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  6. getCluster

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Google Cloud Native v0.32.0 published on Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Native is in preview. Google Cloud Classic is fully supported.

Google Cloud Native v0.32.0 published on Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023 by Pulumi

    Gets the details of a specific Redis cluster.

    Using getCluster

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getCluster(args: GetClusterArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetClusterResult>
    function getClusterOutput(args: GetClusterOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetClusterResult>
    def get_cluster(cluster_id: Optional[str] = None,
                    location: Optional[str] = None,
                    project: Optional[str] = None,
                    opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetClusterResult
    def get_cluster_output(cluster_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                    location: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                    project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                    opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetClusterResult]
    func LookupCluster(ctx *Context, args *LookupClusterArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupClusterResult, error)
    func LookupClusterOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupClusterOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupClusterResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupCluster in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetCluster 
        public static Task<GetClusterResult> InvokeAsync(GetClusterArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetClusterResult> Invoke(GetClusterInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetClusterResult> getCluster(GetClusterArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: google-native:redis/v1beta1:getCluster
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    ClusterId string
    Location string
    Project string
    ClusterId string
    Location string
    Project string
    clusterId String
    location String
    project String
    clusterId string
    location string
    project string
    clusterId String
    location String
    project String

    getCluster Result

    The following output properties are available:

    AuthorizationMode string
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster.
    CreateTime string
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request.
    DiscoveryEndpoints List<Pulumi.GoogleNative.Redis.V1Beta1.Outputs.DiscoveryEndpointResponse>
    Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one discovery endpoint is supported.
    Name string
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}
    PscConfigs List<Pulumi.GoogleNative.Redis.V1Beta1.Outputs.PscConfigResponse>
    Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where IPs will be designated to the cluster for client access through Private Service Connect Automation. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported.
    PscConnections List<Pulumi.GoogleNative.Redis.V1Beta1.Outputs.PscConnectionResponse>
    PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster.
    ReplicaCount int
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    ShardCount int
    Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    SizeGb int
    Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    State string
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    StateInfo Pulumi.GoogleNative.Redis.V1Beta1.Outputs.StateInfoResponse
    Additional information about the current state of the cluster.
    TransitEncryptionMode string
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster.
    Uid string
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    AuthorizationMode string
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster.
    CreateTime string
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request.
    DiscoveryEndpoints []DiscoveryEndpointResponse
    Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one discovery endpoint is supported.
    Name string
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}
    PscConfigs []PscConfigResponse
    Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where IPs will be designated to the cluster for client access through Private Service Connect Automation. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported.
    PscConnections []PscConnectionResponse
    PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster.
    ReplicaCount int
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    ShardCount int
    Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    SizeGb int
    Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    State string
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    StateInfo StateInfoResponse
    Additional information about the current state of the cluster.
    TransitEncryptionMode string
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster.
    Uid string
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    authorizationMode String
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster.
    createTime String
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request.
    discoveryEndpoints List<DiscoveryEndpointResponse>
    Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one discovery endpoint is supported.
    name String
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}
    pscConfigs List<PscConfigResponse>
    Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where IPs will be designated to the cluster for client access through Private Service Connect Automation. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported.
    pscConnections List<PscConnectionResponse>
    PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster.
    replicaCount Integer
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    shardCount Integer
    Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    sizeGb Integer
    Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    state String
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    stateInfo StateInfoResponse
    Additional information about the current state of the cluster.
    transitEncryptionMode String
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster.
    uid String
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    authorizationMode string
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster.
    createTime string
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request.
    discoveryEndpoints DiscoveryEndpointResponse[]
    Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one discovery endpoint is supported.
    name string
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}
    pscConfigs PscConfigResponse[]
    Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where IPs will be designated to the cluster for client access through Private Service Connect Automation. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported.
    pscConnections PscConnectionResponse[]
    PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster.
    replicaCount number
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    shardCount number
    Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    sizeGb number
    Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    state string
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    stateInfo StateInfoResponse
    Additional information about the current state of the cluster.
    transitEncryptionMode string
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster.
    uid string
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    authorization_mode str
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster.
    create_time str
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request.
    discovery_endpoints Sequence[DiscoveryEndpointResponse]
    Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one discovery endpoint is supported.
    name str
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}
    psc_configs Sequence[PscConfigResponse]
    Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where IPs will be designated to the cluster for client access through Private Service Connect Automation. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported.
    psc_connections Sequence[PscConnectionResponse]
    PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster.
    replica_count int
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    shard_count int
    Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    size_gb int
    Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    state str
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    state_info StateInfoResponse
    Additional information about the current state of the cluster.
    transit_encryption_mode str
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster.
    uid str
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    authorizationMode String
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster.
    createTime String
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request.
    discoveryEndpoints List<Property Map>
    Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one discovery endpoint is supported.
    name String
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}
    pscConfigs List<Property Map>
    Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where IPs will be designated to the cluster for client access through Private Service Connect Automation. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported.
    pscConnections List<Property Map>
    PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster.
    replicaCount Number
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    shardCount Number
    Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    sizeGb Number
    Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    state String
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    stateInfo Property Map
    Additional information about the current state of the cluster.
    transitEncryptionMode String
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster.
    uid String
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.

    Supporting Types


    Address string
    Address of the exposed Redis endpoint used by clients to connect to the service. The address could be either IP or hostname.
    Port int
    The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    PscConfig Pulumi.GoogleNative.Redis.V1Beta1.Inputs.PscConfigResponse
    Customer configuration for where the endpoint is created and accessed from.
    Address string
    Address of the exposed Redis endpoint used by clients to connect to the service. The address could be either IP or hostname.
    Port int
    The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    PscConfig PscConfigResponse
    Customer configuration for where the endpoint is created and accessed from.
    address String
    Address of the exposed Redis endpoint used by clients to connect to the service. The address could be either IP or hostname.
    port Integer
    The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    pscConfig PscConfigResponse
    Customer configuration for where the endpoint is created and accessed from.
    address string
    Address of the exposed Redis endpoint used by clients to connect to the service. The address could be either IP or hostname.
    port number
    The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    pscConfig PscConfigResponse
    Customer configuration for where the endpoint is created and accessed from.
    address str
    Address of the exposed Redis endpoint used by clients to connect to the service. The address could be either IP or hostname.
    port int
    The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    psc_config PscConfigResponse
    Customer configuration for where the endpoint is created and accessed from.
    address String
    Address of the exposed Redis endpoint used by clients to connect to the service. The address could be either IP or hostname.
    port Number
    The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    pscConfig Property Map
    Customer configuration for where the endpoint is created and accessed from.


    Network string
    The network where the IP address of the discovery endpoint will be reserved, in the form of projects/{network_project}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    Network string
    The network where the IP address of the discovery endpoint will be reserved, in the form of projects/{network_project}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    network String
    The network where the IP address of the discovery endpoint will be reserved, in the form of projects/{network_project}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    network string
    The network where the IP address of the discovery endpoint will be reserved, in the form of projects/{network_project}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    network str
    The network where the IP address of the discovery endpoint will be reserved, in the form of projects/{network_project}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    network String
    The network where the IP address of the discovery endpoint will be reserved, in the form of projects/{network_project}/global/networks/{network_id}.


    Address string
    The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    ForwardingRule string
    The URI of the consumer side forwarding rule. Example: projects/{projectNumOrId}/regions/us-east1/forwardingRules/{resourceId}.
    Network string
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{project_id}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    Project string
    The consumer project_id where the forwarding rule is created from.
    PscConnectionId string
    The PSC connection id of the forwarding rule connected to the service attachment.
    Address string
    The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    ForwardingRule string
    The URI of the consumer side forwarding rule. Example: projects/{projectNumOrId}/regions/us-east1/forwardingRules/{resourceId}.
    Network string
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{project_id}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    Project string
    The consumer project_id where the forwarding rule is created from.
    PscConnectionId string
    The PSC connection id of the forwarding rule connected to the service attachment.
    address String
    The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    forwardingRule String
    The URI of the consumer side forwarding rule. Example: projects/{projectNumOrId}/regions/us-east1/forwardingRules/{resourceId}.
    network String
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{project_id}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    project String
    The consumer project_id where the forwarding rule is created from.
    pscConnectionId String
    The PSC connection id of the forwarding rule connected to the service attachment.
    address string
    The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    forwardingRule string
    The URI of the consumer side forwarding rule. Example: projects/{projectNumOrId}/regions/us-east1/forwardingRules/{resourceId}.
    network string
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{project_id}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    project string
    The consumer project_id where the forwarding rule is created from.
    pscConnectionId string
    The PSC connection id of the forwarding rule connected to the service attachment.
    address str
    The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    forwarding_rule str
    The URI of the consumer side forwarding rule. Example: projects/{projectNumOrId}/regions/us-east1/forwardingRules/{resourceId}.
    network str
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{project_id}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    project str
    The consumer project_id where the forwarding rule is created from.
    psc_connection_id str
    The PSC connection id of the forwarding rule connected to the service attachment.
    address String
    The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    forwardingRule String
    The URI of the consumer side forwarding rule. Example: projects/{projectNumOrId}/regions/us-east1/forwardingRules/{resourceId}.
    network String
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{project_id}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    project String
    The consumer project_id where the forwarding rule is created from.
    pscConnectionId String
    The PSC connection id of the forwarding rule connected to the service attachment.


    UpdateInfo Pulumi.GoogleNative.Redis.V1Beta1.Inputs.UpdateInfoResponse
    Describes ongoing update on the cluster when cluster state is UPDATING.
    UpdateInfo UpdateInfoResponse
    Describes ongoing update on the cluster when cluster state is UPDATING.
    updateInfo UpdateInfoResponse
    Describes ongoing update on the cluster when cluster state is UPDATING.
    updateInfo UpdateInfoResponse
    Describes ongoing update on the cluster when cluster state is UPDATING.
    update_info UpdateInfoResponse
    Describes ongoing update on the cluster when cluster state is UPDATING.
    updateInfo Property Map
    Describes ongoing update on the cluster when cluster state is UPDATING.


    TargetReplicaCount int
    Target number of replica nodes per shard.
    TargetShardCount int
    Target number of shards for redis cluster
    TargetReplicaCount int
    Target number of replica nodes per shard.
    TargetShardCount int
    Target number of shards for redis cluster
    targetReplicaCount Integer
    Target number of replica nodes per shard.
    targetShardCount Integer
    Target number of shards for redis cluster
    targetReplicaCount number
    Target number of replica nodes per shard.
    targetShardCount number
    Target number of shards for redis cluster
    target_replica_count int
    Target number of replica nodes per shard.
    target_shard_count int
    Target number of shards for redis cluster
    targetReplicaCount Number
    Target number of replica nodes per shard.
    targetShardCount Number
    Target number of shards for redis cluster

    Package Details

    Google Cloud Native pulumi/pulumi-google-native
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    Google Cloud Native is in preview. Google Cloud Classic is fully supported.

    Google Cloud Native v0.32.0 published on Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023 by Pulumi