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  4. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) - Hello World!
Kubernetes v4.18.1 published on Friday, Sep 13, 2024 by Pulumi

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) - Hello World!

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Kubernetes v4.18.1 published on Friday, Sep 13, 2024 by Pulumi

    In this tutorial, you’ll use Python to deploy an instance of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). You can find a similar example in the examples repo.


    1. Install Pulumi
    2. Configure Azure credentials

    Create a new AKS cluster

    1. In a new folder aks-hello-world, create an empty project with pulumi new.

      This will create a basic Pulumi program in Python and is great recommendation to begin your journey.

      $ mkdir aks-hello-world && cd aks-hello-world
      $ pulumi new azure-python
      • Enter in a Pulumi project name and description.
      • Enter in a name for the Pulumi stack, which is an instance of our Pulumi program, and is used to distinguish amongst different development phases and environments of your work streams.
      • Enter in the Azure environment to use.
      • Follow the instructions presented to change directories to the newly created Pulumi project and install the dependencies.
    2. In the root of your aks-hello-world project, add the following dependencies to requirements.txt:

    3. Because pulumi new created a virtual environment to run your Pulumi program in, you must install these additional dependencies within that environment.

      $ venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
    4. Configure the Pulumi settings for the project:

      pulumi config set aks-hello-world:prefix <YOUR_prefix>
      pulumi config set --secret aks-hello-world:password <YOUR_NEW_CLUSTER_PRINCIPAL_PASSWORD>
      cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | pulumi config set aks-hello-world:sshkey
      pulumi config set aks-hello-world:location <YOUR_AZURE_LOCATION>
    5. Open the existing file __main__.py, and replace the contents with the following:

      The __main__.py occupies the role as the main entrypoint in our Pulumi program. In it, you are going to declare:

      • The resources you want in Azure to provision the AKS cluster based on our cluster configuration settings,
      • The kubeconfig file to access the cluster, and
      • The initialization of a Pulumi Kubernetes provider with the kubeconfig, so that you can deploy Kubernetes resources to the cluster once its ready in the next steps.
      import base64
      import pulumi
      from pulumi import ResourceOptions
      from pulumi_azure_native import resources, containerservice, network, authorization
      import pulumi_azuread as azuread
      from pulumi_kubernetes import Provider
      from pulumi_kubernetes.apps.v1 import Deployment
      from pulumi_kubernetes.core.v1 import Service, Namespace
      config = pulumi.Config("aks-hello-world")
      prefix = config.require("prefix")
      password = config.require("password")
      ssh_public_key = config.require("sshkey")
      location = config.get("location") or "east us"
      subscription_id = authorization.get_client_config().subscription_id
      # Create Azure AD Application for AKS
      app = azuread.Application(
      # Create service principal for the application so AKS can act on behalf of the application
      sp = azuread.ServicePrincipal(
      # Create the service principal password
      sppwd = azuread.ServicePrincipalPassword(
      rg = resources.ResourceGroup(
      vnet = network.VirtualNetwork(
              "address_prefixes": [""],
      subnet = network.Subnet(
      subnet_assignment = authorization.RoleAssignment(
          role_definition_id=f"/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/4d97b98b-1d4f-4787-a291-c67834d212e7", # ID for Network Contributor role
      aks = containerservice.ManagedCluster(
              "name": "type1",
              "mode": "System",
              "count": 2,
              "vm_size": "Standard_B2ms",
              "os_type": containerservice.OSType.LINUX,
              "max_pods": 110,
              "vnet_subnet_id": subnet.id
              "admin_username": "azureuser",
              "ssh": {
                  "public_keys": [{
                      "key_data": ssh_public_key
              "client_id": app.application_id,
              "secret": sppwd.value
              "network_plugin": "azure",
              "service_cidr": "",
              "dns_service_ip": "",
              "docker_bridge_cidr": ""
          }, opts=ResourceOptions(depends_on=[subnet_assignment])
      kube_creds = pulumi.Output.all(rg.name, aks.name).apply(
          lambda args:
      kube_config = kube_creds.kubeconfigs[0].value.apply(
          lambda enc: base64.b64decode(enc).decode())
      custom_provider = Provider(
          "inflation_provider", kubeconfig=kube_config
      pulumi.export("kubeconfig", kube_config)

      This example uses the @pulumi_azure_native package to create and manage several Azure resources including a ManagedCluster resource, which defines your Kubernetes cluster, and a VirtualNetwork resource that contains AKS worker nodes.

      In addition, this example uses implicit and explicit dependencies. For example, resource outputs can be used as inputs to imply dependency between resources, but resources like the subnet RoleAssignment are explicitly declared as dependencies using ResourceOptions and passed to the resource as additional arguments.

    6. To preview and deploy changes, run pulumi up and select “yes.”

      The up sub-command shows a preview of the resources that will be created and prompts on whether to proceed with the deployment. Note that the stack itself is counted as a resource, though it does not correspond to a physical cloud resource.

      You can also run pulumi up --diff to see and inspect the diffs of the overall changes expected to take place.

      Running pulumi up will deploy the AKS cluster. Note, provisioning a new AKS cluster can take several minutes.

      $ pulumi up
      Previewing update (dev):
          Type                                             Name                 Plan
      +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                              aks-hello-world-dev  create
      +   ├─ azuread:index:Application                     my-aks-app           create
      +   ├─ azuread:index:ServicePrincipal                aks-sp               create
      +   ├─ azure-native:resources:ResourceGroup          my-rg                create
      +   ├─ azuread:index:ServicePrincipalPassword        aks-sp-pwd           create
      +   ├─ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork           my-vnet              create
      +   ├─ azure-native:network:Subnet                   my-subnet            create
      +   ├─ azure-native:authorization:RoleAssignment     subnet-permissions   create
      +   ├─ azure-native:containerservice:ManagedCluster  my-aks               create
      +   └─ pulumi:providers:kubernetes                   inflation_provider   create
          + 10 to create
    Due to an issue in the Azure AD Terraform Provider, the creation of an Azure Service Principal, which is needed to create the Kubernetes cluster (see main.py), is delayed and may not be available when the cluster is created. Because of this delay, if you get a Service Principal not found error, run pulumi up again and it should successfully complete.

    Access the Kubernetes Cluster using Pulumi Providers

    Now that you have an instance of Kubernetes running, you may want to create API resources in Kubernetes to manage your workloads through Pulumi.

    You can do this by configuring a Pulumi provider for your newly created cluster and instantiating a new Kubernetes resource object in your Pulumi program. The concept of a provider allows us to abstract away Kubernetes clusters in Pulumi that are independent of their underyling cloud provider, so that you can operate on and work with your Kubernetes clusters in a standard manner.

    1. Create new Kubernetes Namespace, Deployment, and Service resources. This declares a new Kubernetes Namespace, Deployment, and Service to be created using the Pulumi Kubernetes provider.

      Open the existing file __main__.py, and append the following:

      # Create a Kubernetes Namespace
      namespace = Namespace(f"{prefix}-k8s-namespace",
      # Create a NGINX Deployment
      appLabels = { "appClass": f"{prefix}" }
      deployment = Deployment(f"{prefix}-k8s-deployment",
              "labels": appLabels,
              "namespace": namespace.id
              "selector": {
                  "match_labels": appLabels
              "replicas": 1,
              "template": {
                  "metadata": {
                      "labels": appLabels
                  "spec": {
                      "containers": [
                              "name": f"{prefix}-nginx",
                              "image": "nginx",
                              "ports": [
                                      "name": "http",
                                      "containerPort": 80
      # Create nginx service
      service = Service(f"{prefix}-nginx-service",
              "labels": appLabels,
              "namespace": namespace.id
              "ports": [
                      "name": "http",
                      "port": 80
              "selector": appLabels,
              "type": "LoadBalancer",
      pulumi.export('namespace_name', namespace.metadata.apply(lambda m: m.name))
      pulumi.export('deployment_name', deployment.metadata.apply(lambda m: m.name))
      pulumi.export('service_name', service.metadata.apply(lambda m: m.name))
      pulumi.export('service_public_endpoint', service.status.apply(lambda status: status.load_balancer.ingress[0].ip))
    2. Run pulumi up again to deploy your new changes.

      $ pulumi up
          Type                              Name                 Plan
          pulumi:pulumi:Stack               aks-hello-world-dev
      +   ├─ kubernetes:core/v1:Namespace   my-k8s-namespace     create
      +   ├─ kubernetes:core/v1:Service     my-nginx-service     create
      +   └─ kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment  my-k8s-deployment    create
      + deployment_name        : "my-k8s-deployment-am0dnxwn"
      + namespace_name         : "my-k8s-namespace-aocurn1w"
      + service_name           : "my-nginx-service-sc1wmx95"
      + service_public_endpoint: output<string>
          + 3 to create
          10 unchanged
    3. After the changes have been successfully deployed, access the NGINX welcome page using the IP address from the service_public_endpoint stack output.

      $ curl $(pulumi stack output service_public_endpoint)
    Until the LoadBalancer is active, it may take a few minutes before you can retrieve the welcome page.

    (Optional) Access the Kubernetes Cluster using kubectl

    To access your new Kubernetes cluster using kubectl, you need to setup the kubeconfig file. To do this, you can leverage the Pulumi stack output in the CLI, as Pulumi faciliates exporting these objects for you.

    $ pulumi stack output kubeconfig > kubeconfig
    $ export KUBECONFIG=`pwd`/kubeconfig

    If you do not have kubectl installed, download a version of kubectl that matches the version you specified previously in ManagedCluster.

    $ export KUBERNETES_VERSION=1.18.14 && sudo curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/kubectl "https://dl.k8s.io/release/v${KUBERNETES_VERSION}/bin/darwin/amd64/kubectl" && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl

    Verify that you successfully installed kubectl and use it to query your cluster for basic information.

    $ kubectl version
    $ kubectl cluster-info
    $ kubectl get nodes

    Once you have kubectl installed and configured, use the stack output to query the cluster for your newly created deployment:

    $ kubectl get deployment $(pulumi stack output deployment_name) --namespace=$(pulumi stack output namespace_name)
    $ kubectl get service $(pulumi stack output service_name) --namespace=$(pulumi stack output namespace_name)

    You can also create another NGINX Deployment into your namespace using kubectl natively:

    $ kubectl create deployment my-nginx --image=nginx --namespace=$(pulumi stack output namespace_name)
    $ kubectl get pods --namespace=$(pulumi stack output namespace_name)
    $ kubectl delete deployment my-nginx --namespace=$(pulumi stack output namespace_name)

    When using kubectl directly to create additional deployments, Pulumi will not be aware of them to manage their state, but this simply demonstrates that all the kubectl commands you’re used to will work.

    Clean up

    Before moving on, tear down the resources that are part of your stack.

    1. Run pulumi destroy to tear down all resources. You’ll be prompted to make sure you really want to delete these resources. This takes some time; Pulumi waits for all the resources to be removed before it considers the destroy operation to be complete.

    2. To delete the stack itself, run pulumi stack rm. Note that this command deletes all deployment history from the Pulumi Cloud.


    In this tutorial, you saw how to use Pulumi programs to create and manage cloud resources in Microsoft Azure, using Python and pypi packages. To preview and update infrastructure, use pulumi up. To clean up resources, run pulumi destroy.

    For a follow-up example on how to use Pulumi programs to create a Kubernetes apps on your new cluster, see Kubernetes Tutorial: Getting Started With Pulumi.

    We also encourage you to watch Joe Beda, co-founder of Kubernetes and Heptio, take Pulumi for a spin in an episode of TGIK8s.

    kubernetes logo
    Kubernetes v4.18.1 published on Friday, Sep 13, 2024 by Pulumi