticTask Common Setting - Common settings. See
below. - custom
Period SyntheticTask Custom Period - Custom Cycle. See
below. - frequency string
- Frequency.
- monitor
Category number - Classification of selected monitors.
- monitor
Conf SyntheticTask Monitor Conf - Monitoring configuration. See
below. - monitors
Task Monitor[] - List of selected monitors. See
below. - resource
Group stringId - Describes which resource group the resource belongs.
- status string
- task status.
- synthetic
Task stringName - The name of synthetic task.
- {[key: string]: string}
- The list of tags.
- task
Type number - The type of synthetic task.
- available_
assertions Sequence[SyntheticTask Available Assertion Args] - Assertion List. See
below. - common_
setting SyntheticTask Common Setting Args - Common settings. See
below. - custom_
period SyntheticTask Custom Period Args - Custom Cycle. See
below. - frequency str
- Frequency.
- monitor_
category int - Classification of selected monitors.
- monitor_
conf SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Args - Monitoring configuration. See
below. - monitors
Task Monitor Args] - List of selected monitors. See
below. - resource_
group_ strid - Describes which resource group the resource belongs.
- status str
- task status.
- synthetic_
task_ strname - The name of synthetic task.
- Mapping[str, str]
- The list of tags.
- task_
type int - The type of synthetic task.
- available
Assertions List<Property Map> - Assertion List. See
below. - common
Setting Property Map - Common settings. See
below. - custom
Period Property Map - Custom Cycle. See
below. - frequency String
- Frequency.
- monitor
Category Number - Classification of selected monitors.
- monitor
Conf Property Map - Monitoring configuration. See
below. - monitors List<Property Map>
- List of selected monitors. See
below. - resource
Group StringId - Describes which resource group the resource belongs.
- status String
- task status.
- synthetic
Task StringName - The name of synthetic task.
- Map<String>
- The list of tags.
- task
Type Number - The type of synthetic task.
Supporting Types
SyntheticTaskAvailableAssertion, SyntheticTaskAvailableAssertionArgs
- Expect string
- Expected value.
- Operator string
- Condition: gt: greater than; gte: greater than or equal to; lt: less than; te: less than or equal to; eq: equal to; neq: not equal to; ctn: contains; nctn: does not contain; exist: exists; n_exist: does not exist; belong: belongs to; reg_match: regular matching.
- Type string
- Assertion type, including: httpresead, httpresead, HttpResBody, HttpResBodyJson, httpressetime, IcmpPackLoss (packet loss rate), IcmpPackMaxLatency (maximum packet delay ms), icmppackwebscreen, fmppackavglatency (average delay rendering), TraceRouteHops (number of hops), dnsarecname, websiteOnload (full load time), see the supplement below for specific use.
- Target string
- Check the target. If the target is HttpResCode, HttpResBody, or httpressetime, you do not need to specify the target. If the target is HttpResHead, you need to specify the key in the header. If the target is HttpResHead, you need to use jsonPath.
- Expect string
- Expected value.
- Operator string
- Condition: gt: greater than; gte: greater than or equal to; lt: less than; te: less than or equal to; eq: equal to; neq: not equal to; ctn: contains; nctn: does not contain; exist: exists; n_exist: does not exist; belong: belongs to; reg_match: regular matching.
- Type string
- Assertion type, including: httpresead, httpresead, HttpResBody, HttpResBodyJson, httpressetime, IcmpPackLoss (packet loss rate), IcmpPackMaxLatency (maximum packet delay ms), icmppackwebscreen, fmppackavglatency (average delay rendering), TraceRouteHops (number of hops), dnsarecname, websiteOnload (full load time), see the supplement below for specific use.
- Target string
- Check the target. If the target is HttpResCode, HttpResBody, or httpressetime, you do not need to specify the target. If the target is HttpResHead, you need to specify the key in the header. If the target is HttpResHead, you need to use jsonPath.
- expect String
- Expected value.
- operator String
- Condition: gt: greater than; gte: greater than or equal to; lt: less than; te: less than or equal to; eq: equal to; neq: not equal to; ctn: contains; nctn: does not contain; exist: exists; n_exist: does not exist; belong: belongs to; reg_match: regular matching.
- type String
- Assertion type, including: httpresead, httpresead, HttpResBody, HttpResBodyJson, httpressetime, IcmpPackLoss (packet loss rate), IcmpPackMaxLatency (maximum packet delay ms), icmppackwebscreen, fmppackavglatency (average delay rendering), TraceRouteHops (number of hops), dnsarecname, websiteOnload (full load time), see the supplement below for specific use.
- target String
- Check the target. If the target is HttpResCode, HttpResBody, or httpressetime, you do not need to specify the target. If the target is HttpResHead, you need to specify the key in the header. If the target is HttpResHead, you need to use jsonPath.
- expect string
- Expected value.
- operator string
- Condition: gt: greater than; gte: greater than or equal to; lt: less than; te: less than or equal to; eq: equal to; neq: not equal to; ctn: contains; nctn: does not contain; exist: exists; n_exist: does not exist; belong: belongs to; reg_match: regular matching.
- type string
- Assertion type, including: httpresead, httpresead, HttpResBody, HttpResBodyJson, httpressetime, IcmpPackLoss (packet loss rate), IcmpPackMaxLatency (maximum packet delay ms), icmppackwebscreen, fmppackavglatency (average delay rendering), TraceRouteHops (number of hops), dnsarecname, websiteOnload (full load time), see the supplement below for specific use.
- target string
- Check the target. If the target is HttpResCode, HttpResBody, or httpressetime, you do not need to specify the target. If the target is HttpResHead, you need to specify the key in the header. If the target is HttpResHead, you need to use jsonPath.
- expect str
- Expected value.
- operator str
- Condition: gt: greater than; gte: greater than or equal to; lt: less than; te: less than or equal to; eq: equal to; neq: not equal to; ctn: contains; nctn: does not contain; exist: exists; n_exist: does not exist; belong: belongs to; reg_match: regular matching.
- type str
- Assertion type, including: httpresead, httpresead, HttpResBody, HttpResBodyJson, httpressetime, IcmpPackLoss (packet loss rate), IcmpPackMaxLatency (maximum packet delay ms), icmppackwebscreen, fmppackavglatency (average delay rendering), TraceRouteHops (number of hops), dnsarecname, websiteOnload (full load time), see the supplement below for specific use.
- target str
- Check the target. If the target is HttpResCode, HttpResBody, or httpressetime, you do not need to specify the target. If the target is HttpResHead, you need to specify the key in the header. If the target is HttpResHead, you need to use jsonPath.
- expect String
- Expected value.
- operator String
- Condition: gt: greater than; gte: greater than or equal to; lt: less than; te: less than or equal to; eq: equal to; neq: not equal to; ctn: contains; nctn: does not contain; exist: exists; n_exist: does not exist; belong: belongs to; reg_match: regular matching.
- type String
- Assertion type, including: httpresead, httpresead, HttpResBody, HttpResBodyJson, httpressetime, IcmpPackLoss (packet loss rate), IcmpPackMaxLatency (maximum packet delay ms), icmppackwebscreen, fmppackavglatency (average delay rendering), TraceRouteHops (number of hops), dnsarecname, websiteOnload (full load time), see the supplement below for specific use.
- target String
- Check the target. If the target is HttpResCode, HttpResBody, or httpressetime, you do not need to specify the target. If the target is HttpResHead, you need to specify the key in the header. If the target is HttpResHead, you need to use jsonPath.
SyntheticTaskCommonSetting, SyntheticTaskCommonSettingArgs
- Custom
Host Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Common Setting Custom Host - Custom host. See
below. - Ip
Type int - IpType.
- Is
Open boolTrace - Whether to enable link tracking.
- Monitor
Samples int - Whether the monitoring samples are evenly distributed:
- 0: No 1: Yes.
- Trace
Client intType - Link trace client type:
- 0:ARMS Agent
- 1:OpenTelemetry
- 2:Jaeger.
- Xtrace
Region string - The link data is reported to the region.
- Custom
Host SyntheticTask Common Setting Custom Host - Custom host. See
below. - Ip
Type int - IpType.
- Is
Open boolTrace - Whether to enable link tracking.
- Monitor
Samples int - Whether the monitoring samples are evenly distributed:
- 0: No 1: Yes.
- Trace
Client intType - Link trace client type:
- 0:ARMS Agent
- 1:OpenTelemetry
- 2:Jaeger.
- Xtrace
Region string - The link data is reported to the region.
- custom
Host SyntheticTask Common Setting Custom Host - Custom host. See
below. - ip
Type Integer - IpType.
- is
Open BooleanTrace - Whether to enable link tracking.
- monitor
Samples Integer - Whether the monitoring samples are evenly distributed:
- 0: No 1: Yes.
- trace
Client IntegerType - Link trace client type:
- 0:ARMS Agent
- 1:OpenTelemetry
- 2:Jaeger.
- xtrace
Region String - The link data is reported to the region.
- custom
Host SyntheticTask Common Setting Custom Host - Custom host. See
below. - ip
Type number - IpType.
- is
Open booleanTrace - Whether to enable link tracking.
- monitor
Samples number - Whether the monitoring samples are evenly distributed:
- 0: No 1: Yes.
- trace
Client numberType - Link trace client type:
- 0:ARMS Agent
- 1:OpenTelemetry
- 2:Jaeger.
- xtrace
Region string - The link data is reported to the region.
- custom_
host SyntheticTask Common Setting Custom Host - Custom host. See
below. - ip_
type int - IpType.
- is_
open_ booltrace - Whether to enable link tracking.
- monitor_
samples int - Whether the monitoring samples are evenly distributed:
- 0: No 1: Yes.
- trace_
client_ inttype - Link trace client type:
- 0:ARMS Agent
- 1:OpenTelemetry
- 2:Jaeger.
- xtrace_
region str - The link data is reported to the region.
- custom
Host Property Map - Custom host. See
below. - ip
Type Number - IpType.
- is
Open BooleanTrace - Whether to enable link tracking.
- monitor
Samples Number - Whether the monitoring samples are evenly distributed:
- 0: No 1: Yes.
- trace
Client NumberType - Link trace client type:
- 0:ARMS Agent
- 1:OpenTelemetry
- 2:Jaeger.
- xtrace
Region String - The link data is reported to the region.
SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHost, SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostArgs
- Hosts
Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Common Setting Custom Host Host> - The host list. See
below. - Select
Type int - Selection method:
- 0: Random
- 1: Polling.
- Hosts
Task Common Setting Custom Host Host - The host list. See
below. - Select
Type int - Selection method:
- 0: Random
- 1: Polling.
- hosts
Task Common Setting Custom Host Host> - The host list. See
below. - select
Type Integer - Selection method:
- 0: Random
- 1: Polling.
- hosts
Task Common Setting Custom Host Host[] - The host list. See
below. - select
Type number - Selection method:
- 0: Random
- 1: Polling.
- hosts
Task Common Setting Custom Host Host] - The host list. See
below. - select_
type int - Selection method:
- 0: Random
- 1: Polling.
- hosts List<Property Map>
- The host list. See
below. - select
Type Number - Selection method:
- 0: Random
- 1: Polling.
SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostHost, SyntheticTaskCommonSettingCustomHostHostArgs
SyntheticTaskCustomPeriod, SyntheticTaskCustomPeriodArgs
- end_
hour int - End hours, 0-24.
- start_
hour int - Starting hours, 0-24.
SyntheticTaskMonitor, SyntheticTaskMonitorArgs
- City
Code string - The city code of monitor.
- Client
Type int - The type of monitor.
- Operator
Code string - The operator code of monitor.
- City
Code string - The city code of monitor.
- Client
Type int - The type of monitor.
- Operator
Code string - The operator code of monitor.
- city
Code String - The city code of monitor.
- client
Type Integer - The type of monitor.
- operator
Code String - The operator code of monitor.
- city
Code string - The city code of monitor.
- client
Type number - The type of monitor.
- operator
Code string - The operator code of monitor.
- city_
code str - The city code of monitor.
- client_
type int - The type of monitor.
- operator_
code str - The operator code of monitor.
- city
Code String - The city code of monitor.
- client
Type Number - The type of monitor.
- operator
Code String - The operator code of monitor.
SyntheticTaskMonitorConf, SyntheticTaskMonitorConfArgs
- Api
Http Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Monitor Conf Api Http - HTTP(S) task configuration information. See
below. - File
Download Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Monitor Conf File Download - File download type task configuration. See
below. - Net
Dns Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Monitor Conf Net Dns - The configuration parameters of the DNS dial test. Required when TaskType is 3. See
below. - Net
Icmp Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Monitor Conf Net Icmp - ICMP dialing configuration parameters. Required when TaskType is 1. See
below. - Net
Tcp Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Monitor Conf Net Tcp - The configuration parameters of TCP dial test. Required when TaskType is 2. See
below. - Stream
Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Monitor Conf Stream - Streaming Media Dial Test Configuration. See
below. - Website
Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Monitor Conf Website - Website speed measurement type task configuration. See
- Api
Http SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Api Http - HTTP(S) task configuration information. See
below. - File
Download SyntheticTask Monitor Conf File Download - File download type task configuration. See
below. - Net
Dns SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Net Dns - The configuration parameters of the DNS dial test. Required when TaskType is 3. See
below. - Net
Icmp SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Net Icmp - ICMP dialing configuration parameters. Required when TaskType is 1. See
below. - Net
Tcp SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Net Tcp - The configuration parameters of TCP dial test. Required when TaskType is 2. See
below. - Stream
Task Monitor Conf Stream - Streaming Media Dial Test Configuration. See
below. - Website
Task Monitor Conf Website - Website speed measurement type task configuration. See
- api
Http SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Api Http - HTTP(S) task configuration information. See
below. - file
Download SyntheticTask Monitor Conf File Download - File download type task configuration. See
below. - net
Dns SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Net Dns - The configuration parameters of the DNS dial test. Required when TaskType is 3. See
below. - net
Icmp SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Net Icmp - ICMP dialing configuration parameters. Required when TaskType is 1. See
below. - net
Tcp SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Net Tcp - The configuration parameters of TCP dial test. Required when TaskType is 2. See
below. - stream
Task Monitor Conf Stream - Streaming Media Dial Test Configuration. See
below. - website
Task Monitor Conf Website - Website speed measurement type task configuration. See
- api
Http SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Api Http - HTTP(S) task configuration information. See
below. - file
Download SyntheticTask Monitor Conf File Download - File download type task configuration. See
below. - net
Dns SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Net Dns - The configuration parameters of the DNS dial test. Required when TaskType is 3. See
below. - net
Icmp SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Net Icmp - ICMP dialing configuration parameters. Required when TaskType is 1. See
below. - net
Tcp SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Net Tcp - The configuration parameters of TCP dial test. Required when TaskType is 2. See
below. - stream
Task Monitor Conf Stream - Streaming Media Dial Test Configuration. See
below. - website
Task Monitor Conf Website - Website speed measurement type task configuration. See
- api_
http SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Api Http - HTTP(S) task configuration information. See
below. - file_
download SyntheticTask Monitor Conf File Download - File download type task configuration. See
below. - net_
dns SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Net Dns - The configuration parameters of the DNS dial test. Required when TaskType is 3. See
below. - net_
icmp SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Net Icmp - ICMP dialing configuration parameters. Required when TaskType is 1. See
below. - net_
tcp SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Net Tcp - The configuration parameters of TCP dial test. Required when TaskType is 2. See
below. - stream
Task Monitor Conf Stream - Streaming Media Dial Test Configuration. See
below. - website
Task Monitor Conf Website - Website speed measurement type task configuration. See
- api
Http Property Map - HTTP(S) task configuration information. See
below. - file
Download Property Map - File download type task configuration. See
below. - net
Dns Property Map - The configuration parameters of the DNS dial test. Required when TaskType is 3. See
below. - net
Icmp Property Map - ICMP dialing configuration parameters. Required when TaskType is 1. See
below. - net
Tcp Property Map - The configuration parameters of TCP dial test. Required when TaskType is 2. See
below. - stream Property Map
- Streaming Media Dial Test Configuration. See
below. - website Property Map
- Website speed measurement type task configuration. See
SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttp, SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpArgs
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- Connect
Timeout int - Connection timeout, in ms. Default 5000. Optional range: 1000-300000ms.
- Method string
- HTTP method, GET or POST.
- Request
Body Pulumi.Ali Cloud. Arms. Inputs. Synthetic Task Monitor Conf Api Http Request Body - HTTP request body. See
below. - Request
Headers Dictionary<string, string> - HTTP request header.
- Timeout int
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- Connect
Timeout int - Connection timeout, in ms. Default 5000. Optional range: 1000-300000ms.
- Method string
- HTTP method, GET or POST.
- Request
Body SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Api Http Request Body - HTTP request body. See
below. - Request
Headers map[string]string - HTTP request header.
- Timeout int
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- connect
Timeout Integer - Connection timeout, in ms. Default 5000. Optional range: 1000-300000ms.
- method String
- HTTP method, GET or POST.
- request
Body SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Api Http Request Body - HTTP request body. See
below. - request
Headers Map<String,String> - HTTP request header.
- timeout Integer
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- target
Url string - The target URL.
- connect
Timeout number - Connection timeout, in ms. Default 5000. Optional range: 1000-300000ms.
- method string
- HTTP method, GET or POST.
- request
Body SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Api Http Request Body - HTTP request body. See
below. - request
Headers {[key: string]: string} - HTTP request header.
- timeout number
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- target_
url str - The target URL.
- connect_
timeout int - Connection timeout, in ms. Default 5000. Optional range: 1000-300000ms.
- method str
- HTTP method, GET or POST.
- request_
body SyntheticTask Monitor Conf Api Http Request Body - HTTP request body. See
below. - request_
headers Mapping[str, str] - HTTP request header.
- timeout int
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- connect
Timeout Number - Connection timeout, in ms. Default 5000. Optional range: 1000-300000ms.
- method String
- HTTP method, GET or POST.
- request
Body Property Map - HTTP request body. See
below. - request
Headers Map<String> - HTTP request header.
- timeout Number
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpRequestBody, SyntheticTaskMonitorConfApiHttpRequestBodyArgs
SyntheticTaskMonitorConfFileDownload, SyntheticTaskMonitorConfFileDownloadArgs
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- Connection
Timeout int - Connection timeout time, in ms. Default 5000. Optional range: 1000-120000ms.
- Custom
Header Dictionary<string, string>Content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- Download
Kernel int - Download the kernel.
- 1:curl
- 0:WinInet Default 1.
- Ignore
Certificate intAuth Error - Ignore CA Certificate authorization error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- Ignore
Certificate intCanceled Error - Ignore certificate revocation error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- Ignore
Certificate intOut Of Date Error - Ignore certificate expiration error 0: not ignored, 1: Ignored, default 1.
- Ignore
Certificate intStatus Error - The certificate status error is ignored. 0: Do not ignore, 1: IGNORE. The default value is 1.
- Ignore
Certificate intUntrustworthy Error - The certificate cannot be trusted and ignored. 0: Do not ignore, 1: IGNORE. The default value is 1.
- Ignore
Certificate intUsing Error - Ignore certificate usage error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- Ignore
Invalid intHost Error - Invalid host error ignored, 0: not ignored, 1: Ignored, default 1.
- Monitor
Timeout int - Monitoring timeout, in ms. Not required, 20000 by default.
- Quick
Protocol int - Quick agreement
- 1:http1
- 2:http2
- 3:http3 Default 1.
- Redirection int
- When redirection occurs, whether to continue browsing, 0-No, 1-Yes, the default is 1.
- Transmission
Size int - The transmission size, in KB. The default value is 2048KB. The transmission size of the downloaded file must be between 1 and 20480KB.
- Validate
Keywords string - Verify keywords.
- Verify
Way int - The verification method.
- 0: Do not validate
- 1: Validation string
- 2:MD5 validation.
- White
List string - DNS hijack whitelist. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- Connection
Timeout int - Connection timeout time, in ms. Default 5000. Optional range: 1000-120000ms.
- Custom
Header map[string]stringContent - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- Download
Kernel int - Download the kernel.
- 1:curl
- 0:WinInet Default 1.
- Ignore
Certificate intAuth Error - Ignore CA Certificate authorization error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- Ignore
Certificate intCanceled Error - Ignore certificate revocation error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- Ignore
Certificate intOut Of Date Error - Ignore certificate expiration error 0: not ignored, 1: Ignored, default 1.
- Ignore
Certificate intStatus Error - The certificate status error is ignored. 0: Do not ignore, 1: IGNORE. The default value is 1.
- Ignore
Certificate intUntrustworthy Error - The certificate cannot be trusted and ignored. 0: Do not ignore, 1: IGNORE. The default value is 1.
- Ignore
Certificate intUsing Error - Ignore certificate usage error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- Ignore
Invalid intHost Error - Invalid host error ignored, 0: not ignored, 1: Ignored, default 1.
- Monitor
Timeout int - Monitoring timeout, in ms. Not required, 20000 by default.
- Quick
Protocol int - Quick agreement
- 1:http1
- 2:http2
- 3:http3 Default 1.
- Redirection int
- When redirection occurs, whether to continue browsing, 0-No, 1-Yes, the default is 1.
- Transmission
Size int - The transmission size, in KB. The default value is 2048KB. The transmission size of the downloaded file must be between 1 and 20480KB.
- Validate
Keywords string - Verify keywords.
- Verify
Way int - The verification method.
- 0: Do not validate
- 1: Validation string
- 2:MD5 validation.
- White
List string - DNS hijack whitelist. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- connection
Timeout Integer - Connection timeout time, in ms. Default 5000. Optional range: 1000-120000ms.
- custom
Header Map<String,String>Content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- download
Kernel Integer - Download the kernel.
- 1:curl
- 0:WinInet Default 1.
- ignore
Certificate IntegerAuth Error - Ignore CA Certificate authorization error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- ignore
Certificate IntegerCanceled Error - Ignore certificate revocation error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- ignore
Certificate IntegerOut Of Date Error - Ignore certificate expiration error 0: not ignored, 1: Ignored, default 1.
- ignore
Certificate IntegerStatus Error - The certificate status error is ignored. 0: Do not ignore, 1: IGNORE. The default value is 1.
- ignore
Certificate IntegerUntrustworthy Error - The certificate cannot be trusted and ignored. 0: Do not ignore, 1: IGNORE. The default value is 1.
- ignore
Certificate IntegerUsing Error - Ignore certificate usage error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- ignore
Invalid IntegerHost Error - Invalid host error ignored, 0: not ignored, 1: Ignored, default 1.
- monitor
Timeout Integer - Monitoring timeout, in ms. Not required, 20000 by default.
- quick
Protocol Integer - Quick agreement
- 1:http1
- 2:http2
- 3:http3 Default 1.
- redirection Integer
- When redirection occurs, whether to continue browsing, 0-No, 1-Yes, the default is 1.
- transmission
Size Integer - The transmission size, in KB. The default value is 2048KB. The transmission size of the downloaded file must be between 1 and 20480KB.
- validate
Keywords String - Verify keywords.
- verify
Way Integer - The verification method.
- 0: Do not validate
- 1: Validation string
- 2:MD5 validation.
- white
List String - DNS hijack whitelist. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- target
Url string - The target URL.
- connection
Timeout number - Connection timeout time, in ms. Default 5000. Optional range: 1000-120000ms.
- custom
Header {[key: string]: string}Content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- download
Kernel number - Download the kernel.
- 1:curl
- 0:WinInet Default 1.
- ignore
Certificate numberAuth Error - Ignore CA Certificate authorization error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- ignore
Certificate numberCanceled Error - Ignore certificate revocation error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- ignore
Certificate numberOut Of Date Error - Ignore certificate expiration error 0: not ignored, 1: Ignored, default 1.
- ignore
Certificate numberStatus Error - The certificate status error is ignored. 0: Do not ignore, 1: IGNORE. The default value is 1.
- ignore
Certificate numberUntrustworthy Error - The certificate cannot be trusted and ignored. 0: Do not ignore, 1: IGNORE. The default value is 1.
- ignore
Certificate numberUsing Error - Ignore certificate usage error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- ignore
Invalid numberHost Error - Invalid host error ignored, 0: not ignored, 1: Ignored, default 1.
- monitor
Timeout number - Monitoring timeout, in ms. Not required, 20000 by default.
- quick
Protocol number - Quick agreement
- 1:http1
- 2:http2
- 3:http3 Default 1.
- redirection number
- When redirection occurs, whether to continue browsing, 0-No, 1-Yes, the default is 1.
- transmission
Size number - The transmission size, in KB. The default value is 2048KB. The transmission size of the downloaded file must be between 1 and 20480KB.
- validate
Keywords string - Verify keywords.
- verify
Way number - The verification method.
- 0: Do not validate
- 1: Validation string
- 2:MD5 validation.
- white
List string - DNS hijack whitelist. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- target_
url str - The target URL.
- connection_
timeout int - Connection timeout time, in ms. Default 5000. Optional range: 1000-120000ms.
- custom_
header_ Mapping[str, str]content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- download_
kernel int - Download the kernel.
- 1:curl
- 0:WinInet Default 1.
- ignore_
certificate_ intauth_ error - Ignore CA Certificate authorization error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- ignore_
certificate_ intcanceled_ error - Ignore certificate revocation error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- ignore_
certificate_ intout_ of_ date_ error - Ignore certificate expiration error 0: not ignored, 1: Ignored, default 1.
- ignore_
certificate_ intstatus_ error - The certificate status error is ignored. 0: Do not ignore, 1: IGNORE. The default value is 1.
- ignore_
certificate_ intuntrustworthy_ error - The certificate cannot be trusted and ignored. 0: Do not ignore, 1: IGNORE. The default value is 1.
- ignore_
certificate_ intusing_ error - Ignore certificate usage error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- ignore_
invalid_ inthost_ error - Invalid host error ignored, 0: not ignored, 1: Ignored, default 1.
- monitor_
timeout int - Monitoring timeout, in ms. Not required, 20000 by default.
- quick_
protocol int - Quick agreement
- 1:http1
- 2:http2
- 3:http3 Default 1.
- redirection int
- When redirection occurs, whether to continue browsing, 0-No, 1-Yes, the default is 1.
- transmission_
size int - The transmission size, in KB. The default value is 2048KB. The transmission size of the downloaded file must be between 1 and 20480KB.
- validate_
keywords str - Verify keywords.
- verify_
way int - The verification method.
- 0: Do not validate
- 1: Validation string
- 2:MD5 validation.
- white_
list str - DNS hijack whitelist. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- connection
Timeout Number - Connection timeout time, in ms. Default 5000. Optional range: 1000-120000ms.
- custom
Header Map<String>Content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- download
Kernel Number - Download the kernel.
- 1:curl
- 0:WinInet Default 1.
- ignore
Certificate NumberAuth Error - Ignore CA Certificate authorization error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- ignore
Certificate NumberCanceled Error - Ignore certificate revocation error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- ignore
Certificate NumberOut Of Date Error - Ignore certificate expiration error 0: not ignored, 1: Ignored, default 1.
- ignore
Certificate NumberStatus Error - The certificate status error is ignored. 0: Do not ignore, 1: IGNORE. The default value is 1.
- ignore
Certificate NumberUntrustworthy Error - The certificate cannot be trusted and ignored. 0: Do not ignore, 1: IGNORE. The default value is 1.
- ignore
Certificate NumberUsing Error - Ignore certificate usage error 0: Do not ignore, 1: ignore, default 1.
- ignore
Invalid NumberHost Error - Invalid host error ignored, 0: not ignored, 1: Ignored, default 1.
- monitor
Timeout Number - Monitoring timeout, in ms. Not required, 20000 by default.
- quick
Protocol Number - Quick agreement
- 1:http1
- 2:http2
- 3:http3 Default 1.
- redirection Number
- When redirection occurs, whether to continue browsing, 0-No, 1-Yes, the default is 1.
- transmission
Size Number - The transmission size, in KB. The default value is 2048KB. The transmission size of the downloaded file must be between 1 and 20480KB.
- validate
Keywords String - Verify keywords.
- verify
Way Number - The verification method.
- 0: Do not validate
- 1: Validation string
- 2:MD5 validation.
- white
List String - DNS hijack whitelist. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetDns, SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetDnsArgs
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- Dns
Server intIp Type - The IP address type of the DNS server.
- 0 (default):ipv4
- 1:ipv6 2: Automatic.
- Ns
Server string - The IP address of the NS server. The default value is
- Query
Method int - DNS query method.
- 0 (default): Recursive
- 1: Iteration.
- Timeout int
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- Dns
Server intIp Type - The IP address type of the DNS server.
- 0 (default):ipv4
- 1:ipv6 2: Automatic.
- Ns
Server string - The IP address of the NS server. The default value is
- Query
Method int - DNS query method.
- 0 (default): Recursive
- 1: Iteration.
- Timeout int
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- dns
Server IntegerIp Type - The IP address type of the DNS server.
- 0 (default):ipv4
- 1:ipv6 2: Automatic.
- ns
Server String - The IP address of the NS server. The default value is
- query
Method Integer - DNS query method.
- 0 (default): Recursive
- 1: Iteration.
- timeout Integer
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- target
Url string - The target URL.
- dns
Server numberIp Type - The IP address type of the DNS server.
- 0 (default):ipv4
- 1:ipv6 2: Automatic.
- ns
Server string - The IP address of the NS server. The default value is
- query
Method number - DNS query method.
- 0 (default): Recursive
- 1: Iteration.
- timeout number
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- target_
url str - The target URL.
- dns_
server_ intip_ type - The IP address type of the DNS server.
- 0 (default):ipv4
- 1:ipv6 2: Automatic.
- ns_
server str - The IP address of the NS server. The default value is
- query_
method int - DNS query method.
- 0 (default): Recursive
- 1: Iteration.
- timeout int
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- dns
Server NumberIp Type - The IP address type of the DNS server.
- 0 (default):ipv4
- 1:ipv6 2: Automatic.
- ns
Server String - The IP address of the NS server. The default value is
- query
Method Number - DNS query method.
- 0 (default): Recursive
- 1: Iteration.
- timeout Number
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetIcmp, SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetIcmpArgs
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- Interval int
- The interval between TCP connections. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 10000, and the default value is 200.
- Package
Num int - Number of ICMP(Ping) packets sent. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 50, and the default is 4.
- Package
Size int - The size of the sent ICMP(Ping) packet. The unit is byte. The ICMP(PING) packet size is limited to 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1080, and 1450.
- Split
Package bool - Whether to split ICMP(Ping) packets. The default is true.
- Timeout int
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- Tracert
Enable bool - Whether to enable tracert. The default is true.
- Tracert
Num intMax - The maximum number of hops for tracert. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 128, and the default value is 20.
- Tracert
Timeout int - The time-out of tracert. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 60000.
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- Interval int
- The interval between TCP connections. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 10000, and the default value is 200.
- Package
Num int - Number of ICMP(Ping) packets sent. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 50, and the default is 4.
- Package
Size int - The size of the sent ICMP(Ping) packet. The unit is byte. The ICMP(PING) packet size is limited to 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1080, and 1450.
- Split
Package bool - Whether to split ICMP(Ping) packets. The default is true.
- Timeout int
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- Tracert
Enable bool - Whether to enable tracert. The default is true.
- Tracert
Num intMax - The maximum number of hops for tracert. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 128, and the default value is 20.
- Tracert
Timeout int - The time-out of tracert. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 60000.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- interval Integer
- The interval between TCP connections. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 10000, and the default value is 200.
- package
Num Integer - Number of ICMP(Ping) packets sent. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 50, and the default is 4.
- package
Size Integer - The size of the sent ICMP(Ping) packet. The unit is byte. The ICMP(PING) packet size is limited to 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1080, and 1450.
- split
Package Boolean - Whether to split ICMP(Ping) packets. The default is true.
- timeout Integer
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- tracert
Enable Boolean - Whether to enable tracert. The default is true.
- tracert
Num IntegerMax - The maximum number of hops for tracert. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 128, and the default value is 20.
- tracert
Timeout Integer - The time-out of tracert. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 60000.
- target
Url string - The target URL.
- interval number
- The interval between TCP connections. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 10000, and the default value is 200.
- package
Num number - Number of ICMP(Ping) packets sent. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 50, and the default is 4.
- package
Size number - The size of the sent ICMP(Ping) packet. The unit is byte. The ICMP(PING) packet size is limited to 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1080, and 1450.
- split
Package boolean - Whether to split ICMP(Ping) packets. The default is true.
- timeout number
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- tracert
Enable boolean - Whether to enable tracert. The default is true.
- tracert
Num numberMax - The maximum number of hops for tracert. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 128, and the default value is 20.
- tracert
Timeout number - The time-out of tracert. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 60000.
- target_
url str - The target URL.
- interval int
- The interval between TCP connections. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 10000, and the default value is 200.
- package_
num int - Number of ICMP(Ping) packets sent. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 50, and the default is 4.
- package_
size int - The size of the sent ICMP(Ping) packet. The unit is byte. The ICMP(PING) packet size is limited to 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1080, and 1450.
- split_
package bool - Whether to split ICMP(Ping) packets. The default is true.
- timeout int
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- tracert_
enable bool - Whether to enable tracert. The default is true.
- tracert_
num_ intmax - The maximum number of hops for tracert. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 128, and the default value is 20.
- tracert_
timeout int - The time-out of tracert. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 60000.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- interval Number
- The interval between TCP connections. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 10000, and the default value is 200.
- package
Num Number - Number of ICMP(Ping) packets sent. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 50, and the default is 4.
- package
Size Number - The size of the sent ICMP(Ping) packet. The unit is byte. The ICMP(PING) packet size is limited to 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1080, and 1450.
- split
Package Boolean - Whether to split ICMP(Ping) packets. The default is true.
- timeout Number
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- tracert
Enable Boolean - Whether to enable tracert. The default is true.
- tracert
Num NumberMax - The maximum number of hops for tracert. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 128, and the default value is 20.
- tracert
Timeout Number - The time-out of tracert. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 60000.
SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetTcp, SyntheticTaskMonitorConfNetTcpArgs
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- Connect
Times int - The number of TCP connections established. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 16, and the default is 4.
- Interval int
- The interval between TCP connections. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 10000, and the default value is 200.
- Timeout int
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- Tracert
Enable bool - Whether to enable tracert. The default is true.
- Tracert
Num intMax - The maximum number of hops for tracert. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 128, and the default value is 20.
- Tracert
Timeout int - The time-out of tracert. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 60000.
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- Connect
Times int - The number of TCP connections established. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 16, and the default is 4.
- Interval int
- The interval between TCP connections. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 10000, and the default value is 200.
- Timeout int
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- Tracert
Enable bool - Whether to enable tracert. The default is true.
- Tracert
Num intMax - The maximum number of hops for tracert. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 128, and the default value is 20.
- Tracert
Timeout int - The time-out of tracert. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 60000.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- connect
Times Integer - The number of TCP connections established. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 16, and the default is 4.
- interval Integer
- The interval between TCP connections. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 10000, and the default value is 200.
- timeout Integer
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- tracert
Enable Boolean - Whether to enable tracert. The default is true.
- tracert
Num IntegerMax - The maximum number of hops for tracert. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 128, and the default value is 20.
- tracert
Timeout Integer - The time-out of tracert. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 60000.
- target
Url string - The target URL.
- connect
Times number - The number of TCP connections established. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 16, and the default is 4.
- interval number
- The interval between TCP connections. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 10000, and the default value is 200.
- timeout number
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- tracert
Enable boolean - Whether to enable tracert. The default is true.
- tracert
Num numberMax - The maximum number of hops for tracert. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 128, and the default value is 20.
- tracert
Timeout number - The time-out of tracert. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 60000.
- target_
url str - The target URL.
- connect_
times int - The number of TCP connections established. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 16, and the default is 4.
- interval int
- The interval between TCP connections. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 10000, and the default value is 200.
- timeout int
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- tracert_
enable bool - Whether to enable tracert. The default is true.
- tracert_
num_ intmax - The maximum number of hops for tracert. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 128, and the default value is 20.
- tracert_
timeout int - The time-out of tracert. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 60000.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- connect
Times Number - The number of TCP connections established. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 16, and the default is 4.
- interval Number
- The interval between TCP connections. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 10000, and the default value is 200.
- timeout Number
- TCP dial test timeout. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 20000.
- tracert
Enable Boolean - Whether to enable tracert. The default is true.
- tracert
Num NumberMax - The maximum number of hops for tracert. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 128, and the default value is 20.
- tracert
Timeout Number - The time-out of tracert. The unit is milliseconds (ms), the minimum value is 1000, the maximum value is 300000, and the default value is 60000.
SyntheticTaskMonitorConfStream, SyntheticTaskMonitorConfStreamArgs
- Custom
Header Dictionary<string, string>Content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- Player
Type int - Player, do not pass the default 12.
- 12:VLC
- 2:FlashPlayer.
- Stream
Address intType - Resource address type:
- 1: Resource address.
- 0: page address, not 0 by default.
- Stream
Monitor intTimeout - Monitoring duration, in seconds, up to 60s, not 60 by default.
- Stream
Type int - Audio and video flags: 0-video, 1-audio.
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- White
List string - DNS hijack whitelist. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- Custom
Header map[string]stringContent - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- Player
Type int - Player, do not pass the default 12.
- 12:VLC
- 2:FlashPlayer.
- Stream
Address intType - Resource address type:
- 1: Resource address.
- 0: page address, not 0 by default.
- Stream
Monitor intTimeout - Monitoring duration, in seconds, up to 60s, not 60 by default.
- Stream
Type int - Audio and video flags: 0-video, 1-audio.
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- White
List string - DNS hijack whitelist. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- custom
Header Map<String,String>Content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- player
Type Integer - Player, do not pass the default 12.
- 12:VLC
- 2:FlashPlayer.
- stream
Address IntegerType - Resource address type:
- 1: Resource address.
- 0: page address, not 0 by default.
- stream
Monitor IntegerTimeout - Monitoring duration, in seconds, up to 60s, not 60 by default.
- stream
Type Integer - Audio and video flags: 0-video, 1-audio.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- white
List String - DNS hijack whitelist. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- custom
Header {[key: string]: string}Content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- player
Type number - Player, do not pass the default 12.
- 12:VLC
- 2:FlashPlayer.
- stream
Address numberType - Resource address type:
- 1: Resource address.
- 0: page address, not 0 by default.
- stream
Monitor numberTimeout - Monitoring duration, in seconds, up to 60s, not 60 by default.
- stream
Type number - Audio and video flags: 0-video, 1-audio.
- target
Url string - The target URL.
- white
List string - DNS hijack whitelist. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- custom_
header_ Mapping[str, str]content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- player_
type int - Player, do not pass the default 12.
- 12:VLC
- 2:FlashPlayer.
- stream_
address_ inttype - Resource address type:
- 1: Resource address.
- 0: page address, not 0 by default.
- stream_
monitor_ inttimeout - Monitoring duration, in seconds, up to 60s, not 60 by default.
- stream_
type int - Audio and video flags: 0-video, 1-audio.
- target_
url str - The target URL.
- white_
list str - DNS hijack whitelist. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- custom
Header Map<String>Content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- player
Type Number - Player, do not pass the default 12.
- 12:VLC
- 2:FlashPlayer.
- stream
Address NumberType - Resource address type:
- 1: Resource address.
- 0: page address, not 0 by default.
- stream
Monitor NumberTimeout - Monitoring duration, in seconds, up to 60s, not 60 by default.
- stream
Type Number - Audio and video flags: 0-video, 1-audio.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- white
List String - DNS hijack whitelist. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
SyntheticTaskMonitorConfWebsite, SyntheticTaskMonitorConfWebsiteArgs
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- Automatic
Scrolling int - Whether to support automatic scrolling screen, loading page.
- 0 (default): No 1: Yes.
- Custom
Header int - Custom header.
- 0 (default): Off
- 1: Modify the first package
- 2: Modify all packages.
- Custom
Header Dictionary<string, string>Content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- Disable
Cache int - Whether to disable caching.
- 0: not disabled
- 1 (default): Disabled.
- Disable
Compression int - The Accept-Encoding field is used to determine whether to Accept compressed files. 0-do not disable, 1-disable, the default is 0.
- Dns
Hijack stringWhitelist - When a domain name (such as is resolved, if the resolved IP address or CNAME is not in the DNS hijacking white list, the user will fail to access or return a target IP address that is not Aliyun. If the IP or CNAME in the resolution result is in the DNS white list, it will be determined that DNS hijacking has not occurred. Fill in the format: Domain name: matching rules. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- Element
Blacklist string - If an element configured in the element blacklist appears during page loading, the element is not requested to be loaded.
- Filter
Invalid intIp - Whether to filter invalid IP parameters. 0: filter, 1: do not filter. The default value is 0.
- Flow
Hijack intJump Times - Identify elements: Set the total number of elements on the Browse page.
- Flow
Hijack stringLogo - Hijacking ID: Set the matching key information. Enter the hijacking keyword or key element, with an asterisk (*) allowed.
- Ignore
Certificate intError - Whether to ignore certificate errors during certificate verification in SSL Handshake and continue browsing. 0-do not ignore, 1-ignore. The default value is 1.
- Monitor
Timeout int - Monitoring timeout, in ms. Not required, 20000 by default.
- Page
Tamper string - Monitoring the page appears to be tampered with elements other than the domain settings that belong to the page. Common manifestations are pop-up advertisements, floating advertisements, jumps, etc. Fill in the format: Domain name: Element. You can fill multiple elements separated by a vertical bar (|). For example,|/cc/bb/a.gif |/vv/bb/cc.jpg indicates that all the other elements of the domain name except the basic document,/cc/bb/a.gif, and/vv/bb/cc.jpg are tampered.
- Redirection int
- When redirection occurs, whether to continue browsing, 0-No, 1-Yes, the default is 1.
- Slow
Element intThreshold - The slow element threshold, in ms, is 5000 by default and can be selected from 1 to 300000ms.
- Verify
String stringBlacklist - The verification string is an arbitrary string in the source code of the monitoring page. If the source code returned by the client contains any of the blacklisted strings, 650 error is returned. Multiple strings are separated by a vertical bar (|).
- Verify
String stringWhitelist - The verification string is an arbitrary string in the source code of the monitoring page. The source code returned by the client must contain all the strings in the whitelist. Otherwise, 650 error is returned. Multiple strings are separated by a vertical bar (|).
- Wait
Completion intTime - The maximum waiting time, in ms, is 5000 by default and can be selected from 5000 ms to 300000ms.
- Target
Url string - The target URL.
- Automatic
Scrolling int - Whether to support automatic scrolling screen, loading page.
- 0 (default): No 1: Yes.
- Custom
Header int - Custom header.
- 0 (default): Off
- 1: Modify the first package
- 2: Modify all packages.
- Custom
Header map[string]stringContent - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- Disable
Cache int - Whether to disable caching.
- 0: not disabled
- 1 (default): Disabled.
- Disable
Compression int - The Accept-Encoding field is used to determine whether to Accept compressed files. 0-do not disable, 1-disable, the default is 0.
- Dns
Hijack stringWhitelist - When a domain name (such as is resolved, if the resolved IP address or CNAME is not in the DNS hijacking white list, the user will fail to access or return a target IP address that is not Aliyun. If the IP or CNAME in the resolution result is in the DNS white list, it will be determined that DNS hijacking has not occurred. Fill in the format: Domain name: matching rules. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- Element
Blacklist string - If an element configured in the element blacklist appears during page loading, the element is not requested to be loaded.
- Filter
Invalid intIp - Whether to filter invalid IP parameters. 0: filter, 1: do not filter. The default value is 0.
- Flow
Hijack intJump Times - Identify elements: Set the total number of elements on the Browse page.
- Flow
Hijack stringLogo - Hijacking ID: Set the matching key information. Enter the hijacking keyword or key element, with an asterisk (*) allowed.
- Ignore
Certificate intError - Whether to ignore certificate errors during certificate verification in SSL Handshake and continue browsing. 0-do not ignore, 1-ignore. The default value is 1.
- Monitor
Timeout int - Monitoring timeout, in ms. Not required, 20000 by default.
- Page
Tamper string - Monitoring the page appears to be tampered with elements other than the domain settings that belong to the page. Common manifestations are pop-up advertisements, floating advertisements, jumps, etc. Fill in the format: Domain name: Element. You can fill multiple elements separated by a vertical bar (|). For example,|/cc/bb/a.gif |/vv/bb/cc.jpg indicates that all the other elements of the domain name except the basic document,/cc/bb/a.gif, and/vv/bb/cc.jpg are tampered.
- Redirection int
- When redirection occurs, whether to continue browsing, 0-No, 1-Yes, the default is 1.
- Slow
Element intThreshold - The slow element threshold, in ms, is 5000 by default and can be selected from 1 to 300000ms.
- Verify
String stringBlacklist - The verification string is an arbitrary string in the source code of the monitoring page. If the source code returned by the client contains any of the blacklisted strings, 650 error is returned. Multiple strings are separated by a vertical bar (|).
- Verify
String stringWhitelist - The verification string is an arbitrary string in the source code of the monitoring page. The source code returned by the client must contain all the strings in the whitelist. Otherwise, 650 error is returned. Multiple strings are separated by a vertical bar (|).
- Wait
Completion intTime - The maximum waiting time, in ms, is 5000 by default and can be selected from 5000 ms to 300000ms.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- automatic
Scrolling Integer - Whether to support automatic scrolling screen, loading page.
- 0 (default): No 1: Yes.
- custom
Header Integer - Custom header.
- 0 (default): Off
- 1: Modify the first package
- 2: Modify all packages.
- custom
Header Map<String,String>Content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- disable
Cache Integer - Whether to disable caching.
- 0: not disabled
- 1 (default): Disabled.
- disable
Compression Integer - The Accept-Encoding field is used to determine whether to Accept compressed files. 0-do not disable, 1-disable, the default is 0.
- dns
Hijack StringWhitelist - When a domain name (such as is resolved, if the resolved IP address or CNAME is not in the DNS hijacking white list, the user will fail to access or return a target IP address that is not Aliyun. If the IP or CNAME in the resolution result is in the DNS white list, it will be determined that DNS hijacking has not occurred. Fill in the format: Domain name: matching rules. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- element
Blacklist String - If an element configured in the element blacklist appears during page loading, the element is not requested to be loaded.
- filter
Invalid IntegerIp - Whether to filter invalid IP parameters. 0: filter, 1: do not filter. The default value is 0.
- flow
Hijack IntegerJump Times - Identify elements: Set the total number of elements on the Browse page.
- flow
Hijack StringLogo - Hijacking ID: Set the matching key information. Enter the hijacking keyword or key element, with an asterisk (*) allowed.
- ignore
Certificate IntegerError - Whether to ignore certificate errors during certificate verification in SSL Handshake and continue browsing. 0-do not ignore, 1-ignore. The default value is 1.
- monitor
Timeout Integer - Monitoring timeout, in ms. Not required, 20000 by default.
- page
Tamper String - Monitoring the page appears to be tampered with elements other than the domain settings that belong to the page. Common manifestations are pop-up advertisements, floating advertisements, jumps, etc. Fill in the format: Domain name: Element. You can fill multiple elements separated by a vertical bar (|). For example,|/cc/bb/a.gif |/vv/bb/cc.jpg indicates that all the other elements of the domain name except the basic document,/cc/bb/a.gif, and/vv/bb/cc.jpg are tampered.
- redirection Integer
- When redirection occurs, whether to continue browsing, 0-No, 1-Yes, the default is 1.
- slow
Element IntegerThreshold - The slow element threshold, in ms, is 5000 by default and can be selected from 1 to 300000ms.
- verify
String StringBlacklist - The verification string is an arbitrary string in the source code of the monitoring page. If the source code returned by the client contains any of the blacklisted strings, 650 error is returned. Multiple strings are separated by a vertical bar (|).
- verify
String StringWhitelist - The verification string is an arbitrary string in the source code of the monitoring page. The source code returned by the client must contain all the strings in the whitelist. Otherwise, 650 error is returned. Multiple strings are separated by a vertical bar (|).
- wait
Completion IntegerTime - The maximum waiting time, in ms, is 5000 by default and can be selected from 5000 ms to 300000ms.
- target
Url string - The target URL.
- automatic
Scrolling number - Whether to support automatic scrolling screen, loading page.
- 0 (default): No 1: Yes.
- custom
Header number - Custom header.
- 0 (default): Off
- 1: Modify the first package
- 2: Modify all packages.
- custom
Header {[key: string]: string}Content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- disable
Cache number - Whether to disable caching.
- 0: not disabled
- 1 (default): Disabled.
- disable
Compression number - The Accept-Encoding field is used to determine whether to Accept compressed files. 0-do not disable, 1-disable, the default is 0.
- dns
Hijack stringWhitelist - When a domain name (such as is resolved, if the resolved IP address or CNAME is not in the DNS hijacking white list, the user will fail to access or return a target IP address that is not Aliyun. If the IP or CNAME in the resolution result is in the DNS white list, it will be determined that DNS hijacking has not occurred. Fill in the format: Domain name: matching rules. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- element
Blacklist string - If an element configured in the element blacklist appears during page loading, the element is not requested to be loaded.
- filter
Invalid numberIp - Whether to filter invalid IP parameters. 0: filter, 1: do not filter. The default value is 0.
- flow
Hijack numberJump Times - Identify elements: Set the total number of elements on the Browse page.
- flow
Hijack stringLogo - Hijacking ID: Set the matching key information. Enter the hijacking keyword or key element, with an asterisk (*) allowed.
- ignore
Certificate numberError - Whether to ignore certificate errors during certificate verification in SSL Handshake and continue browsing. 0-do not ignore, 1-ignore. The default value is 1.
- monitor
Timeout number - Monitoring timeout, in ms. Not required, 20000 by default.
- page
Tamper string - Monitoring the page appears to be tampered with elements other than the domain settings that belong to the page. Common manifestations are pop-up advertisements, floating advertisements, jumps, etc. Fill in the format: Domain name: Element. You can fill multiple elements separated by a vertical bar (|). For example,|/cc/bb/a.gif |/vv/bb/cc.jpg indicates that all the other elements of the domain name except the basic document,/cc/bb/a.gif, and/vv/bb/cc.jpg are tampered.
- redirection number
- When redirection occurs, whether to continue browsing, 0-No, 1-Yes, the default is 1.
- slow
Element numberThreshold - The slow element threshold, in ms, is 5000 by default and can be selected from 1 to 300000ms.
- verify
String stringBlacklist - The verification string is an arbitrary string in the source code of the monitoring page. If the source code returned by the client contains any of the blacklisted strings, 650 error is returned. Multiple strings are separated by a vertical bar (|).
- verify
String stringWhitelist - The verification string is an arbitrary string in the source code of the monitoring page. The source code returned by the client must contain all the strings in the whitelist. Otherwise, 650 error is returned. Multiple strings are separated by a vertical bar (|).
- wait
Completion numberTime - The maximum waiting time, in ms, is 5000 by default and can be selected from 5000 ms to 300000ms.
- target_
url str - The target URL.
- automatic_
scrolling int - Whether to support automatic scrolling screen, loading page.
- 0 (default): No 1: Yes.
- custom_
header int - Custom header.
- 0 (default): Off
- 1: Modify the first package
- 2: Modify all packages.
- custom_
header_ Mapping[str, str]content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- disable_
cache int - Whether to disable caching.
- 0: not disabled
- 1 (default): Disabled.
- disable_
compression int - The Accept-Encoding field is used to determine whether to Accept compressed files. 0-do not disable, 1-disable, the default is 0.
- dns_
hijack_ strwhitelist - When a domain name (such as is resolved, if the resolved IP address or CNAME is not in the DNS hijacking white list, the user will fail to access or return a target IP address that is not Aliyun. If the IP or CNAME in the resolution result is in the DNS white list, it will be determined that DNS hijacking has not occurred. Fill in the format: Domain name: matching rules. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- element_
blacklist str - If an element configured in the element blacklist appears during page loading, the element is not requested to be loaded.
- filter_
invalid_ intip - Whether to filter invalid IP parameters. 0: filter, 1: do not filter. The default value is 0.
- flow_
hijack_ intjump_ times - Identify elements: Set the total number of elements on the Browse page.
- flow_
hijack_ strlogo - Hijacking ID: Set the matching key information. Enter the hijacking keyword or key element, with an asterisk (*) allowed.
- ignore_
certificate_ interror - Whether to ignore certificate errors during certificate verification in SSL Handshake and continue browsing. 0-do not ignore, 1-ignore. The default value is 1.
- monitor_
timeout int - Monitoring timeout, in ms. Not required, 20000 by default.
- page_
tamper str - Monitoring the page appears to be tampered with elements other than the domain settings that belong to the page. Common manifestations are pop-up advertisements, floating advertisements, jumps, etc. Fill in the format: Domain name: Element. You can fill multiple elements separated by a vertical bar (|). For example,|/cc/bb/a.gif |/vv/bb/cc.jpg indicates that all the other elements of the domain name except the basic document,/cc/bb/a.gif, and/vv/bb/cc.jpg are tampered.
- redirection int
- When redirection occurs, whether to continue browsing, 0-No, 1-Yes, the default is 1.
- slow_
element_ intthreshold - The slow element threshold, in ms, is 5000 by default and can be selected from 1 to 300000ms.
- verify_
string_ strblacklist - The verification string is an arbitrary string in the source code of the monitoring page. If the source code returned by the client contains any of the blacklisted strings, 650 error is returned. Multiple strings are separated by a vertical bar (|).
- verify_
string_ strwhitelist - The verification string is an arbitrary string in the source code of the monitoring page. The source code returned by the client must contain all the strings in the whitelist. Otherwise, 650 error is returned. Multiple strings are separated by a vertical bar (|).
- wait_
completion_ inttime - The maximum waiting time, in ms, is 5000 by default and can be selected from 5000 ms to 300000ms.
- target
Url String - The target URL.
- automatic
Scrolling Number - Whether to support automatic scrolling screen, loading page.
- 0 (default): No 1: Yes.
- custom
Header Number - Custom header.
- 0 (default): Off
- 1: Modify the first package
- 2: Modify all packages.
- custom
Header Map<String>Content - Custom header, in JSON Map format.
- disable
Cache Number - Whether to disable caching.
- 0: not disabled
- 1 (default): Disabled.
- disable
Compression Number - The Accept-Encoding field is used to determine whether to Accept compressed files. 0-do not disable, 1-disable, the default is 0.
- dns
Hijack StringWhitelist - When a domain name (such as is resolved, if the resolved IP address or CNAME is not in the DNS hijacking white list, the user will fail to access or return a target IP address that is not Aliyun. If the IP or CNAME in the resolution result is in the DNS white list, it will be determined that DNS hijacking has not occurred. Fill in the format: Domain name: matching rules. Match rules support IP, IP wildcard, subnet mask, and CNAME. Multiple match rules can be filled in. Multiple match rules are separated by vertical bars (|). For example, | indicates that all other IP addresses under the domain except and are hijacked.
- element
Blacklist String - If an element configured in the element blacklist appears during page loading, the element is not requested to be loaded.
- filter
Invalid NumberIp - Whether to filter invalid IP parameters. 0: filter, 1: do not filter. The default value is 0.
- flow
Hijack NumberJump Times - Identify elements: Set the total number of elements on the Browse page.
- flow
Hijack StringLogo - Hijacking ID: Set the matching key information. Enter the hijacking keyword or key element, with an asterisk (*) allowed.
- ignore
Certificate NumberError - Whether to ignore certificate errors during certificate verification in SSL Handshake and continue browsing. 0-do not ignore, 1-ignore. The default value is 1.
- monitor
Timeout Number - Monitoring timeout, in ms. Not required, 20000 by default.
- page
Tamper String - Monitoring the page appears to be tampered with elements other than the domain settings that belong to the page. Common manifestations are pop-up advertisements, floating advertisements, jumps, etc. Fill in the format: Domain name: Element. You can fill multiple elements separated by a vertical bar (|). For example,|/cc/bb/a.gif |/vv/bb/cc.jpg indicates that all the other elements of the domain name except the basic document,/cc/bb/a.gif, and/vv/bb/cc.jpg are tampered.
- redirection Number
- When redirection occurs, whether to continue browsing, 0-No, 1-Yes, the default is 1.
- slow
Element NumberThreshold - The slow element threshold, in ms, is 5000 by default and can be selected from 1 to 300000ms.
- verify
String StringBlacklist - The verification string is an arbitrary string in the source code of the monitoring page. If the source code returned by the client contains any of the blacklisted strings, 650 error is returned. Multiple strings are separated by a vertical bar (|).
- verify
String StringWhitelist - The verification string is an arbitrary string in the source code of the monitoring page. The source code returned by the client must contain all the strings in the whitelist. Otherwise, 650 error is returned. Multiple strings are separated by a vertical bar (|).
- wait
Completion NumberTime - The maximum waiting time, in ms, is 5000 by default and can be selected from 5000 ms to 300000ms.
ARMS Synthetic Task can be imported using the id, e.g.
$ pulumi import alicloud:arms/syntheticTask:SyntheticTask example <id>
To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.
Package Details
- Repository
- Alibaba Cloud pulumi/pulumi-alicloud
- License
- Apache-2.0
- Notes
- This Pulumi package is based on the
Terraform Provider.