Explore with Pulumi AI
A Dialogflow CX conversation (session) can be described and visualized as a state machine. The states of a CX session are represented by pages.
To get more information about Page, see:
- API documentation
- How-to Guides
Example Usage
Dialogflowcx Page Full
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
const agent = new gcp.diagflow.CxAgent("agent", {
displayName: "dialogflowcx-agent",
location: "global",
defaultLanguageCode: "en",
supportedLanguageCodes: [
timeZone: "America/New_York",
description: "Example description.",
avatarUri: "https://cloud.google.com/_static/images/cloud/icons/favicons/onecloud/super_cloud.png",
enableStackdriverLogging: true,
enableSpellCorrection: true,
speechToTextSettings: {
enableSpeechAdaptation: true,
const myPage2 = new gcp.diagflow.CxPage("my_page2", {
parent: agent.startFlow,
displayName: "MyPage2",
const myWebhook = new gcp.diagflow.CxWebhook("my_webhook", {
parent: agent.id,
displayName: "MyWebhook",
genericWebService: {
uri: "https://example.com",
const basicPage = new gcp.diagflow.CxPage("basic_page", {
parent: agent.startFlow,
displayName: "MyPage",
entryFulfillment: {
messages: [
channel: "some-channel",
text: {
texts: ["Welcome to page"],
payload: " {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n",
conversationSuccess: {
metadata: " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
outputAudioText: {
text: "some output text",
outputAudioText: {
ssml: " <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n",
liveAgentHandoff: {
metadata: " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
playAudio: {
audioUri: "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
telephonyTransferCall: {
phoneNumber: "1-234-567-8901",
setParameterActions: [
parameter: "some-param",
value: "123.45",
parameter: "another-param",
value: JSON.stringify("abc"),
parameter: "other-param",
value: JSON.stringify(["foo"]),
conditionalCases: [{
cases: JSON.stringify([
condition: "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
caseContent: [
message: {
text: {
text: ["First case"],
additionalCases: {
cases: [{
condition: "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
caseContent: [{
message: {
text: {
text: ["Nested case"],
caseContent: [{
message: {
text: {
text: ["Final case"],
eventHandlers: [{
event: "some-event",
triggerFulfillment: {
returnPartialResponses: true,
messages: [
channel: "some-channel",
text: {
texts: ["Some text"],
payload: " {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n",
conversationSuccess: {
metadata: " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
outputAudioText: {
text: "some output text",
outputAudioText: {
ssml: " <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n",
liveAgentHandoff: {
metadata: " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
playAudio: {
audioUri: "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
telephonyTransferCall: {
phoneNumber: "1-234-567-8901",
setParameterActions: [
parameter: "some-param",
value: "123.45",
parameter: "another-param",
value: JSON.stringify("abc"),
parameter: "other-param",
value: JSON.stringify(["foo"]),
conditionalCases: [{
cases: JSON.stringify([
condition: "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
caseContent: [
message: {
text: {
text: ["First case"],
additionalCases: {
cases: [{
condition: "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
caseContent: [{
message: {
text: {
text: ["Nested case"],
caseContent: [{
message: {
text: {
text: ["Final case"],
form: {
parameters: [{
displayName: "param1",
entityType: "projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/sys.date",
defaultValue: JSON.stringify("2000-01-01"),
fillBehavior: {
initialPromptFulfillment: {
messages: [
channel: "some-channel",
text: {
texts: ["Please provide param1"],
payload: " {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n",
conversationSuccess: {
metadata: " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
outputAudioText: {
text: "some output text",
outputAudioText: {
ssml: " <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n",
liveAgentHandoff: {
metadata: " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
playAudio: {
audioUri: "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
telephonyTransferCall: {
phoneNumber: "1-234-567-8901",
setParameterActions: [
parameter: "some-param",
value: "123.45",
parameter: "another-param",
value: JSON.stringify("abc"),
parameter: "other-param",
value: JSON.stringify(["foo"]),
conditionalCases: [{
cases: JSON.stringify([
condition: "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
caseContent: [
message: {
text: {
text: ["First case"],
additionalCases: {
cases: [{
condition: "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
caseContent: [{
message: {
text: {
text: ["Nested case"],
caseContent: [{
message: {
text: {
text: ["Final case"],
repromptEventHandlers: [
event: "sys.no-match-1",
triggerFulfillment: {
returnPartialResponses: true,
webhook: myWebhook.id,
tag: "some-tag",
messages: [
channel: "some-channel",
text: {
texts: ["Please provide param1"],
payload: " {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n",
conversationSuccess: {
metadata: " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
outputAudioText: {
text: "some output text",
outputAudioText: {
ssml: " <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n",
liveAgentHandoff: {
metadata: " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
playAudio: {
audioUri: "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
telephonyTransferCall: {
phoneNumber: "1-234-567-8901",
setParameterActions: [
parameter: "some-param",
value: "123.45",
parameter: "another-param",
value: JSON.stringify("abc"),
parameter: "other-param",
value: JSON.stringify(["foo"]),
conditionalCases: [{
cases: JSON.stringify([
condition: "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
caseContent: [
message: {
text: {
text: ["First case"],
additionalCases: {
cases: [{
condition: "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
caseContent: [{
message: {
text: {
text: ["Nested case"],
caseContent: [{
message: {
text: {
text: ["Final case"],
event: "sys.no-match-2",
targetFlow: agent.startFlow,
event: "sys.no-match-3",
targetPage: myPage2.id,
required: true,
redact: true,
advancedSettings: {
dtmfSettings: {
enabled: true,
maxDigits: 1,
finishDigit: "#",
transitionRoutes: [{
condition: "$page.params.status = 'FINAL'",
triggerFulfillment: {
messages: [
channel: "some-channel",
text: {
texts: ["information completed, navigating to page 2"],
payload: " {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n",
conversationSuccess: {
metadata: " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
outputAudioText: {
text: "some output text",
outputAudioText: {
ssml: " <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n",
liveAgentHandoff: {
metadata: " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
playAudio: {
audioUri: "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
telephonyTransferCall: {
phoneNumber: "1-234-567-8901",
setParameterActions: [
parameter: "some-param",
value: "123.45",
parameter: "another-param",
value: JSON.stringify("abc"),
parameter: "other-param",
value: JSON.stringify(["foo"]),
conditionalCases: [{
cases: JSON.stringify([
condition: "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
caseContent: [
message: {
text: {
text: ["First case"],
additionalCases: {
cases: [{
condition: "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
caseContent: [{
message: {
text: {
text: ["Nested case"],
caseContent: [{
message: {
text: {
text: ["Final case"],
targetPage: myPage2.id,
advancedSettings: {
dtmfSettings: {
enabled: true,
maxDigits: 1,
finishDigit: "#",
import pulumi
import json
import pulumi_gcp as gcp
agent = gcp.diagflow.CxAgent("agent",
description="Example description.",
"enable_speech_adaptation": True,
my_page2 = gcp.diagflow.CxPage("my_page2",
my_webhook = gcp.diagflow.CxWebhook("my_webhook",
"uri": "https://example.com",
basic_page = gcp.diagflow.CxPage("basic_page",
"messages": [
"channel": "some-channel",
"text": {
"texts": ["Welcome to page"],
"payload": " {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n",
"conversation_success": {
"metadata": " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
"output_audio_text": {
"text": "some output text",
"output_audio_text": {
"ssml": " <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n",
"live_agent_handoff": {
"metadata": " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
"play_audio": {
"audio_uri": "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
"telephony_transfer_call": {
"phone_number": "1-234-567-8901",
"set_parameter_actions": [
"parameter": "some-param",
"value": "123.45",
"parameter": "another-param",
"value": json.dumps("abc"),
"parameter": "other-param",
"value": json.dumps(["foo"]),
"conditional_cases": [{
"cases": json.dumps([
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
"case_content": [
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["First case"],
"additionalCases": {
"cases": [{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
"caseContent": [{
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["Nested case"],
"caseContent": [{
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["Final case"],
"event": "some-event",
"trigger_fulfillment": {
"return_partial_responses": True,
"messages": [
"channel": "some-channel",
"text": {
"texts": ["Some text"],
"payload": " {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n",
"conversation_success": {
"metadata": " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
"output_audio_text": {
"text": "some output text",
"output_audio_text": {
"ssml": " <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n",
"live_agent_handoff": {
"metadata": " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
"play_audio": {
"audio_uri": "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
"telephony_transfer_call": {
"phone_number": "1-234-567-8901",
"set_parameter_actions": [
"parameter": "some-param",
"value": "123.45",
"parameter": "another-param",
"value": json.dumps("abc"),
"parameter": "other-param",
"value": json.dumps(["foo"]),
"conditional_cases": [{
"cases": json.dumps([
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
"case_content": [
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["First case"],
"additionalCases": {
"cases": [{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
"caseContent": [{
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["Nested case"],
"caseContent": [{
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["Final case"],
"parameters": [{
"display_name": "param1",
"entity_type": "projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/sys.date",
"default_value": json.dumps("2000-01-01"),
"fill_behavior": {
"initial_prompt_fulfillment": {
"messages": [
"channel": "some-channel",
"text": {
"texts": ["Please provide param1"],
"payload": " {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n",
"conversation_success": {
"metadata": " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
"output_audio_text": {
"text": "some output text",
"output_audio_text": {
"ssml": " <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n",
"live_agent_handoff": {
"metadata": " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
"play_audio": {
"audio_uri": "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
"telephony_transfer_call": {
"phone_number": "1-234-567-8901",
"set_parameter_actions": [
"parameter": "some-param",
"value": "123.45",
"parameter": "another-param",
"value": json.dumps("abc"),
"parameter": "other-param",
"value": json.dumps(["foo"]),
"conditional_cases": [{
"cases": json.dumps([
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
"case_content": [
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["First case"],
"additionalCases": {
"cases": [{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
"caseContent": [{
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["Nested case"],
"caseContent": [{
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["Final case"],
"reprompt_event_handlers": [
"event": "sys.no-match-1",
"trigger_fulfillment": {
"return_partial_responses": True,
"webhook": my_webhook.id,
"tag": "some-tag",
"messages": [
"channel": "some-channel",
"text": {
"texts": ["Please provide param1"],
"payload": " {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n",
"conversation_success": {
"metadata": " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
"output_audio_text": {
"text": "some output text",
"output_audio_text": {
"ssml": " <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n",
"live_agent_handoff": {
"metadata": " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
"play_audio": {
"audio_uri": "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
"telephony_transfer_call": {
"phone_number": "1-234-567-8901",
"set_parameter_actions": [
"parameter": "some-param",
"value": "123.45",
"parameter": "another-param",
"value": json.dumps("abc"),
"parameter": "other-param",
"value": json.dumps(["foo"]),
"conditional_cases": [{
"cases": json.dumps([
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
"case_content": [
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["First case"],
"additionalCases": {
"cases": [{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
"caseContent": [{
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["Nested case"],
"caseContent": [{
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["Final case"],
"event": "sys.no-match-2",
"target_flow": agent.start_flow,
"event": "sys.no-match-3",
"target_page": my_page2.id,
"required": True,
"redact": True,
"advanced_settings": {
"dtmf_settings": {
"enabled": True,
"max_digits": 1,
"finish_digit": "#",
"condition": "$page.params.status = 'FINAL'",
"trigger_fulfillment": {
"messages": [
"channel": "some-channel",
"text": {
"texts": ["information completed, navigating to page 2"],
"payload": " {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n",
"conversation_success": {
"metadata": " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
"output_audio_text": {
"text": "some output text",
"output_audio_text": {
"ssml": " <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n",
"live_agent_handoff": {
"metadata": " {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n",
"play_audio": {
"audio_uri": "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
"telephony_transfer_call": {
"phone_number": "1-234-567-8901",
"set_parameter_actions": [
"parameter": "some-param",
"value": "123.45",
"parameter": "another-param",
"value": json.dumps("abc"),
"parameter": "other-param",
"value": json.dumps(["foo"]),
"conditional_cases": [{
"cases": json.dumps([
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
"case_content": [
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["First case"],
"additionalCases": {
"cases": [{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
"caseContent": [{
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["Nested case"],
"caseContent": [{
"message": {
"text": {
"text": ["Final case"],
"target_page": my_page2.id,
"dtmf_settings": {
"enabled": True,
"max_digits": 1,
"finish_digit": "#",
package main
import (
func main() {
pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
agent, err := diagflow.NewCxAgent(ctx, "agent", &diagflow.CxAgentArgs{
DisplayName: pulumi.String("dialogflowcx-agent"),
Location: pulumi.String("global"),
DefaultLanguageCode: pulumi.String("en"),
SupportedLanguageCodes: pulumi.StringArray{
TimeZone: pulumi.String("America/New_York"),
Description: pulumi.String("Example description."),
AvatarUri: pulumi.String("https://cloud.google.com/_static/images/cloud/icons/favicons/onecloud/super_cloud.png"),
EnableStackdriverLogging: pulumi.Bool(true),
EnableSpellCorrection: pulumi.Bool(true),
SpeechToTextSettings: &diagflow.CxAgentSpeechToTextSettingsArgs{
EnableSpeechAdaptation: pulumi.Bool(true),
if err != nil {
return err
myPage2, err := diagflow.NewCxPage(ctx, "my_page2", &diagflow.CxPageArgs{
Parent: agent.StartFlow,
DisplayName: pulumi.String("MyPage2"),
if err != nil {
return err
myWebhook, err := diagflow.NewCxWebhook(ctx, "my_webhook", &diagflow.CxWebhookArgs{
Parent: agent.ID(),
DisplayName: pulumi.String("MyWebhook"),
GenericWebService: &diagflow.CxWebhookGenericWebServiceArgs{
Uri: pulumi.String("https://example.com"),
if err != nil {
return err
tmpJSON0, err := json.Marshal("abc")
if err != nil {
return err
json0 := string(tmpJSON0)
tmpJSON1, err := json.Marshal([]string{
if err != nil {
return err
json1 := string(tmpJSON1)
tmpJSON2, err := json.Marshal([]interface{}{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
"caseContent": []interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"First case",
"additionalCases": map[string]interface{}{
"cases": []map[string]interface{}{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
"caseContent": []map[string]interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"Nested case",
"caseContent": []map[string]interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"Final case",
if err != nil {
return err
json2 := string(tmpJSON2)
tmpJSON3, err := json.Marshal("abc")
if err != nil {
return err
json3 := string(tmpJSON3)
tmpJSON4, err := json.Marshal([]string{
if err != nil {
return err
json4 := string(tmpJSON4)
tmpJSON5, err := json.Marshal([]interface{}{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
"caseContent": []interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"First case",
"additionalCases": map[string]interface{}{
"cases": []map[string]interface{}{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
"caseContent": []map[string]interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"Nested case",
"caseContent": []map[string]interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"Final case",
if err != nil {
return err
json5 := string(tmpJSON5)
tmpJSON6, err := json.Marshal("2000-01-01")
if err != nil {
return err
json6 := string(tmpJSON6)
tmpJSON7, err := json.Marshal("abc")
if err != nil {
return err
json7 := string(tmpJSON7)
tmpJSON8, err := json.Marshal([]string{
if err != nil {
return err
json8 := string(tmpJSON8)
tmpJSON9, err := json.Marshal([]interface{}{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
"caseContent": []interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"First case",
"additionalCases": map[string]interface{}{
"cases": []map[string]interface{}{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
"caseContent": []map[string]interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"Nested case",
"caseContent": []map[string]interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"Final case",
if err != nil {
return err
json9 := string(tmpJSON9)
tmpJSON10, err := json.Marshal("abc")
if err != nil {
return err
json10 := string(tmpJSON10)
tmpJSON11, err := json.Marshal([]string{
if err != nil {
return err
json11 := string(tmpJSON11)
tmpJSON12, err := json.Marshal([]interface{}{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
"caseContent": []interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"First case",
"additionalCases": map[string]interface{}{
"cases": []map[string]interface{}{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
"caseContent": []map[string]interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"Nested case",
"caseContent": []map[string]interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"Final case",
if err != nil {
return err
json12 := string(tmpJSON12)
tmpJSON13, err := json.Marshal("abc")
if err != nil {
return err
json13 := string(tmpJSON13)
tmpJSON14, err := json.Marshal([]string{
if err != nil {
return err
json14 := string(tmpJSON14)
tmpJSON15, err := json.Marshal([]interface{}{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
"caseContent": []interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"First case",
"additionalCases": map[string]interface{}{
"cases": []map[string]interface{}{
"condition": "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
"caseContent": []map[string]interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"Nested case",
"caseContent": []map[string]interface{}{
"message": map[string]interface{}{
"text": map[string]interface{}{
"text": []string{
"Final case",
if err != nil {
return err
json15 := string(tmpJSON15)
_, err = diagflow.NewCxPage(ctx, "basic_page", &diagflow.CxPageArgs{
Parent: agent.StartFlow,
DisplayName: pulumi.String("MyPage"),
EntryFulfillment: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentArgs{
Messages: diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageArray{
Channel: pulumi.String("some-channel"),
Text: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageTextArgs{
Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
pulumi.String("Welcome to page"),
Payload: pulumi.String(" {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n"),
ConversationSuccess: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String(" {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
Text: pulumi.String("some output text"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
Ssml: pulumi.String(" <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n"),
LiveAgentHandoff: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String(" {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n"),
PlayAudio: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs{
AudioUri: pulumi.String("http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3"),
TelephonyTransferCall: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs{
PhoneNumber: pulumi.String("1-234-567-8901"),
SetParameterActions: diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentSetParameterActionArray{
Parameter: pulumi.String("some-param"),
Value: pulumi.String("123.45"),
Parameter: pulumi.String("another-param"),
Value: pulumi.String(json0),
Parameter: pulumi.String("other-param"),
Value: pulumi.String(json1),
ConditionalCases: diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentConditionalCaseArray{
Cases: pulumi.String(json2),
EventHandlers: diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerArray{
Event: pulumi.String("some-event"),
TriggerFulfillment: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs{
ReturnPartialResponses: pulumi.Bool(true),
Messages: diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArray{
Channel: pulumi.String("some-channel"),
Text: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs{
Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
pulumi.String("Some text"),
Payload: pulumi.String(" {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n"),
ConversationSuccess: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String(" {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
Text: pulumi.String("some output text"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
Ssml: pulumi.String(" <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n"),
LiveAgentHandoff: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String(" {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n"),
PlayAudio: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs{
AudioUri: pulumi.String("http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3"),
TelephonyTransferCall: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs{
PhoneNumber: pulumi.String("1-234-567-8901"),
SetParameterActions: diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArray{
Parameter: pulumi.String("some-param"),
Value: pulumi.String("123.45"),
Parameter: pulumi.String("another-param"),
Value: pulumi.String(json3),
Parameter: pulumi.String("other-param"),
Value: pulumi.String(json4),
ConditionalCases: diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArray{
Cases: pulumi.String(json5),
Form: &diagflow.CxPageFormArgs{
Parameters: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterArray{
DisplayName: pulumi.String("param1"),
EntityType: pulumi.String("projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/sys.date"),
DefaultValue: pulumi.String(json6),
FillBehavior: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorArgs{
InitialPromptFulfillment: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentArgs{
Messages: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageArray{
Channel: pulumi.String("some-channel"),
Text: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageTextArgs{
Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
pulumi.String("Please provide param1"),
Payload: pulumi.String(" {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n"),
ConversationSuccess: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String(" {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
Text: pulumi.String("some output text"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
Ssml: pulumi.String(" <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n"),
LiveAgentHandoff: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String(" {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n"),
PlayAudio: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs{
AudioUri: pulumi.String("http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3"),
TelephonyTransferCall: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs{
PhoneNumber: pulumi.String("1-234-567-8901"),
SetParameterActions: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentSetParameterActionArray{
Parameter: pulumi.String("some-param"),
Value: pulumi.String("123.45"),
Parameter: pulumi.String("another-param"),
Value: pulumi.String(json7),
Parameter: pulumi.String("other-param"),
Value: pulumi.String(json8),
ConditionalCases: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentConditionalCaseArray{
Cases: pulumi.String(json9),
RepromptEventHandlers: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerArray{
Event: pulumi.String("sys.no-match-1"),
TriggerFulfillment: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs{
ReturnPartialResponses: pulumi.Bool(true),
Webhook: myWebhook.ID(),
Tag: pulumi.String("some-tag"),
Messages: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArray{
Channel: pulumi.String("some-channel"),
Text: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs{
Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
pulumi.String("Please provide param1"),
Payload: pulumi.String(" {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n"),
ConversationSuccess: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String(" {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
Text: pulumi.String("some output text"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
Ssml: pulumi.String(" <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n"),
LiveAgentHandoff: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String(" {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n"),
PlayAudio: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs{
AudioUri: pulumi.String("http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3"),
TelephonyTransferCall: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs{
PhoneNumber: pulumi.String("1-234-567-8901"),
SetParameterActions: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArray{
Parameter: pulumi.String("some-param"),
Value: pulumi.String("123.45"),
Parameter: pulumi.String("another-param"),
Value: pulumi.String(json10),
Parameter: pulumi.String("other-param"),
Value: pulumi.String(json11),
ConditionalCases: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArray{
Cases: pulumi.String(json12),
Event: pulumi.String("sys.no-match-2"),
TargetFlow: agent.StartFlow,
Event: pulumi.String("sys.no-match-3"),
TargetPage: myPage2.ID(),
Required: pulumi.Bool(true),
Redact: pulumi.Bool(true),
AdvancedSettings: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterAdvancedSettingsArgs{
DtmfSettings: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettingsArgs{
Enabled: pulumi.Bool(true),
MaxDigits: pulumi.Int(1),
FinishDigit: pulumi.String("#"),
TransitionRoutes: diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteArray{
Condition: pulumi.String("$page.params.status = 'FINAL'"),
TriggerFulfillment: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentArgs{
Messages: diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArray{
Channel: pulumi.String("some-channel"),
Text: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs{
Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
pulumi.String("information completed, navigating to page 2"),
Payload: pulumi.String(" {\"some-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-key\": [\"other-value\"]}\n"),
ConversationSuccess: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String(" {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
Text: pulumi.String("some output text"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
Ssml: pulumi.String(" <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=\"characters\">SSML XML</say-as></speak>\n"),
LiveAgentHandoff: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String(" {\"some-metadata-key\": \"some-value\", \"other-metadata-key\": 1234}\n"),
PlayAudio: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs{
AudioUri: pulumi.String("http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3"),
TelephonyTransferCall: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs{
PhoneNumber: pulumi.String("1-234-567-8901"),
SetParameterActions: diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArray{
Parameter: pulumi.String("some-param"),
Value: pulumi.String("123.45"),
Parameter: pulumi.String("another-param"),
Value: pulumi.String(json13),
Parameter: pulumi.String("other-param"),
Value: pulumi.String(json14),
ConditionalCases: diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArray{
Cases: pulumi.String(json15),
TargetPage: myPage2.ID(),
AdvancedSettings: &diagflow.CxPageAdvancedSettingsArgs{
DtmfSettings: &diagflow.CxPageAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettingsArgs{
Enabled: pulumi.Bool(true),
MaxDigits: pulumi.Int(1),
FinishDigit: pulumi.String("#"),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using Pulumi;
using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
var agent = new Gcp.Diagflow.CxAgent("agent", new()
DisplayName = "dialogflowcx-agent",
Location = "global",
DefaultLanguageCode = "en",
SupportedLanguageCodes = new[]
TimeZone = "America/New_York",
Description = "Example description.",
AvatarUri = "https://cloud.google.com/_static/images/cloud/icons/favicons/onecloud/super_cloud.png",
EnableStackdriverLogging = true,
EnableSpellCorrection = true,
SpeechToTextSettings = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxAgentSpeechToTextSettingsArgs
EnableSpeechAdaptation = true,
var myPage2 = new Gcp.Diagflow.CxPage("my_page2", new()
Parent = agent.StartFlow,
DisplayName = "MyPage2",
var myWebhook = new Gcp.Diagflow.CxWebhook("my_webhook", new()
Parent = agent.Id,
DisplayName = "MyWebhook",
GenericWebService = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxWebhookGenericWebServiceArgs
Uri = "https://example.com",
var basicPage = new Gcp.Diagflow.CxPage("basic_page", new()
Parent = agent.StartFlow,
DisplayName = "MyPage",
EntryFulfillment = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentArgs
Messages = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageArgs
Channel = "some-channel",
Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
Texts = new[]
"Welcome to page",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageArgs
Payload = @" {""some-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-key"": [""other-value""]}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageArgs
ConversationSuccess = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
Metadata = @" {""some-metadata-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-metadata-key"": 1234}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageArgs
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
Text = "some output text",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageArgs
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
Ssml = @" <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=""characters"">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageArgs
LiveAgentHandoff = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
Metadata = @" {""some-metadata-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-metadata-key"": 1234}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageArgs
PlayAudio = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
AudioUri = "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageArgs
TelephonyTransferCall = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
PhoneNumber = "1-234-567-8901",
SetParameterActions = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "some-param",
Value = "123.45",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "another-param",
Value = JsonSerializer.Serialize("abc"),
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "other-param",
Value = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new[]
ConditionalCases = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
Cases = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["condition"] = "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"First case",
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["additionalCases"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["cases"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["condition"] = "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"Nested case",
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"Final case",
EventHandlers = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerArgs
Event = "some-event",
TriggerFulfillment = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs
ReturnPartialResponses = true,
Messages = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
Channel = "some-channel",
Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
Texts = new[]
"Some text",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
Payload = @" {""some-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-key"": [""other-value""]}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
ConversationSuccess = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
Metadata = @" {""some-metadata-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-metadata-key"": 1234}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
Text = "some output text",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
Ssml = @" <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=""characters"">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
LiveAgentHandoff = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
Metadata = @" {""some-metadata-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-metadata-key"": 1234}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
PlayAudio = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
AudioUri = "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
TelephonyTransferCall = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
PhoneNumber = "1-234-567-8901",
SetParameterActions = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "some-param",
Value = "123.45",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "another-param",
Value = JsonSerializer.Serialize("abc"),
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "other-param",
Value = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new[]
ConditionalCases = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
Cases = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["condition"] = "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"First case",
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["additionalCases"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["cases"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["condition"] = "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"Nested case",
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"Final case",
Form = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormArgs
Parameters = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterArgs
DisplayName = "param1",
EntityType = "projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/sys.date",
DefaultValue = JsonSerializer.Serialize("2000-01-01"),
FillBehavior = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorArgs
InitialPromptFulfillment = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentArgs
Messages = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageArgs
Channel = "some-channel",
Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
Texts = new[]
"Please provide param1",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageArgs
Payload = @" {""some-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-key"": [""other-value""]}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageArgs
ConversationSuccess = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
Metadata = @" {""some-metadata-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-metadata-key"": 1234}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageArgs
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
Text = "some output text",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageArgs
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
Ssml = @" <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=""characters"">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageArgs
LiveAgentHandoff = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
Metadata = @" {""some-metadata-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-metadata-key"": 1234}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageArgs
PlayAudio = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
AudioUri = "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageArgs
TelephonyTransferCall = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
PhoneNumber = "1-234-567-8901",
SetParameterActions = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "some-param",
Value = "123.45",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "another-param",
Value = JsonSerializer.Serialize("abc"),
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "other-param",
Value = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new[]
ConditionalCases = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
Cases = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["condition"] = "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"First case",
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["additionalCases"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["cases"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["condition"] = "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"Nested case",
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"Final case",
RepromptEventHandlers = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerArgs
Event = "sys.no-match-1",
TriggerFulfillment = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs
ReturnPartialResponses = true,
Webhook = myWebhook.Id,
Tag = "some-tag",
Messages = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
Channel = "some-channel",
Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
Texts = new[]
"Please provide param1",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
Payload = @" {""some-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-key"": [""other-value""]}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
ConversationSuccess = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
Metadata = @" {""some-metadata-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-metadata-key"": 1234}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
Text = "some output text",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
Ssml = @" <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=""characters"">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
LiveAgentHandoff = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
Metadata = @" {""some-metadata-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-metadata-key"": 1234}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
PlayAudio = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
AudioUri = "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
TelephonyTransferCall = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
PhoneNumber = "1-234-567-8901",
SetParameterActions = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "some-param",
Value = "123.45",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "another-param",
Value = JsonSerializer.Serialize("abc"),
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "other-param",
Value = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new[]
ConditionalCases = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
Cases = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["condition"] = "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"First case",
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["additionalCases"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["cases"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["condition"] = "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"Nested case",
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"Final case",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerArgs
Event = "sys.no-match-2",
TargetFlow = agent.StartFlow,
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerArgs
Event = "sys.no-match-3",
TargetPage = myPage2.Id,
Required = true,
Redact = true,
AdvancedSettings = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterAdvancedSettingsArgs
DtmfSettings = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettingsArgs
Enabled = true,
MaxDigits = 1,
FinishDigit = "#",
TransitionRoutes = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteArgs
Condition = "$page.params.status = 'FINAL'",
TriggerFulfillment = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentArgs
Messages = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
Channel = "some-channel",
Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
Texts = new[]
"information completed, navigating to page 2",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
Payload = @" {""some-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-key"": [""other-value""]}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
ConversationSuccess = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
Metadata = @" {""some-metadata-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-metadata-key"": 1234}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
Text = "some output text",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
Ssml = @" <speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as=""characters"">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
LiveAgentHandoff = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
Metadata = @" {""some-metadata-key"": ""some-value"", ""other-metadata-key"": 1234}
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
PlayAudio = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
AudioUri = "http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
TelephonyTransferCall = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
PhoneNumber = "1-234-567-8901",
SetParameterActions = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "some-param",
Value = "123.45",
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "another-param",
Value = JsonSerializer.Serialize("abc"),
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "other-param",
Value = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new[]
ConditionalCases = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
Cases = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["condition"] = "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5",
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"First case",
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["additionalCases"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["cases"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["condition"] = "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2",
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"Nested case",
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["caseContent"] = new[]
new Dictionary<string, object?>
["message"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["text"] = new[]
"Final case",
TargetPage = myPage2.Id,
AdvancedSettings = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageAdvancedSettingsArgs
DtmfSettings = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettingsArgs
Enabled = true,
MaxDigits = 1,
FinishDigit = "#",
package generated_program;
import com.pulumi.Context;
import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
import com.pulumi.core.Output;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxAgent;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxAgentArgs;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxAgentSpeechToTextSettingsArgs;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxPage;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxPageArgs;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxWebhook;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxWebhookArgs;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxWebhookGenericWebServiceArgs;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentArgs;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxPageEventHandlerArgs;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxPageFormArgs;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteArgs;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentArgs;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxPageAdvancedSettingsArgs;
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxPageAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettingsArgs;
import static com.pulumi.codegen.internal.Serialization.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.io.File;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void stack(Context ctx) {
var agent = new CxAgent("agent", CxAgentArgs.builder()
.description("Example description.")
var myPage2 = new CxPage("myPage2", CxPageArgs.builder()
var myWebhook = new CxWebhook("myWebhook", CxWebhookArgs.builder()
var basicPage = new CxPage("basicPage", CxPageArgs.builder()
.texts("Welcome to page")
{"some-key": "some-value", "other-key": ["other-value"]}
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
.text("some output text")
<speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as="characters">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
jsonProperty("condition", "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5"),
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("First case"))
jsonProperty("additionalCases", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("cases", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("condition", "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2"),
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("Nested case"))
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("Final case"))
.texts("Some text")
{"some-key": "some-value", "other-key": ["other-value"]}
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
.text("some output text")
<speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as="characters">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
jsonProperty("condition", "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5"),
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("First case"))
jsonProperty("additionalCases", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("cases", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("condition", "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2"),
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("Nested case"))
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("Final case"))
.texts("Please provide param1")
{"some-key": "some-value", "other-key": ["other-value"]}
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
.text("some output text")
<speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as="characters">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
jsonProperty("condition", "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5"),
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("First case"))
jsonProperty("additionalCases", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("cases", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("condition", "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2"),
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("Nested case"))
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("Final case"))
.texts("Please provide param1")
{"some-key": "some-value", "other-key": ["other-value"]}
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
.text("some output text")
<speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as="characters">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
jsonProperty("condition", "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5"),
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("First case"))
jsonProperty("additionalCases", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("cases", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("condition", "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2"),
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("Nested case"))
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("Final case"))
.condition("$page.params.status = 'FINAL'")
.texts("information completed, navigating to page 2")
{"some-key": "some-value", "other-key": ["other-value"]}
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
.text("some output text")
<speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as="characters">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
jsonProperty("condition", "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.5"),
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("First case"))
jsonProperty("additionalCases", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("cases", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("condition", "$sys.func.RAND() < 0.2"),
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("Nested case"))
jsonProperty("caseContent", jsonArray(jsonObject(
jsonProperty("message", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("text", jsonArray("Final case"))
type: gcp:diagflow:CxAgent
displayName: dialogflowcx-agent
location: global
defaultLanguageCode: en
- fr
- de
- es
timeZone: America/New_York
description: Example description.
avatarUri: https://cloud.google.com/_static/images/cloud/icons/favicons/onecloud/super_cloud.png
enableStackdriverLogging: true
enableSpellCorrection: true
enableSpeechAdaptation: true
type: gcp:diagflow:CxPage
name: basic_page
parent: ${agent.startFlow}
displayName: MyPage
- channel: some-channel
- Welcome to page
- payload: |2
{"some-key": "some-value", "other-key": ["other-value"]}
- conversationSuccess:
metadata: |2
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
- outputAudioText:
text: some output text
- outputAudioText:
ssml: |2
<speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as="characters">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
- liveAgentHandoff:
metadata: |2
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
- playAudio:
audioUri: http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3
- telephonyTransferCall:
phoneNumber: 1-234-567-8901
- parameter: some-param
value: '123.45'
- parameter: another-param
fn::toJSON: abc
- parameter: other-param
- foo
- cases:
- condition: $sys.func.RAND() < 0.5
- message:
- First case
- additionalCases:
- condition: $sys.func.RAND() < 0.2
- message:
- Nested case
- caseContent:
- message:
- Final case
- event: some-event
returnPartialResponses: true
- channel: some-channel
- Some text
- payload: |2
{"some-key": "some-value", "other-key": ["other-value"]}
- conversationSuccess:
metadata: |2
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
- outputAudioText:
text: some output text
- outputAudioText:
ssml: |2
<speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as="characters">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
- liveAgentHandoff:
metadata: |2
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
- playAudio:
audioUri: http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3
- telephonyTransferCall:
phoneNumber: 1-234-567-8901
- parameter: some-param
value: '123.45'
- parameter: another-param
fn::toJSON: abc
- parameter: other-param
- foo
- cases:
- condition: $sys.func.RAND() < 0.5
- message:
- First case
- additionalCases:
- condition: $sys.func.RAND() < 0.2
- message:
- Nested case
- caseContent:
- message:
- Final case
- displayName: param1
entityType: projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/sys.date
fn::toJSON: 2000-01-01
- channel: some-channel
- Please provide param1
- payload: |2
{"some-key": "some-value", "other-key": ["other-value"]}
- conversationSuccess:
metadata: |2
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
- outputAudioText:
text: some output text
- outputAudioText:
ssml: |2
<speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as="characters">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
- liveAgentHandoff:
metadata: |2
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
- playAudio:
audioUri: http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3
- telephonyTransferCall:
phoneNumber: 1-234-567-8901
- parameter: some-param
value: '123.45'
- parameter: another-param
fn::toJSON: abc
- parameter: other-param
- foo
- cases:
- condition: $sys.func.RAND() < 0.5
- message:
- First case
- additionalCases:
- condition: $sys.func.RAND() < 0.2
- message:
- Nested case
- caseContent:
- message:
- Final case
- event: sys.no-match-1
returnPartialResponses: true
webhook: ${myWebhook.id}
tag: some-tag
- channel: some-channel
- Please provide param1
- payload: |2
{"some-key": "some-value", "other-key": ["other-value"]}
- conversationSuccess:
metadata: |2
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
- outputAudioText:
text: some output text
- outputAudioText:
ssml: |2
<speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as="characters">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
- liveAgentHandoff:
metadata: |2
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
- playAudio:
audioUri: http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3
- telephonyTransferCall:
phoneNumber: 1-234-567-8901
- parameter: some-param
value: '123.45'
- parameter: another-param
fn::toJSON: abc
- parameter: other-param
- foo
- cases:
- condition: $sys.func.RAND() < 0.5
- message:
- First case
- additionalCases:
- condition: $sys.func.RAND() < 0.2
- message:
- Nested case
- caseContent:
- message:
- Final case
- event: sys.no-match-2
targetFlow: ${agent.startFlow}
- event: sys.no-match-3
targetPage: ${myPage2.id}
required: 'true'
redact: 'true'
enabled: true
maxDigits: 1
finishDigit: '#'
- condition: $page.params.status = 'FINAL'
- channel: some-channel
- information completed, navigating to page 2
- payload: |2
{"some-key": "some-value", "other-key": ["other-value"]}
- conversationSuccess:
metadata: |2
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
- outputAudioText:
text: some output text
- outputAudioText:
ssml: |2
<speak>Some example <say-as interpret-as="characters">SSML XML</say-as></speak>
- liveAgentHandoff:
metadata: |2
{"some-metadata-key": "some-value", "other-metadata-key": 1234}
- playAudio:
audioUri: http://example.com/some-audio-file.mp3
- telephonyTransferCall:
phoneNumber: 1-234-567-8901
- parameter: some-param
value: '123.45'
- parameter: another-param
fn::toJSON: abc
- parameter: other-param
- foo
- cases:
- condition: $sys.func.RAND() < 0.5
- message:
- First case
- additionalCases:
- condition: $sys.func.RAND() < 0.2
- message:
- Nested case
- caseContent:
- message:
- Final case
targetPage: ${myPage2.id}
enabled: true
maxDigits: 1
finishDigit: '#'
type: gcp:diagflow:CxPage
name: my_page2
parent: ${agent.startFlow}
displayName: MyPage2
type: gcp:diagflow:CxWebhook
name: my_webhook
parent: ${agent.id}
displayName: MyWebhook
uri: https://example.com
Create CxPage Resource
Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.
Constructor syntax
new CxPage(name: string, args: CxPageArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
def CxPage(resource_name: str,
args: CxPageArgs,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
def CxPage(resource_name: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
display_name: Optional[str] = None,
advanced_settings: Optional[CxPageAdvancedSettingsArgs] = None,
entry_fulfillment: Optional[CxPageEntryFulfillmentArgs] = None,
event_handlers: Optional[Sequence[CxPageEventHandlerArgs]] = None,
form: Optional[CxPageFormArgs] = None,
language_code: Optional[str] = None,
parent: Optional[str] = None,
transition_route_groups: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
transition_routes: Optional[Sequence[CxPageTransitionRouteArgs]] = None)
func NewCxPage(ctx *Context, name string, args CxPageArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*CxPage, error)
public CxPage(string name, CxPageArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public CxPage(String name, CxPageArgs args)
public CxPage(String name, CxPageArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
type: gcp:diagflow:CxPage
properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args CxPageArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- resource_name str
- The unique name of the resource.
- args CxPageArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- ctx Context
- Context object for the current deployment.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args CxPageArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOption
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args CxPageArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name String
- The unique name of the resource.
- args CxPageArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- options CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
Constructor example
The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.
var cxPageResource = new Gcp.Diagflow.CxPage("cxPageResource", new()
DisplayName = "string",
AdvancedSettings = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageAdvancedSettingsArgs
DtmfSettings = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettingsArgs
Enabled = false,
FinishDigit = "string",
MaxDigits = 0,
EntryFulfillment = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentArgs
ConditionalCases = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
Cases = "string",
Messages = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageArgs
Channel = "string",
ConversationSuccess = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
Metadata = "string",
LiveAgentHandoff = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
Metadata = "string",
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
Ssml = "string",
Text = "string",
Payload = "string",
PlayAudio = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
AudioUri = "string",
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
TelephonyTransferCall = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
PhoneNumber = "string",
Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
Texts = new[]
ReturnPartialResponses = false,
SetParameterActions = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEntryFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "string",
Value = "string",
Tag = "string",
Webhook = "string",
EventHandlers = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerArgs
Event = "string",
Name = "string",
TargetFlow = "string",
TargetPage = "string",
TriggerFulfillment = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs
ConditionalCases = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
Cases = "string",
Messages = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
Channel = "string",
ConversationSuccess = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
Metadata = "string",
LiveAgentHandoff = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
Metadata = "string",
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
Ssml = "string",
Text = "string",
Payload = "string",
PlayAudio = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
AudioUri = "string",
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
TelephonyTransferCall = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
PhoneNumber = "string",
Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
Texts = new[]
ReturnPartialResponses = false,
SetParameterActions = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "string",
Value = "string",
Tag = "string",
Webhook = "string",
Form = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormArgs
Parameters = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterArgs
AdvancedSettings = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterAdvancedSettingsArgs
DtmfSettings = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettingsArgs
Enabled = false,
FinishDigit = "string",
MaxDigits = 0,
DefaultValue = "string",
DisplayName = "string",
EntityType = "string",
FillBehavior = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorArgs
InitialPromptFulfillment = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentArgs
ConditionalCases = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
Cases = "string",
Messages = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageArgs
Channel = "string",
ConversationSuccess = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
Metadata = "string",
LiveAgentHandoff = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
Metadata = "string",
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
Ssml = "string",
Text = "string",
Payload = "string",
PlayAudio = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
AudioUri = "string",
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
TelephonyTransferCall = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
PhoneNumber = "string",
Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
Texts = new[]
ReturnPartialResponses = false,
SetParameterActions = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "string",
Value = "string",
Tag = "string",
Webhook = "string",
RepromptEventHandlers = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerArgs
Event = "string",
Name = "string",
TargetFlow = "string",
TargetPage = "string",
TriggerFulfillment = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs
ConditionalCases = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
Cases = "string",
Messages = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
Channel = "string",
ConversationSuccess = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
Metadata = "string",
LiveAgentHandoff = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
Metadata = "string",
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
Ssml = "string",
Text = "string",
Payload = "string",
PlayAudio = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
AudioUri = "string",
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
TelephonyTransferCall = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
PhoneNumber = "string",
Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
Texts = new[]
ReturnPartialResponses = false,
SetParameterActions = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "string",
Value = "string",
Tag = "string",
Webhook = "string",
IsList = false,
Redact = false,
Required = false,
LanguageCode = "string",
Parent = "string",
TransitionRouteGroups = new[]
TransitionRoutes = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteArgs
Condition = "string",
Intent = "string",
Name = "string",
TargetFlow = "string",
TargetPage = "string",
TriggerFulfillment = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentArgs
ConditionalCases = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
Cases = "string",
Messages = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
Channel = "string",
ConversationSuccess = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
Metadata = "string",
LiveAgentHandoff = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
Metadata = "string",
OutputAudioText = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
Ssml = "string",
Text = "string",
Payload = "string",
PlayAudio = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
AudioUri = "string",
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
TelephonyTransferCall = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
PhoneNumber = "string",
Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
AllowPlaybackInterruption = false,
Texts = new[]
ReturnPartialResponses = false,
SetParameterActions = new[]
new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Parameter = "string",
Value = "string",
Tag = "string",
Webhook = "string",
example, err := diagflow.NewCxPage(ctx, "cxPageResource", &diagflow.CxPageArgs{
DisplayName: pulumi.String("string"),
AdvancedSettings: &diagflow.CxPageAdvancedSettingsArgs{
DtmfSettings: &diagflow.CxPageAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettingsArgs{
Enabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
FinishDigit: pulumi.String("string"),
MaxDigits: pulumi.Int(0),
EntryFulfillment: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentArgs{
ConditionalCases: diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentConditionalCaseArray{
Cases: pulumi.String("string"),
Messages: diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageArray{
Channel: pulumi.String("string"),
ConversationSuccess: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String("string"),
LiveAgentHandoff: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String("string"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
Ssml: pulumi.String("string"),
Text: pulumi.String("string"),
Payload: pulumi.String("string"),
PlayAudio: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs{
AudioUri: pulumi.String("string"),
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
TelephonyTransferCall: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs{
PhoneNumber: pulumi.String("string"),
Text: &diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageTextArgs{
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
ReturnPartialResponses: pulumi.Bool(false),
SetParameterActions: diagflow.CxPageEntryFulfillmentSetParameterActionArray{
Parameter: pulumi.String("string"),
Value: pulumi.String("string"),
Tag: pulumi.String("string"),
Webhook: pulumi.String("string"),
EventHandlers: diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerArray{
Event: pulumi.String("string"),
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
TargetFlow: pulumi.String("string"),
TargetPage: pulumi.String("string"),
TriggerFulfillment: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs{
ConditionalCases: diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArray{
Cases: pulumi.String("string"),
Messages: diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArray{
Channel: pulumi.String("string"),
ConversationSuccess: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String("string"),
LiveAgentHandoff: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String("string"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
Ssml: pulumi.String("string"),
Text: pulumi.String("string"),
Payload: pulumi.String("string"),
PlayAudio: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs{
AudioUri: pulumi.String("string"),
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
TelephonyTransferCall: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs{
PhoneNumber: pulumi.String("string"),
Text: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs{
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
ReturnPartialResponses: pulumi.Bool(false),
SetParameterActions: diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArray{
Parameter: pulumi.String("string"),
Value: pulumi.String("string"),
Tag: pulumi.String("string"),
Webhook: pulumi.String("string"),
Form: &diagflow.CxPageFormArgs{
Parameters: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterArray{
AdvancedSettings: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterAdvancedSettingsArgs{
DtmfSettings: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettingsArgs{
Enabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
FinishDigit: pulumi.String("string"),
MaxDigits: pulumi.Int(0),
DefaultValue: pulumi.String("string"),
DisplayName: pulumi.String("string"),
EntityType: pulumi.String("string"),
FillBehavior: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorArgs{
InitialPromptFulfillment: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentArgs{
ConditionalCases: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentConditionalCaseArray{
Cases: pulumi.String("string"),
Messages: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageArray{
Channel: pulumi.String("string"),
ConversationSuccess: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String("string"),
LiveAgentHandoff: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String("string"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
Ssml: pulumi.String("string"),
Text: pulumi.String("string"),
Payload: pulumi.String("string"),
PlayAudio: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs{
AudioUri: pulumi.String("string"),
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
TelephonyTransferCall: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs{
PhoneNumber: pulumi.String("string"),
Text: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageTextArgs{
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
ReturnPartialResponses: pulumi.Bool(false),
SetParameterActions: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentSetParameterActionArray{
Parameter: pulumi.String("string"),
Value: pulumi.String("string"),
Tag: pulumi.String("string"),
Webhook: pulumi.String("string"),
RepromptEventHandlers: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerArray{
Event: pulumi.String("string"),
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
TargetFlow: pulumi.String("string"),
TargetPage: pulumi.String("string"),
TriggerFulfillment: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs{
ConditionalCases: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArray{
Cases: pulumi.String("string"),
Messages: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArray{
Channel: pulumi.String("string"),
ConversationSuccess: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String("string"),
LiveAgentHandoff: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String("string"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
Ssml: pulumi.String("string"),
Text: pulumi.String("string"),
Payload: pulumi.String("string"),
PlayAudio: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs{
AudioUri: pulumi.String("string"),
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
TelephonyTransferCall: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs{
PhoneNumber: pulumi.String("string"),
Text: &diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs{
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
ReturnPartialResponses: pulumi.Bool(false),
SetParameterActions: diagflow.CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArray{
Parameter: pulumi.String("string"),
Value: pulumi.String("string"),
Tag: pulumi.String("string"),
Webhook: pulumi.String("string"),
IsList: pulumi.Bool(false),
Redact: pulumi.Bool(false),
Required: pulumi.Bool(false),
LanguageCode: pulumi.String("string"),
Parent: pulumi.String("string"),
TransitionRouteGroups: pulumi.StringArray{
TransitionRoutes: diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteArray{
Condition: pulumi.String("string"),
Intent: pulumi.String("string"),
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
TargetFlow: pulumi.String("string"),
TargetPage: pulumi.String("string"),
TriggerFulfillment: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentArgs{
ConditionalCases: diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArray{
Cases: pulumi.String("string"),
Messages: diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArray{
Channel: pulumi.String("string"),
ConversationSuccess: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String("string"),
LiveAgentHandoff: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs{
Metadata: pulumi.String("string"),
OutputAudioText: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs{
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
Ssml: pulumi.String("string"),
Text: pulumi.String("string"),
Payload: pulumi.String("string"),
PlayAudio: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs{
AudioUri: pulumi.String("string"),
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
TelephonyTransferCall: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs{
PhoneNumber: pulumi.String("string"),
Text: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs{
AllowPlaybackInterruption: pulumi.Bool(false),
Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
ReturnPartialResponses: pulumi.Bool(false),
SetParameterActions: diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArray{
Parameter: pulumi.String("string"),
Value: pulumi.String("string"),
Tag: pulumi.String("string"),
Webhook: pulumi.String("string"),
var cxPageResource = new CxPage("cxPageResource", CxPageArgs.builder()
cx_page_resource = gcp.diagflow.CxPage("cxPageResource",
"dtmfSettings": {
"enabled": False,
"finishDigit": "string",
"maxDigits": 0,
"conditionalCases": [{
"cases": "string",
"messages": [{
"channel": "string",
"conversationSuccess": {
"metadata": "string",
"liveAgentHandoff": {
"metadata": "string",
"outputAudioText": {
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"ssml": "string",
"text": "string",
"payload": "string",
"playAudio": {
"audioUri": "string",
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"telephonyTransferCall": {
"phoneNumber": "string",
"text": {
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"texts": ["string"],
"returnPartialResponses": False,
"setParameterActions": [{
"parameter": "string",
"value": "string",
"tag": "string",
"webhook": "string",
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"name": "string",
"targetFlow": "string",
"targetPage": "string",
"triggerFulfillment": {
"conditionalCases": [{
"cases": "string",
"messages": [{
"channel": "string",
"conversationSuccess": {
"metadata": "string",
"liveAgentHandoff": {
"metadata": "string",
"outputAudioText": {
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"ssml": "string",
"text": "string",
"payload": "string",
"playAudio": {
"audioUri": "string",
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"telephonyTransferCall": {
"phoneNumber": "string",
"text": {
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"texts": ["string"],
"returnPartialResponses": False,
"setParameterActions": [{
"parameter": "string",
"value": "string",
"tag": "string",
"webhook": "string",
"parameters": [{
"advancedSettings": {
"dtmfSettings": {
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"defaultValue": "string",
"displayName": "string",
"entityType": "string",
"fillBehavior": {
"initialPromptFulfillment": {
"conditionalCases": [{
"cases": "string",
"messages": [{
"channel": "string",
"conversationSuccess": {
"metadata": "string",
"liveAgentHandoff": {
"metadata": "string",
"outputAudioText": {
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"ssml": "string",
"text": "string",
"payload": "string",
"playAudio": {
"audioUri": "string",
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"telephonyTransferCall": {
"phoneNumber": "string",
"text": {
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"texts": ["string"],
"returnPartialResponses": False,
"setParameterActions": [{
"parameter": "string",
"value": "string",
"tag": "string",
"webhook": "string",
"repromptEventHandlers": [{
"event": "string",
"name": "string",
"targetFlow": "string",
"targetPage": "string",
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"conditionalCases": [{
"cases": "string",
"messages": [{
"channel": "string",
"conversationSuccess": {
"metadata": "string",
"liveAgentHandoff": {
"metadata": "string",
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"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"ssml": "string",
"text": "string",
"payload": "string",
"playAudio": {
"audioUri": "string",
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"telephonyTransferCall": {
"phoneNumber": "string",
"text": {
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"texts": ["string"],
"returnPartialResponses": False,
"setParameterActions": [{
"parameter": "string",
"value": "string",
"tag": "string",
"webhook": "string",
"isList": False,
"redact": False,
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"name": "string",
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"conditionalCases": [{
"cases": "string",
"messages": [{
"channel": "string",
"conversationSuccess": {
"metadata": "string",
"liveAgentHandoff": {
"metadata": "string",
"outputAudioText": {
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"ssml": "string",
"text": "string",
"payload": "string",
"playAudio": {
"audioUri": "string",
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"telephonyTransferCall": {
"phoneNumber": "string",
"text": {
"allowPlaybackInterruption": False,
"texts": ["string"],
"returnPartialResponses": False,
"setParameterActions": [{
"parameter": "string",
"value": "string",
"tag": "string",
"webhook": "string",
const cxPageResource = new gcp.diagflow.CxPage("cxPageResource", {
displayName: "string",
advancedSettings: {
dtmfSettings: {
enabled: false,
finishDigit: "string",
maxDigits: 0,
entryFulfillment: {
conditionalCases: [{
cases: "string",
messages: [{
channel: "string",
conversationSuccess: {
metadata: "string",
liveAgentHandoff: {
metadata: "string",
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allowPlaybackInterruption: false,
ssml: "string",
text: "string",
payload: "string",
playAudio: {
audioUri: "string",
allowPlaybackInterruption: false,
telephonyTransferCall: {
phoneNumber: "string",
text: {
allowPlaybackInterruption: false,
texts: ["string"],
returnPartialResponses: false,
setParameterActions: [{
parameter: "string",
value: "string",
tag: "string",
webhook: "string",
eventHandlers: [{
event: "string",
name: "string",
targetFlow: "string",
targetPage: "string",
triggerFulfillment: {
conditionalCases: [{
cases: "string",
messages: [{
channel: "string",
conversationSuccess: {
metadata: "string",
liveAgentHandoff: {
metadata: "string",
outputAudioText: {
allowPlaybackInterruption: false,
ssml: "string",
text: "string",
payload: "string",
playAudio: {
audioUri: "string",
allowPlaybackInterruption: false,
telephonyTransferCall: {
phoneNumber: "string",
text: {
allowPlaybackInterruption: false,
texts: ["string"],
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setParameterActions: [{
parameter: "string",
value: "string",
tag: "string",
webhook: "string",
form: {
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dtmfSettings: {
enabled: false,
finishDigit: "string",
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defaultValue: "string",
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cases: "string",
messages: [{
channel: "string",
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metadata: "string",
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metadata: "string",
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text: "string",
payload: "string",
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phoneNumber: "string",
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parameter: "string",
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cases: "string",
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channel: "string",
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metadata: "string",
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text: "string",
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audioUri: "string",
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phoneNumber: "string",
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parameter: "string",
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cases: "string",
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metadata: "string",
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text: "string",
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audioUri: "string",
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phoneNumber: "string",
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parameter: "string",
value: "string",
tag: "string",
webhook: "string",
type: gcp:diagflow:CxPage
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finishDigit: string
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text: string
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audioUri: string
phoneNumber: string
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- string
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- parameter: string
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tag: string
webhook: string
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metadata: string
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text: string
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audioUri: string
phoneNumber: string
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- string
returnPartialResponses: false
- parameter: string
value: string
tag: string
webhook: string
- advancedSettings:
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finishDigit: string
maxDigits: 0
defaultValue: string
displayName: string
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metadata: string
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audioUri: string
phoneNumber: string
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text: string
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audioUri: string
phoneNumber: string
allowPlaybackInterruption: false
- string
returnPartialResponses: false
- parameter: string
value: string
tag: string
webhook: string
isList: false
redact: false
required: false
languageCode: string
parent: string
- string
- condition: string
intent: string
name: string
targetFlow: string
targetPage: string
- cases: string
- channel: string
metadata: string
metadata: string
allowPlaybackInterruption: false
ssml: string
text: string
payload: string
allowPlaybackInterruption: false
audioUri: string
phoneNumber: string
allowPlaybackInterruption: false
- string
returnPartialResponses: false
- parameter: string
value: string
tag: string
webhook: string
CxPage Resource Properties
To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.
The CxPage resource accepts the following input properties:
- Display
Name string - The human-readable name of the page, unique within the agent.
- Advanced
Settings CxPage Advanced Settings - Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- Entry
Fulfillment CxPage Entry Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. Structure is documented below.
- Event
Handlers List<CxPage Event Handler> - Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. Structure is documented below.
- Form
Page Form - The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. Structure is documented below.
- Language
Code string - The language of the following fields in page: Page.entry_fulfillment.messages Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
- Parent string
- The flow to create a page for. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- Transition
Route List<string>Groups - Ordered list of TransitionRouteGroups associated with the page. Transition route groups must be unique within a page. If multiple transition routes within a page scope refer to the same intent, then the precedence order is: page's transition route > page's transition route group > flow's transition routes. If multiple transition route groups within a page contain the same intent, then the first group in the ordered list takes precedence. Format:projects//locations//agents//flows//transitionRouteGroups/.
- Transition
Routes List<CxPage Transition Route> - A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evalauted in the following order: TransitionRoutes defined in the page with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in flow with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the page with only condition specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with only condition specified. Structure is documented below.
- Display
Name string - The human-readable name of the page, unique within the agent.
- Advanced
Settings CxPage Advanced Settings Args - Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- Entry
Fulfillment CxPage Entry Fulfillment Args - The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. Structure is documented below.
- Event
Handlers []CxPage Event Handler Args - Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. Structure is documented below.
- Form
Page Form Args - The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. Structure is documented below.
- Language
Code string - The language of the following fields in page: Page.entry_fulfillment.messages Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
- Parent string
- The flow to create a page for. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- Transition
Route []stringGroups - Ordered list of TransitionRouteGroups associated with the page. Transition route groups must be unique within a page. If multiple transition routes within a page scope refer to the same intent, then the precedence order is: page's transition route > page's transition route group > flow's transition routes. If multiple transition route groups within a page contain the same intent, then the first group in the ordered list takes precedence. Format:projects//locations//agents//flows//transitionRouteGroups/.
- Transition
Routes []CxPage Transition Route Args - A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evalauted in the following order: TransitionRoutes defined in the page with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in flow with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the page with only condition specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with only condition specified. Structure is documented below.
- display
Name String - The human-readable name of the page, unique within the agent.
- advanced
Settings CxPage Advanced Settings - Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- entry
Fulfillment CxPage Entry Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. Structure is documented below.
- event
Handlers List<CxPage Event Handler> - Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. Structure is documented below.
- form
Page Form - The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. Structure is documented below.
- language
Code String - The language of the following fields in page: Page.entry_fulfillment.messages Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
- parent String
- The flow to create a page for. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- transition
Route List<String>Groups - Ordered list of TransitionRouteGroups associated with the page. Transition route groups must be unique within a page. If multiple transition routes within a page scope refer to the same intent, then the precedence order is: page's transition route > page's transition route group > flow's transition routes. If multiple transition route groups within a page contain the same intent, then the first group in the ordered list takes precedence. Format:projects//locations//agents//flows//transitionRouteGroups/.
- transition
Routes List<CxPage Transition Route> - A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evalauted in the following order: TransitionRoutes defined in the page with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in flow with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the page with only condition specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with only condition specified. Structure is documented below.
- display
Name string - The human-readable name of the page, unique within the agent.
- advanced
Settings CxPage Advanced Settings - Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- entry
Fulfillment CxPage Entry Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. Structure is documented below.
- event
Handlers CxPage Event Handler[] - Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. Structure is documented below.
- form
Page Form - The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. Structure is documented below.
- language
Code string - The language of the following fields in page: Page.entry_fulfillment.messages Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
- parent string
- The flow to create a page for. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- transition
Route string[]Groups - Ordered list of TransitionRouteGroups associated with the page. Transition route groups must be unique within a page. If multiple transition routes within a page scope refer to the same intent, then the precedence order is: page's transition route > page's transition route group > flow's transition routes. If multiple transition route groups within a page contain the same intent, then the first group in the ordered list takes precedence. Format:projects//locations//agents//flows//transitionRouteGroups/.
- transition
Routes CxPage Transition Route[] - A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evalauted in the following order: TransitionRoutes defined in the page with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in flow with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the page with only condition specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with only condition specified. Structure is documented below.
- display_
name str - The human-readable name of the page, unique within the agent.
- advanced_
settings CxPage Advanced Settings Args - Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- entry_
fulfillment CxPage Entry Fulfillment Args - The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. Structure is documented below.
- event_
handlers Sequence[CxPage Event Handler Args] - Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. Structure is documented below.
- form
Page Form Args - The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. Structure is documented below.
- language_
code str - The language of the following fields in page: Page.entry_fulfillment.messages Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
- parent str
- The flow to create a page for. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- transition_
route_ Sequence[str]groups - Ordered list of TransitionRouteGroups associated with the page. Transition route groups must be unique within a page. If multiple transition routes within a page scope refer to the same intent, then the precedence order is: page's transition route > page's transition route group > flow's transition routes. If multiple transition route groups within a page contain the same intent, then the first group in the ordered list takes precedence. Format:projects//locations//agents//flows//transitionRouteGroups/.
- transition_
routes Sequence[CxPage Transition Route Args] - A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evalauted in the following order: TransitionRoutes defined in the page with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in flow with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the page with only condition specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with only condition specified. Structure is documented below.
- display
Name String - The human-readable name of the page, unique within the agent.
- advanced
Settings Property Map - Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- entry
Fulfillment Property Map - The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. Structure is documented below.
- event
Handlers List<Property Map> - Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. Structure is documented below.
- form Property Map
- The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. Structure is documented below.
- language
Code String - The language of the following fields in page: Page.entry_fulfillment.messages Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
- parent String
- The flow to create a page for. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- transition
Route List<String>Groups - Ordered list of TransitionRouteGroups associated with the page. Transition route groups must be unique within a page. If multiple transition routes within a page scope refer to the same intent, then the precedence order is: page's transition route > page's transition route group > flow's transition routes. If multiple transition route groups within a page contain the same intent, then the first group in the ordered list takes precedence. Format:projects//locations//agents//flows//transitionRouteGroups/.
- transition
Routes List<Property Map> - A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evalauted in the following order: TransitionRoutes defined in the page with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in flow with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the page with only condition specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with only condition specified. Structure is documented below.
All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the CxPage resource produces the following output properties:
Look up Existing CxPage Resource
Get an existing CxPage resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.
public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: CxPageState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): CxPage
def get(resource_name: str,
id: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
advanced_settings: Optional[CxPageAdvancedSettingsArgs] = None,
display_name: Optional[str] = None,
entry_fulfillment: Optional[CxPageEntryFulfillmentArgs] = None,
event_handlers: Optional[Sequence[CxPageEventHandlerArgs]] = None,
form: Optional[CxPageFormArgs] = None,
language_code: Optional[str] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parent: Optional[str] = None,
transition_route_groups: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
transition_routes: Optional[Sequence[CxPageTransitionRouteArgs]] = None) -> CxPage
func GetCxPage(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *CxPageState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*CxPage, error)
public static CxPage Get(string name, Input<string> id, CxPageState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public static CxPage get(String name, Output<String> id, CxPageState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- resource_name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- Advanced
Settings CxPage Advanced Settings - Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- Display
Name string - The human-readable name of the page, unique within the agent.
- Entry
Fulfillment CxPage Entry Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. Structure is documented below.
- Event
Handlers List<CxPage Event Handler> - Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. Structure is documented below.
- Form
Page Form - The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. Structure is documented below.
- Language
Code string - The language of the following fields in page: Page.entry_fulfillment.messages Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
- Name string
- The unique identifier of the page. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- Parent string
- The flow to create a page for. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- Transition
Route List<string>Groups - Ordered list of TransitionRouteGroups associated with the page. Transition route groups must be unique within a page. If multiple transition routes within a page scope refer to the same intent, then the precedence order is: page's transition route > page's transition route group > flow's transition routes. If multiple transition route groups within a page contain the same intent, then the first group in the ordered list takes precedence. Format:projects//locations//agents//flows//transitionRouteGroups/.
- Transition
Routes List<CxPage Transition Route> - A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evalauted in the following order: TransitionRoutes defined in the page with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in flow with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the page with only condition specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with only condition specified. Structure is documented below.
- Advanced
Settings CxPage Advanced Settings Args - Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- Display
Name string - The human-readable name of the page, unique within the agent.
- Entry
Fulfillment CxPage Entry Fulfillment Args - The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. Structure is documented below.
- Event
Handlers []CxPage Event Handler Args - Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. Structure is documented below.
- Form
Page Form Args - The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. Structure is documented below.
- Language
Code string - The language of the following fields in page: Page.entry_fulfillment.messages Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
- Name string
- The unique identifier of the page. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- Parent string
- The flow to create a page for. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- Transition
Route []stringGroups - Ordered list of TransitionRouteGroups associated with the page. Transition route groups must be unique within a page. If multiple transition routes within a page scope refer to the same intent, then the precedence order is: page's transition route > page's transition route group > flow's transition routes. If multiple transition route groups within a page contain the same intent, then the first group in the ordered list takes precedence. Format:projects//locations//agents//flows//transitionRouteGroups/.
- Transition
Routes []CxPage Transition Route Args - A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evalauted in the following order: TransitionRoutes defined in the page with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in flow with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the page with only condition specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with only condition specified. Structure is documented below.
- advanced
Settings CxPage Advanced Settings - Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- display
Name String - The human-readable name of the page, unique within the agent.
- entry
Fulfillment CxPage Entry Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. Structure is documented below.
- event
Handlers List<CxPage Event Handler> - Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. Structure is documented below.
- form
Page Form - The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. Structure is documented below.
- language
Code String - The language of the following fields in page: Page.entry_fulfillment.messages Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
- name String
- The unique identifier of the page. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- parent String
- The flow to create a page for. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- transition
Route List<String>Groups - Ordered list of TransitionRouteGroups associated with the page. Transition route groups must be unique within a page. If multiple transition routes within a page scope refer to the same intent, then the precedence order is: page's transition route > page's transition route group > flow's transition routes. If multiple transition route groups within a page contain the same intent, then the first group in the ordered list takes precedence. Format:projects//locations//agents//flows//transitionRouteGroups/.
- transition
Routes List<CxPage Transition Route> - A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evalauted in the following order: TransitionRoutes defined in the page with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in flow with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the page with only condition specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with only condition specified. Structure is documented below.
- advanced
Settings CxPage Advanced Settings - Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- display
Name string - The human-readable name of the page, unique within the agent.
- entry
Fulfillment CxPage Entry Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. Structure is documented below.
- event
Handlers CxPage Event Handler[] - Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. Structure is documented below.
- form
Page Form - The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. Structure is documented below.
- language
Code string - The language of the following fields in page: Page.entry_fulfillment.messages Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
- name string
- The unique identifier of the page. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- parent string
- The flow to create a page for. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- transition
Route string[]Groups - Ordered list of TransitionRouteGroups associated with the page. Transition route groups must be unique within a page. If multiple transition routes within a page scope refer to the same intent, then the precedence order is: page's transition route > page's transition route group > flow's transition routes. If multiple transition route groups within a page contain the same intent, then the first group in the ordered list takes precedence. Format:projects//locations//agents//flows//transitionRouteGroups/.
- transition
Routes CxPage Transition Route[] - A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evalauted in the following order: TransitionRoutes defined in the page with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in flow with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the page with only condition specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with only condition specified. Structure is documented below.
- advanced_
settings CxPage Advanced Settings Args - Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- display_
name str - The human-readable name of the page, unique within the agent.
- entry_
fulfillment CxPage Entry Fulfillment Args - The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. Structure is documented below.
- event_
handlers Sequence[CxPage Event Handler Args] - Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. Structure is documented below.
- form
Page Form Args - The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. Structure is documented below.
- language_
code str - The language of the following fields in page: Page.entry_fulfillment.messages Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
- name str
- The unique identifier of the page. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- parent str
- The flow to create a page for. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- transition_
route_ Sequence[str]groups - Ordered list of TransitionRouteGroups associated with the page. Transition route groups must be unique within a page. If multiple transition routes within a page scope refer to the same intent, then the precedence order is: page's transition route > page's transition route group > flow's transition routes. If multiple transition route groups within a page contain the same intent, then the first group in the ordered list takes precedence. Format:projects//locations//agents//flows//transitionRouteGroups/.
- transition_
routes Sequence[CxPage Transition Route Args] - A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evalauted in the following order: TransitionRoutes defined in the page with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in flow with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the page with only condition specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with only condition specified. Structure is documented below.
- advanced
Settings Property Map - Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- display
Name String - The human-readable name of the page, unique within the agent.
- entry
Fulfillment Property Map - The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. Structure is documented below.
- event
Handlers List<Property Map> - Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. Structure is documented below.
- form Property Map
- The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. Structure is documented below.
- language
Code String - The language of the following fields in page: Page.entry_fulfillment.messages Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
- name String
- The unique identifier of the page. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- parent String
- The flow to create a page for. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- transition
Route List<String>Groups - Ordered list of TransitionRouteGroups associated with the page. Transition route groups must be unique within a page. If multiple transition routes within a page scope refer to the same intent, then the precedence order is: page's transition route > page's transition route group > flow's transition routes. If multiple transition route groups within a page contain the same intent, then the first group in the ordered list takes precedence. Format:projects//locations//agents//flows//transitionRouteGroups/.
- transition
Routes List<Property Map> - A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evalauted in the following order: TransitionRoutes defined in the page with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in flow with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with intent specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the page with only condition specified. TransitionRoutes defined in the transition route groups with only condition specified. Structure is documented below.
Supporting Types
CxPageAdvancedSettings, CxPageAdvancedSettingsArgs
- Dtmf
Settings CxPage Advanced Settings Dtmf Settings - Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Exposed at the following levels:
- Agent level
- Flow level
- Page level
- Parameter level Structure is documented below.
- Dtmf
Settings CxPage Advanced Settings Dtmf Settings - Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Exposed at the following levels:
- Agent level
- Flow level
- Page level
- Parameter level Structure is documented below.
- dtmf
Settings CxPage Advanced Settings Dtmf Settings - Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Exposed at the following levels:
- Agent level
- Flow level
- Page level
- Parameter level Structure is documented below.
- dtmf
Settings CxPage Advanced Settings Dtmf Settings - Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Exposed at the following levels:
- Agent level
- Flow level
- Page level
- Parameter level Structure is documented below.
- dtmf_
settings CxPage Advanced Settings Dtmf Settings - Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Exposed at the following levels:
- Agent level
- Flow level
- Page level
- Parameter level Structure is documented below.
- dtmf
Settings Property Map - Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Exposed at the following levels:
- Agent level
- Flow level
- Page level
- Parameter level Structure is documented below.
CxPageAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettings, CxPageAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettingsArgs
- Enabled bool
- If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance).
- Finish
Digit string - The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence.
- Max
Digits int - Max length of DTMF digits.
- Enabled bool
- If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance).
- Finish
Digit string - The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence.
- Max
Digits int - Max length of DTMF digits.
- enabled Boolean
- If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance).
- finish
Digit String - The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence.
- max
Digits Integer - Max length of DTMF digits.
- enabled boolean
- If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance).
- finish
Digit string - The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence.
- max
Digits number - Max length of DTMF digits.
- enabled bool
- If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance).
- finish_
digit str - The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence.
- max_
digits int - Max length of DTMF digits.
- enabled Boolean
- If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance).
- finish
Digit String - The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence.
- max
Digits Number - Max length of DTMF digits.
CxPageEntryFulfillment, CxPageEntryFulfillmentArgs
- Conditional
Cases List<CxPage Entry Fulfillment Conditional Case> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- Messages
Page Entry Fulfillment Message> - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- Return
Partial boolResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- Set
Parameter List<CxActions Page Entry Fulfillment Set Parameter Action> - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- Tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- Webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- Conditional
Cases []CxPage Entry Fulfillment Conditional Case - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- Messages
Page Entry Fulfillment Message - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- Return
Partial boolResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- Set
Parameter []CxActions Page Entry Fulfillment Set Parameter Action - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- Tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- Webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases List<CxPage Entry Fulfillment Conditional Case> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Entry Fulfillment Message> - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial BooleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter List<CxActions Page Entry Fulfillment Set Parameter Action> - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag String
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook String
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases CxPage Entry Fulfillment Conditional Case[] - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Entry Fulfillment Message[] - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial booleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter CxActions Page Entry Fulfillment Set Parameter Action[] - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional_
cases Sequence[CxPage Entry Fulfillment Conditional Case] - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Entry Fulfillment Message] - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return_
partial_ boolresponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set_
parameter_ Sequence[Cxactions Page Entry Fulfillment Set Parameter Action] - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag str
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook str
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases List<Property Map> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages List<Property Map>
- The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial BooleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter List<Property Map>Actions - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag String
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook String
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
CxPageEntryFulfillmentConditionalCase, CxPageEntryFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessage, CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageArgs
- Channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- Conversation
Success CxPage Entry Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- Live
Agent CxHandoff Page Entry Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- Output
Audio CxText Page Entry Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- Payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- Play
Audio CxPage Entry Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- Telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Entry Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- Text
Page Entry Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- Channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- Conversation
Success CxPage Entry Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- Live
Agent CxHandoff Page Entry Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- Output
Audio CxText Page Entry Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- Payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- Play
Audio CxPage Entry Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- Telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Entry Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- Text
Page Entry Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel String
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success CxPage Entry Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent CxHandoff Page Entry Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio CxText Page Entry Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload String
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio CxPage Entry Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Entry Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Entry Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success CxPage Entry Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent CxHandoff Page Entry Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio CxText Page Entry Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio CxPage Entry Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Entry Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Entry Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel str
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation_
success CxPage Entry Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live_
agent_ Cxhandoff Page Entry Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output_
audio_ Cxtext Page Entry Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload str
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play_
audio CxPage Entry Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony_
transfer_ Cxcall Page Entry Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Entry Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel String
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success Property Map - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent Property MapHandoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio Property MapText - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload String
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio Property Map - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer Property MapCall - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text Property Map
- The text response message. Structure is documented below.
CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccess, CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata str
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoff, CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata str
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioText, CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- Text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- Text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml String
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text String
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml str
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text str
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml String
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text String
- The raw text to be synthesized.
CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessagePlayAudio, CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
- Audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri String - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio_
uri str - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri String - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCall, CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
- Phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- Phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number String - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone_
number str - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number String - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageText, CxPageEntryFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Texts List<string>
- A collection of text responses.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Texts []string
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts List<String>
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts string[]
- A collection of text responses.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts Sequence[str]
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts List<String>
- A collection of text responses.
CxPageEntryFulfillmentSetParameterAction, CxPageEntryFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
CxPageEventHandler, CxPageEventHandlerArgs
- Event string
- The name of the event to handle.
- Name string
- (Output) The unique identifier of this event handler.
- Target
Flow string - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- Target
Page string - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- Trigger
Fulfillment CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. Structure is documented below.
- Event string
- The name of the event to handle.
- Name string
- (Output) The unique identifier of this event handler.
- Target
Flow string - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- Target
Page string - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- Trigger
Fulfillment CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. Structure is documented below.
- event String
- The name of the event to handle.
- name String
- (Output) The unique identifier of this event handler.
- target
Flow String - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- target
Page String - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- trigger
Fulfillment CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. Structure is documented below.
- event string
- The name of the event to handle.
- name string
- (Output) The unique identifier of this event handler.
- target
Flow string - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- target
Page string - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- trigger
Fulfillment CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. Structure is documented below.
- event str
- The name of the event to handle.
- name str
- (Output) The unique identifier of this event handler.
- target_
flow str - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- target_
page str - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- trigger_
fulfillment CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. Structure is documented below.
- event String
- The name of the event to handle.
- name String
- (Output) The unique identifier of this event handler.
- target
Flow String - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- target
Page String - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- trigger
Fulfillment Property Map - The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. Structure is documented below.
CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillment, CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs
- Conditional
Cases List<CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- Messages
Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message> - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- Return
Partial boolResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- Set
Parameter List<CxActions Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action> - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- Tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- Webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- Conditional
Cases []CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- Messages
Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- Return
Partial boolResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- Set
Parameter []CxActions Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- Tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- Webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases List<CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message> - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial BooleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter List<CxActions Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action> - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag String
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook String
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case[] - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message[] - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial booleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter CxActions Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action[] - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional_
cases Sequence[CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case] - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message] - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return_
partial_ boolresponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set_
parameter_ Sequence[Cxactions Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action] - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag str
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook str
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases List<Property Map> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages List<Property Map>
- The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial BooleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter List<Property Map>Actions - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag String
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook String
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCase, CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessage, CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
- Channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- Conversation
Success CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- Live
Agent CxHandoff Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- Output
Audio CxText Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- Payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- Play
Audio CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- Telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- Text
Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- Channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- Conversation
Success CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- Live
Agent CxHandoff Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- Output
Audio CxText Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- Payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- Play
Audio CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- Telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- Text
Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel String
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent CxHandoff Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio CxText Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload String
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent CxHandoff Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio CxText Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel str
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation_
success CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live_
agent_ Cxhandoff Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output_
audio_ Cxtext Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload str
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play_
audio CxPage Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony_
transfer_ Cxcall Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel String
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success Property Map - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent Property MapHandoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio Property MapText - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload String
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio Property Map - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer Property MapCall - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text Property Map
- The text response message. Structure is documented below.
CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccess, CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata str
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoff, CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata str
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioText, CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- Text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- Text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml String
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text String
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml str
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text str
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml String
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text String
- The raw text to be synthesized.
CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudio, CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
- Audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri String - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio_
uri str - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri String - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCall, CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
- Phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- Phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number String - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone_
number str - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number String - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageText, CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Texts List<string>
- A collection of text responses.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Texts []string
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts List<String>
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts string[]
- A collection of text responses.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts Sequence[str]
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts List<String>
- A collection of text responses.
CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterAction, CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
CxPageForm, CxPageFormArgs
- Parameters
Page Form Parameter> - Parameters to collect from the user. Structure is documented below.
- Parameters
Page Form Parameter - Parameters to collect from the user. Structure is documented below.
- parameters
Page Form Parameter> - Parameters to collect from the user. Structure is documented below.
- parameters
Page Form Parameter[] - Parameters to collect from the user. Structure is documented below.
- parameters
Page Form Parameter] - Parameters to collect from the user. Structure is documented below.
- parameters List<Property Map>
- Parameters to collect from the user. Structure is documented below.
CxPageFormParameter, CxPageFormParameterArgs
- Advanced
Settings CxPage Form Parameter Advanced Settings - Hierarchical advanced settings for this parameter. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- Default
Value string - The default value of an optional parameter. If the parameter is required, the default value will be ignored.
- Display
Name string - The human-readable name of the parameter, unique within the form.
- Entity
Type string - The entity type of the parameter. Format: projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/ for system entity types (for example, projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/sys.date), or projects//locations//agents//entityTypes/ for developer entity types.
- Fill
Behavior CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior - Defines fill behavior for the parameter. Structure is documented below.
- Is
List bool - Indicates whether the parameter represents a list of values.
- Redact bool
- Indicates whether the parameter content should be redacted in log. If redaction is enabled, the parameter content will be replaced by parameter name during logging. Note: the parameter content is subject to redaction if either parameter level redaction or entity type level redaction is enabled.
- Required bool
- Indicates whether the parameter is required. Optional parameters will not trigger prompts; however, they are filled if the user specifies them. Required parameters must be filled before form filling concludes.
- Advanced
Settings CxPage Form Parameter Advanced Settings - Hierarchical advanced settings for this parameter. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- Default
Value string - The default value of an optional parameter. If the parameter is required, the default value will be ignored.
- Display
Name string - The human-readable name of the parameter, unique within the form.
- Entity
Type string - The entity type of the parameter. Format: projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/ for system entity types (for example, projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/sys.date), or projects//locations//agents//entityTypes/ for developer entity types.
- Fill
Behavior CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior - Defines fill behavior for the parameter. Structure is documented below.
- Is
List bool - Indicates whether the parameter represents a list of values.
- Redact bool
- Indicates whether the parameter content should be redacted in log. If redaction is enabled, the parameter content will be replaced by parameter name during logging. Note: the parameter content is subject to redaction if either parameter level redaction or entity type level redaction is enabled.
- Required bool
- Indicates whether the parameter is required. Optional parameters will not trigger prompts; however, they are filled if the user specifies them. Required parameters must be filled before form filling concludes.
- advanced
Settings CxPage Form Parameter Advanced Settings - Hierarchical advanced settings for this parameter. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- default
Value String - The default value of an optional parameter. If the parameter is required, the default value will be ignored.
- display
Name String - The human-readable name of the parameter, unique within the form.
- entity
Type String - The entity type of the parameter. Format: projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/ for system entity types (for example, projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/sys.date), or projects//locations//agents//entityTypes/ for developer entity types.
- fill
Behavior CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior - Defines fill behavior for the parameter. Structure is documented below.
- is
List Boolean - Indicates whether the parameter represents a list of values.
- redact Boolean
- Indicates whether the parameter content should be redacted in log. If redaction is enabled, the parameter content will be replaced by parameter name during logging. Note: the parameter content is subject to redaction if either parameter level redaction or entity type level redaction is enabled.
- required Boolean
- Indicates whether the parameter is required. Optional parameters will not trigger prompts; however, they are filled if the user specifies them. Required parameters must be filled before form filling concludes.
- advanced
Settings CxPage Form Parameter Advanced Settings - Hierarchical advanced settings for this parameter. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- default
Value string - The default value of an optional parameter. If the parameter is required, the default value will be ignored.
- display
Name string - The human-readable name of the parameter, unique within the form.
- entity
Type string - The entity type of the parameter. Format: projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/ for system entity types (for example, projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/sys.date), or projects//locations//agents//entityTypes/ for developer entity types.
- fill
Behavior CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior - Defines fill behavior for the parameter. Structure is documented below.
- is
List boolean - Indicates whether the parameter represents a list of values.
- redact boolean
- Indicates whether the parameter content should be redacted in log. If redaction is enabled, the parameter content will be replaced by parameter name during logging. Note: the parameter content is subject to redaction if either parameter level redaction or entity type level redaction is enabled.
- required boolean
- Indicates whether the parameter is required. Optional parameters will not trigger prompts; however, they are filled if the user specifies them. Required parameters must be filled before form filling concludes.
- advanced_
settings CxPage Form Parameter Advanced Settings - Hierarchical advanced settings for this parameter. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- default_
value str - The default value of an optional parameter. If the parameter is required, the default value will be ignored.
- display_
name str - The human-readable name of the parameter, unique within the form.
- entity_
type str - The entity type of the parameter. Format: projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/ for system entity types (for example, projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/sys.date), or projects//locations//agents//entityTypes/ for developer entity types.
- fill_
behavior CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior - Defines fill behavior for the parameter. Structure is documented below.
- is_
list bool - Indicates whether the parameter represents a list of values.
- redact bool
- Indicates whether the parameter content should be redacted in log. If redaction is enabled, the parameter content will be replaced by parameter name during logging. Note: the parameter content is subject to redaction if either parameter level redaction or entity type level redaction is enabled.
- required bool
- Indicates whether the parameter is required. Optional parameters will not trigger prompts; however, they are filled if the user specifies them. Required parameters must be filled before form filling concludes.
- advanced
Settings Property Map - Hierarchical advanced settings for this parameter. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter. Structure is documented below.
- default
Value String - The default value of an optional parameter. If the parameter is required, the default value will be ignored.
- display
Name String - The human-readable name of the parameter, unique within the form.
- entity
Type String - The entity type of the parameter. Format: projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/ for system entity types (for example, projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/sys.date), or projects//locations//agents//entityTypes/ for developer entity types.
- fill
Behavior Property Map - Defines fill behavior for the parameter. Structure is documented below.
- is
List Boolean - Indicates whether the parameter represents a list of values.
- redact Boolean
- Indicates whether the parameter content should be redacted in log. If redaction is enabled, the parameter content will be replaced by parameter name during logging. Note: the parameter content is subject to redaction if either parameter level redaction or entity type level redaction is enabled.
- required Boolean
- Indicates whether the parameter is required. Optional parameters will not trigger prompts; however, they are filled if the user specifies them. Required parameters must be filled before form filling concludes.
CxPageFormParameterAdvancedSettings, CxPageFormParameterAdvancedSettingsArgs
- Dtmf
Settings CxPage Form Parameter Advanced Settings Dtmf Settings - Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Exposed at the following levels:
- Agent level
- Flow level
- Page level
- Parameter level Structure is documented below.
- Dtmf
Settings CxPage Form Parameter Advanced Settings Dtmf Settings - Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Exposed at the following levels:
- Agent level
- Flow level
- Page level
- Parameter level Structure is documented below.
- dtmf
Settings CxPage Form Parameter Advanced Settings Dtmf Settings - Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Exposed at the following levels:
- Agent level
- Flow level
- Page level
- Parameter level Structure is documented below.
- dtmf
Settings CxPage Form Parameter Advanced Settings Dtmf Settings - Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Exposed at the following levels:
- Agent level
- Flow level
- Page level
- Parameter level Structure is documented below.
- dtmf_
settings CxPage Form Parameter Advanced Settings Dtmf Settings - Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Exposed at the following levels:
- Agent level
- Flow level
- Page level
- Parameter level Structure is documented below.
- dtmf
Settings Property Map - Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Exposed at the following levels:
- Agent level
- Flow level
- Page level
- Parameter level Structure is documented below.
CxPageFormParameterAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettings, CxPageFormParameterAdvancedSettingsDtmfSettingsArgs
- Enabled bool
- If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance).
- Finish
Digit string - The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence.
- Max
Digits int - Max length of DTMF digits.
- Enabled bool
- If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance).
- Finish
Digit string - The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence.
- Max
Digits int - Max length of DTMF digits.
- enabled Boolean
- If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance).
- finish
Digit String - The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence.
- max
Digits Integer - Max length of DTMF digits.
- enabled boolean
- If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance).
- finish
Digit string - The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence.
- max
Digits number - Max length of DTMF digits.
- enabled bool
- If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance).
- finish_
digit str - The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence.
- max_
digits int - Max length of DTMF digits.
- enabled Boolean
- If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance).
- finish
Digit String - The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence.
- max
Digits Number - Max length of DTMF digits.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehavior, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorArgs
- Initial
Prompt CxFulfillment Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment - The fulfillment to provide the initial prompt that the agent can present to the user in order to fill the parameter. Structure is documented below.
- Reprompt
Event List<CxHandlers Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler> - The handlers for parameter-level events, used to provide reprompt for the parameter or transition to a different page/flow. The supported events are:
- sys.no-match-, where N can be from 1 to 6
- sys.no-match-default
- sys.no-input-, where N can be from 1 to 6
- sys.no-input-default
- sys.invalid-parameter [initialPromptFulfillment][initialPromptFulfillment] provides the first prompt for the parameter. If the user's response does not fill the parameter, a no-match/no-input event will be triggered, and the fulfillment associated with the sys.no-match-1/sys.no-input-1 handler (if defined) will be called to provide a prompt. The sys.no-match-2/sys.no-input-2 handler (if defined) will respond to the next no-match/no-input event, and so on. A sys.no-match-default or sys.no-input-default handler will be used to handle all following no-match/no-input events after all numbered no-match/no-input handlers for the parameter are consumed. A sys.invalid-parameter handler can be defined to handle the case where the parameter values have been invalidated by webhook. For example, if the user's response fill the parameter, however the parameter was invalidated by webhook, the fulfillment associated with the sys.invalid-parameter handler (if defined) will be called to provide a prompt. If the event handler for the corresponding event can't be found on the parameter, initialPromptFulfillment will be re-prompted. Structure is documented below.
- Initial
Prompt CxFulfillment Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment - The fulfillment to provide the initial prompt that the agent can present to the user in order to fill the parameter. Structure is documented below.
- Reprompt
Event []CxHandlers Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler - The handlers for parameter-level events, used to provide reprompt for the parameter or transition to a different page/flow. The supported events are:
- sys.no-match-, where N can be from 1 to 6
- sys.no-match-default
- sys.no-input-, where N can be from 1 to 6
- sys.no-input-default
- sys.invalid-parameter [initialPromptFulfillment][initialPromptFulfillment] provides the first prompt for the parameter. If the user's response does not fill the parameter, a no-match/no-input event will be triggered, and the fulfillment associated with the sys.no-match-1/sys.no-input-1 handler (if defined) will be called to provide a prompt. The sys.no-match-2/sys.no-input-2 handler (if defined) will respond to the next no-match/no-input event, and so on. A sys.no-match-default or sys.no-input-default handler will be used to handle all following no-match/no-input events after all numbered no-match/no-input handlers for the parameter are consumed. A sys.invalid-parameter handler can be defined to handle the case where the parameter values have been invalidated by webhook. For example, if the user's response fill the parameter, however the parameter was invalidated by webhook, the fulfillment associated with the sys.invalid-parameter handler (if defined) will be called to provide a prompt. If the event handler for the corresponding event can't be found on the parameter, initialPromptFulfillment will be re-prompted. Structure is documented below.
- initial
Prompt CxFulfillment Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment - The fulfillment to provide the initial prompt that the agent can present to the user in order to fill the parameter. Structure is documented below.
- reprompt
Event List<CxHandlers Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler> - The handlers for parameter-level events, used to provide reprompt for the parameter or transition to a different page/flow. The supported events are:
- sys.no-match-, where N can be from 1 to 6
- sys.no-match-default
- sys.no-input-, where N can be from 1 to 6
- sys.no-input-default
- sys.invalid-parameter [initialPromptFulfillment][initialPromptFulfillment] provides the first prompt for the parameter. If the user's response does not fill the parameter, a no-match/no-input event will be triggered, and the fulfillment associated with the sys.no-match-1/sys.no-input-1 handler (if defined) will be called to provide a prompt. The sys.no-match-2/sys.no-input-2 handler (if defined) will respond to the next no-match/no-input event, and so on. A sys.no-match-default or sys.no-input-default handler will be used to handle all following no-match/no-input events after all numbered no-match/no-input handlers for the parameter are consumed. A sys.invalid-parameter handler can be defined to handle the case where the parameter values have been invalidated by webhook. For example, if the user's response fill the parameter, however the parameter was invalidated by webhook, the fulfillment associated with the sys.invalid-parameter handler (if defined) will be called to provide a prompt. If the event handler for the corresponding event can't be found on the parameter, initialPromptFulfillment will be re-prompted. Structure is documented below.
- initial
Prompt CxFulfillment Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment - The fulfillment to provide the initial prompt that the agent can present to the user in order to fill the parameter. Structure is documented below.
- reprompt
Event CxHandlers Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler[] - The handlers for parameter-level events, used to provide reprompt for the parameter or transition to a different page/flow. The supported events are:
- sys.no-match-, where N can be from 1 to 6
- sys.no-match-default
- sys.no-input-, where N can be from 1 to 6
- sys.no-input-default
- sys.invalid-parameter [initialPromptFulfillment][initialPromptFulfillment] provides the first prompt for the parameter. If the user's response does not fill the parameter, a no-match/no-input event will be triggered, and the fulfillment associated with the sys.no-match-1/sys.no-input-1 handler (if defined) will be called to provide a prompt. The sys.no-match-2/sys.no-input-2 handler (if defined) will respond to the next no-match/no-input event, and so on. A sys.no-match-default or sys.no-input-default handler will be used to handle all following no-match/no-input events after all numbered no-match/no-input handlers for the parameter are consumed. A sys.invalid-parameter handler can be defined to handle the case where the parameter values have been invalidated by webhook. For example, if the user's response fill the parameter, however the parameter was invalidated by webhook, the fulfillment associated with the sys.invalid-parameter handler (if defined) will be called to provide a prompt. If the event handler for the corresponding event can't be found on the parameter, initialPromptFulfillment will be re-prompted. Structure is documented below.
- initial_
prompt_ Cxfulfillment Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment - The fulfillment to provide the initial prompt that the agent can present to the user in order to fill the parameter. Structure is documented below.
- reprompt_
event_ Sequence[Cxhandlers Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler] - The handlers for parameter-level events, used to provide reprompt for the parameter or transition to a different page/flow. The supported events are:
- sys.no-match-, where N can be from 1 to 6
- sys.no-match-default
- sys.no-input-, where N can be from 1 to 6
- sys.no-input-default
- sys.invalid-parameter [initialPromptFulfillment][initialPromptFulfillment] provides the first prompt for the parameter. If the user's response does not fill the parameter, a no-match/no-input event will be triggered, and the fulfillment associated with the sys.no-match-1/sys.no-input-1 handler (if defined) will be called to provide a prompt. The sys.no-match-2/sys.no-input-2 handler (if defined) will respond to the next no-match/no-input event, and so on. A sys.no-match-default or sys.no-input-default handler will be used to handle all following no-match/no-input events after all numbered no-match/no-input handlers for the parameter are consumed. A sys.invalid-parameter handler can be defined to handle the case where the parameter values have been invalidated by webhook. For example, if the user's response fill the parameter, however the parameter was invalidated by webhook, the fulfillment associated with the sys.invalid-parameter handler (if defined) will be called to provide a prompt. If the event handler for the corresponding event can't be found on the parameter, initialPromptFulfillment will be re-prompted. Structure is documented below.
- initial
Prompt Property MapFulfillment - The fulfillment to provide the initial prompt that the agent can present to the user in order to fill the parameter. Structure is documented below.
- reprompt
Event List<Property Map>Handlers - The handlers for parameter-level events, used to provide reprompt for the parameter or transition to a different page/flow. The supported events are:
- sys.no-match-, where N can be from 1 to 6
- sys.no-match-default
- sys.no-input-, where N can be from 1 to 6
- sys.no-input-default
- sys.invalid-parameter [initialPromptFulfillment][initialPromptFulfillment] provides the first prompt for the parameter. If the user's response does not fill the parameter, a no-match/no-input event will be triggered, and the fulfillment associated with the sys.no-match-1/sys.no-input-1 handler (if defined) will be called to provide a prompt. The sys.no-match-2/sys.no-input-2 handler (if defined) will respond to the next no-match/no-input event, and so on. A sys.no-match-default or sys.no-input-default handler will be used to handle all following no-match/no-input events after all numbered no-match/no-input handlers for the parameter are consumed. A sys.invalid-parameter handler can be defined to handle the case where the parameter values have been invalidated by webhook. For example, if the user's response fill the parameter, however the parameter was invalidated by webhook, the fulfillment associated with the sys.invalid-parameter handler (if defined) will be called to provide a prompt. If the event handler for the corresponding event can't be found on the parameter, initialPromptFulfillment will be re-prompted. Structure is documented below.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillment, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentArgs
- Conditional
Cases List<CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Conditional Case> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- Messages
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message> - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- Return
Partial boolResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- Set
Parameter List<CxActions Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Set Parameter Action> - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- Tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- Webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- Conditional
Cases []CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Conditional Case - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- Messages
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- Return
Partial boolResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- Set
Parameter []CxActions Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Set Parameter Action - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- Tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- Webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases List<CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Conditional Case> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message> - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial BooleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter List<CxActions Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Set Parameter Action> - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag String
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook String
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Conditional Case[] - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message[] - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial booleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter CxActions Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Set Parameter Action[] - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional_
cases Sequence[CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Conditional Case] - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message] - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return_
partial_ boolresponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set_
parameter_ Sequence[Cxactions Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Set Parameter Action] - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag str
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook str
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases List<Property Map> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages List<Property Map>
- The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial BooleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter List<Property Map>Actions - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag String
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook String
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentConditionalCase, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessage, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageArgs
- Channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- Conversation
Success CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- Live
Agent CxHandoff Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- Output
Audio CxText Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- Payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- Play
Audio CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- Telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- Text
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- Channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- Conversation
Success CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- Live
Agent CxHandoff Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- Output
Audio CxText Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- Payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- Play
Audio CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- Telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- Text
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel String
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent CxHandoff Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio CxText Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload String
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent CxHandoff Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio CxText Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel str
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation_
success CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live_
agent_ Cxhandoff Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output_
audio_ Cxtext Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload str
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play_
audio CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony_
transfer_ Cxcall Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Initial Prompt Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel String
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success Property Map - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent Property MapHandoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio Property MapText - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload String
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio Property Map - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer Property MapCall - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text Property Map
- The text response message. Structure is documented below.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccess, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata str
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoff, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata str
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioText, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- Text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- Text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml String
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text String
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml str
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text str
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml String
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text String
- The raw text to be synthesized.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessagePlayAudio, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
- Audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri String - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio_
uri str - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri String - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCall, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
- Phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- Phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number String - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone_
number str - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number String - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageText, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Texts List<string>
- A collection of text responses.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Texts []string
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts List<String>
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts string[]
- A collection of text responses.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts Sequence[str]
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts List<String>
- A collection of text responses.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentSetParameterAction, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorInitialPromptFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandler, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerArgs
- Event string
- The name of the event to handle.
- Name string
- (Output) The unique identifier of this event handler.
- Target
Flow string - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- Target
Page string - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- Trigger
Fulfillment CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. Structure is documented below.
- Event string
- The name of the event to handle.
- Name string
- (Output) The unique identifier of this event handler.
- Target
Flow string - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- Target
Page string - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- Trigger
Fulfillment CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. Structure is documented below.
- event String
- The name of the event to handle.
- name String
- (Output) The unique identifier of this event handler.
- target
Flow String - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- target
Page String - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- trigger
Fulfillment CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. Structure is documented below.
- event string
- The name of the event to handle.
- name string
- (Output) The unique identifier of this event handler.
- target
Flow string - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- target
Page string - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- trigger
Fulfillment CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. Structure is documented below.
- event str
- The name of the event to handle.
- name str
- (Output) The unique identifier of this event handler.
- target_
flow str - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- target_
page str - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- trigger_
fulfillment CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. Structure is documented below.
- event String
- The name of the event to handle.
- name String
- (Output) The unique identifier of this event handler.
- target
Flow String - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- target
Page String - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- trigger
Fulfillment Property Map - The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. Structure is documented below.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillment, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs
- Conditional
Cases List<CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- Messages
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message> - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- Return
Partial boolResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- Set
Parameter List<CxActions Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action> - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- Tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- Webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- Conditional
Cases []CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- Messages
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- Return
Partial boolResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- Set
Parameter []CxActions Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- Tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- Webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases List<CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message> - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial BooleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter List<CxActions Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action> - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag String
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook String
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case[] - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message[] - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial booleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter CxActions Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action[] - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional_
cases Sequence[CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case] - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message] - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return_
partial_ boolresponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set_
parameter_ Sequence[Cxactions Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action] - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag str
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook str
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases List<Property Map> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages List<Property Map>
- The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial BooleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter List<Property Map>Actions - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag String
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook String
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCase, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessage, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
- Channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- Conversation
Success CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- Live
Agent CxHandoff Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- Output
Audio CxText Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- Payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- Play
Audio CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- Telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- Text
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- Channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- Conversation
Success CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- Live
Agent CxHandoff Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- Output
Audio CxText Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- Payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- Play
Audio CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- Telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- Text
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel String
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent CxHandoff Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio CxText Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload String
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent CxHandoff Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio CxText Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel str
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation_
success CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live_
agent_ Cxhandoff Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output_
audio_ Cxtext Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload str
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play_
audio CxPage Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony_
transfer_ Cxcall Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Form Parameter Fill Behavior Reprompt Event Handler Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel String
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success Property Map - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent Property MapHandoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio Property MapText - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload String
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio Property Map - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer Property MapCall - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text Property Map
- The text response message. Structure is documented below.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccess, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata str
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoff, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata str
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioText, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- Text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- Text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml String
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text String
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml str
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text str
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml String
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text String
- The raw text to be synthesized.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudio, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
- Audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri String - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio_
uri str - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri String - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCall, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
- Phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- Phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number String - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone_
number str - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number String - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageText, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Texts List<string>
- A collection of text responses.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Texts []string
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts List<String>
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts string[]
- A collection of text responses.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts Sequence[str]
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts List<String>
- A collection of text responses.
CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterAction, CxPageFormParameterFillBehaviorRepromptEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
CxPageTransitionRoute, CxPageTransitionRouteArgs
- Condition string
- The condition to evaluate against form parameters or session parameters. At least one of intent or condition must be specified. When both intent and condition are specified, the transition can only happen when both are fulfilled.
- Intent string
- The unique identifier of an Intent. Format: projects//locations//agents//intents/. Indicates that the transition can only happen when the given intent is matched. At least one of intent or condition must be specified. When both intent and condition are specified, the transition can only happen when both are fulfilled.
- Name string
- (Output) The unique identifier of this transition route.
- Target
Flow string - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- Target
Page string - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- Trigger
Fulfillment CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the condition is satisfied. At least one of triggerFulfillment and target must be specified. When both are defined, triggerFulfillment is executed first. Structure is documented below.
- Condition string
- The condition to evaluate against form parameters or session parameters. At least one of intent or condition must be specified. When both intent and condition are specified, the transition can only happen when both are fulfilled.
- Intent string
- The unique identifier of an Intent. Format: projects//locations//agents//intents/. Indicates that the transition can only happen when the given intent is matched. At least one of intent or condition must be specified. When both intent and condition are specified, the transition can only happen when both are fulfilled.
- Name string
- (Output) The unique identifier of this transition route.
- Target
Flow string - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- Target
Page string - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- Trigger
Fulfillment CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the condition is satisfied. At least one of triggerFulfillment and target must be specified. When both are defined, triggerFulfillment is executed first. Structure is documented below.
- condition String
- The condition to evaluate against form parameters or session parameters. At least one of intent or condition must be specified. When both intent and condition are specified, the transition can only happen when both are fulfilled.
- intent String
- The unique identifier of an Intent. Format: projects//locations//agents//intents/. Indicates that the transition can only happen when the given intent is matched. At least one of intent or condition must be specified. When both intent and condition are specified, the transition can only happen when both are fulfilled.
- name String
- (Output) The unique identifier of this transition route.
- target
Flow String - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- target
Page String - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- trigger
Fulfillment CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the condition is satisfied. At least one of triggerFulfillment and target must be specified. When both are defined, triggerFulfillment is executed first. Structure is documented below.
- condition string
- The condition to evaluate against form parameters or session parameters. At least one of intent or condition must be specified. When both intent and condition are specified, the transition can only happen when both are fulfilled.
- intent string
- The unique identifier of an Intent. Format: projects//locations//agents//intents/. Indicates that the transition can only happen when the given intent is matched. At least one of intent or condition must be specified. When both intent and condition are specified, the transition can only happen when both are fulfilled.
- name string
- (Output) The unique identifier of this transition route.
- target
Flow string - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- target
Page string - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- trigger
Fulfillment CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the condition is satisfied. At least one of triggerFulfillment and target must be specified. When both are defined, triggerFulfillment is executed first. Structure is documented below.
- condition str
- The condition to evaluate against form parameters or session parameters. At least one of intent or condition must be specified. When both intent and condition are specified, the transition can only happen when both are fulfilled.
- intent str
- The unique identifier of an Intent. Format: projects//locations//agents//intents/. Indicates that the transition can only happen when the given intent is matched. At least one of intent or condition must be specified. When both intent and condition are specified, the transition can only happen when both are fulfilled.
- name str
- (Output) The unique identifier of this transition route.
- target_
flow str - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- target_
page str - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- trigger_
fulfillment CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment - The fulfillment to call when the condition is satisfied. At least one of triggerFulfillment and target must be specified. When both are defined, triggerFulfillment is executed first. Structure is documented below.
- condition String
- The condition to evaluate against form parameters or session parameters. At least one of intent or condition must be specified. When both intent and condition are specified, the transition can only happen when both are fulfilled.
- intent String
- The unique identifier of an Intent. Format: projects//locations//agents//intents/. Indicates that the transition can only happen when the given intent is matched. At least one of intent or condition must be specified. When both intent and condition are specified, the transition can only happen when both are fulfilled.
- name String
- (Output) The unique identifier of this transition route.
- target
Flow String - The target flow to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows/.
- target
Page String - The target page to transition to. Format: projects//locations//agents//flows//pages/.
- trigger
Fulfillment Property Map - The fulfillment to call when the condition is satisfied. At least one of triggerFulfillment and target must be specified. When both are defined, triggerFulfillment is executed first. Structure is documented below.
CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillment, CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentArgs
- Conditional
Cases List<CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- Messages
Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message> - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- Return
Partial boolResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- Set
Parameter List<CxActions Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action> - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- Tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- Webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- Conditional
Cases []CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- Messages
Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- Return
Partial boolResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- Set
Parameter []CxActions Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- Tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- Webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases List<CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message> - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial BooleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter List<CxActions Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action> - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag String
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook String
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case[] - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message[] - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial booleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter CxActions Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action[] - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag string
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook string
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional_
cases Sequence[CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Conditional Case] - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages
Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message] - The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return_
partial_ boolresponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set_
parameter_ Sequence[Cxactions Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Set Parameter Action] - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag str
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook str
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
- conditional
Cases List<Property Map> - Conditional cases for this fulfillment. Structure is documented below.
- messages List<Property Map>
- The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Structure is documented below.
- return
Partial BooleanResponses - Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks.
- set
Parameter List<Property Map>Actions - Set parameter values before executing the webhook. Structure is documented below.
- tag String
- The tag used by the webhook to identify which fulfillment is being called. This field is required if webhook is specified.
- webhook String
- The webhook to call. Format: projects//locations//agents//webhooks/.
CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCase, CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentConditionalCaseArgs
CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessage, CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
- Channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- Conversation
Success CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- Live
Agent CxHandoff Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- Output
Audio CxText Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- Payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- Play
Audio CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- Telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- Text
Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- Channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- Conversation
Success CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- Live
Agent CxHandoff Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- Output
Audio CxText Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- Payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- Play
Audio CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- Telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- Text
Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel String
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent CxHandoff Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio CxText Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload String
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel string
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent CxHandoff Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio CxText Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload string
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer CxCall Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel str
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation_
success CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Conversation Success - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live_
agent_ Cxhandoff Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Live Agent Handoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output_
audio_ Cxtext Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Output Audio Text - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload str
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play_
audio CxPage Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Play Audio - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony_
transfer_ Cxcall Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Telephony Transfer Call - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text
Page Transition Route Trigger Fulfillment Message Text - The text response message. Structure is documented below.
- channel String
- The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via QueryParameters.channel, and only associated channel response will be returned.
- conversation
Success Property Map - Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
- In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue. Structure is documented below.
- live
Agent Property MapHandoff - Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example:
- In the entryFulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation.
- In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human. Structure is documented below.
- output
Audio Property MapText - A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. Structure is documented below.
- payload String
- A custom, platform-specific payload.
- play
Audio Property Map - Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response. Structure is documented below.
- telephony
Transfer Property MapCall - Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint. Structure is documented below.
- text Property Map
- The text response message. Structure is documented below.
CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccess, CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageConversationSuccessArgs
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata str
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoff, CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- Metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata string
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata str
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
- metadata String
- Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioText, CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageOutputAudioTextArgs
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- Text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- Text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml String
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text String
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml string
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text string
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml str
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text str
- The raw text to be synthesized.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- ssml String
- The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML.
- text String
- The raw text to be synthesized.
CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudio, CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessagePlayAudioArgs
- Audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri String - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri string - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio_
uri str - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- audio
Uri String - URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCall, CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs
- Phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- Phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number String - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number string - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone_
number str - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
- phone
Number String - Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format.
CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageText, CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Texts List<string>
- A collection of text responses.
- Allow
Playback boolInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- Texts []string
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts List<String>
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback booleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts string[]
- A collection of text responses.
- allow_
playback_ boolinterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts Sequence[str]
- A collection of text responses.
- allow
Playback BooleanInterruption - (Output) Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request.
- texts List<String>
- A collection of text responses.
CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterAction, CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs
Page can be imported using any of these accepted formats:
When using the pulumi import
command, Page can be imported using one of the formats above. For example:
$ pulumi import gcp:diagflow/cxPage:CxPage default {{parent}}/pages/{{name}}
$ pulumi import gcp:diagflow/cxPage:CxPage default {{parent}}/{{name}}
To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.
Package Details
- Repository
- Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
- License
- Apache-2.0
- Notes
- This Pulumi package is based on the
Terraform Provider.