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  4. Web Server Virtual Machine Instance on GCE
Google Cloud Classic v8.3.1 published on Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 by Pulumi

Web Server Virtual Machine Instance on GCE

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Google Cloud Classic v8.3.1 published on Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 by Pulumi

    In this tutorial, we’ll use JavaScript to deploy a simple webserver Virtual Machine instance to Google Compute Engine. The code for this tutorial is available on GitHub.


    1. Install Pulumi
    2. Configure GCP credentials

    Create a Virtual Machine with SSH access

    1. In a new folder webserver, create an empty project with pulumi new. Choose a Google Cloud project you have access to create Virtual Machines within.

      $ mkdir webserver && cd webserver
      $ pulumi new gcp-javascript
      gcp:project: The Google Cloud project to deploy into: <your project>
    2. Open index.js and replace the contents with the following:

      const gcp = require("@pulumi/gcp");
      // Create a network
      const network = new gcp.compute.Network("network");
      const computeFirewall = new gcp.compute.Firewall("firewall", {
          network: network.id,
          allows: [{
              protocol: "tcp",
              ports: [ "22" ],
      // Create a Virtual Machine Instance
      const computeInstance = new gcp.compute.Instance("instance", {
          machineType: "f1-micro",
          zone: "us-central1-a",
          bootDisk: { initializeParams: { image: "debian-cloud/debian-9" } },
          networkInterfaces: [{
              network: network.id,
              // accessConfigs must include a single empty config to request an ephemeral IP
              accessConfigs: [{}],
      // Export the name and IP address of the Instance
      exports.instanceName = computeInstance.name;
      exports.instanceIP = computeInstance.networkInterfaces.apply(ni => ni[0].accessConfigs[0].natIp);

      This example uses the @pulumi/gcp package to create and manage three Google Cloud resources: a gcp.compute.Network in which the virtual machine will run, a gcp.compute.Firewall which allows access for incoming SSH access, and a gcp.compute.Instance which is created inside the network from the Debian 9 base image.

    3. To preview and deploy changes, run pulumi up. The command shows a preview of the resources that will be created and prompts on whether to proceed with the deployment. Note that the stack itself is counted as a resource, though it does not correspond to a physical cloud resource.

       $ pulumi up
       Previewing update (webservergcp-dev):
           Type                     Name                           Plan
           pulumi:pulumi:Stack      webservergcp-webservergcp-dev
       +   ├─ gcp:compute:Network   network                        create
       +   ├─ gcp:compute:Firewall  firewall                       create
       +   └─ gcp:compute:Instance  instance                       create
           + 3 to create
           1 unchanged
    4. Now, proceed with the deployment, which will take around a minute to complete.

       Do you want to perform this update? yes
       Updating (webservergcp-dev):
           Type                     Name                           Status
           pulumi:pulumi:Stack      webservergcp-webservergcp-dev
       +   ├─ gcp:compute:Network   network                        created
       +   ├─ gcp:compute:Instance  instance                       created
       +   └─ gcp:compute:Firewall  firewall                       created
       + instanceIP  : ""
       + instanceName: "instance-bf0ab1f"
           + 3 created
           1 unchanged
       Duration: 1m20s
       Permalink: https://app.pulumi.com/lukehoban/webservergcp-dev/updates/1

      To see the full details of the deployment and the resources that are now part of the stack, open the update permalink in a browser.

    5. To view the provisioned resources on the command line, run pulumi stack. You’ll also see two stack outputs corresponding to the IP and full-qualified host name of the virtual machine instance we’ve created.

      $ pulumi stack
      Current stack resources (5):
          TYPE                                             NAME
          pulumi:pulumi:Stack                              webservergcp-webservergcp-dev
          pulumi:providers:gcp                             default
          gcp:compute/network:Network                      network
          gcp:compute/firewall:Firewall                    firewall
          gcp:compute/instance:Instance                    instance
      Current stack outputs (2):
          OUTPUT                                           VALUE
          instanceName                                     instance-bf0ab1f

    Updating the Pulumi program

    Now that we have an instance of our Pulumi program deployed, we may want to make changes. We do this by updating our Pulumi program to define the new state we want our infrastructure to be in, then and running pulumi up to commit the changes.

    1. Replace the creation of the two firewall and instance with the following. This exposes an additional port and adds a startup script to run a simple HTTP server at startup.

      const computeFirewall = new gcp.compute.Firewall("firewall", {
          network: computeNetwork.id,
          allows: [{
              protocol: "tcp",
              ports: [ "22", "80" ], // <-- ADD "80" HERE
      const startupScript = `#!/bin/bash
      echo "Hello, World!" > index.html
      nohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 &`;
      const computeInstance = new gcp.compute.Instance("instance", {
          machineType: "f1-micro",
          zone: "us-central1-a",
          metadataStartupScript: startupScript, // <-- ADD THIS LINE
          bootDisk: { initializeParams: { image: "debian-cloud/debian-9" } },
          networkInterfaces: [{
              network: network.id,
              // accessConfigus must include a single empty config to request an ephemeral IP
              accessConfigs: [{}],

      Note that we defined the metadataStartupScript script inline in a string. Because we are using JavaScript, we could also read this from a file, construct this string programmatically, or even build up a string that depends on other resources defined in our program. We’ll see in later sections how we can deploy and version the application code of our program in a variety of different ways using Pulumi.

    2. Run pulumi up to preview and deploy the changes. You’ll see two changes: the allows property of the Firewall will be updated in-place. Second, the Instance will be replaced with a new virtual machine Instance which will run the new script on startup. Pulumi understands which changes to a given cloud resource can be made in-place, and which require replacement, and computes the minimally disruptive change to achieve the desired state.

      $ pulumi up
      Previewing update (webservergcp-dev):
      Updating (webservergcp-dev):
          Type                     Name                           Status       Info
          pulumi:pulumi:Stack      webservergcp-webservergcp-dev
      ~   ├─ gcp:compute:Firewall  firewall                       updated      [diff: ~allows]
      +-  └─ gcp:compute:Instance  instance                       replaced     [diff: +metadataStartupScript~name]
      ~ instanceIP  : "" => ""
      ~ instanceName: "instance-bf0ab1f" => "instance-31bbd12"
          ~ 1 updated
          +-1 replaced
          2 changes. 2 unchanged
      Duration: 2m41s
      Permalink: https://app.pulumi.com/lukehoban/webservergcp-dev/updates/2
    3. We can use pulumi stack output to get the value of stack outputs from the CLI. So we can curl the virtual machine instance to see the HTTP server running there. Stack outputs can also be viewed on the Pulumi Cloud.

      $ curl $(pulumi stack output instanceIP)
      Hello, World!

    Clean up

    Before moving on, let’s tear down the resources that are part of our stack.

    1. Run pulumi destroy to tear down all resources. You’ll be prompted to make sure you really want to delete these resources. This takes about 60 seconds; Pulumi waits for the virtual machine instance to shutdown and for the compute network to be removed before it considers the destroy operation to be complete.

    2. To delete the stack itself, run pulumi stack rm. Note that this command deletes all deployment history from the Pulumi Cloud.


    In this tutorial, we saw how to use Pulumi programs to create and manage cloud resources in Google Cloud, using regular JavaScript and NPM packages. To preview and update infrastructure, use pulumi up. To clean up resources, run pulumi destroy.

    For a similar example in other languages and clouds, see the Web Server examples collection.

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    Google Cloud Classic v8.3.1 published on Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 by Pulumi